Does Western Women's Dress Sense Increase The Threat Of Terrorism From Al'Qaeda?

Does Western Women's Dress Sense Increase The Threat Of Terrorism From Al'Qaeda?

  • Yes - The provocative & revealing clothing of western women adds to the justification of terrorism..

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • No - Women should be allowed to walk naked if they want to, without the threat of rape from men.

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
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Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
The second answer was given by a woman who was arguing against the wearing of the burka by women in the UK (The Big Questions, BBC1). Quite incredibly, nobody seemed to object to this statement. What's your opinion?
Which second answer? For that matter, what was the first answer?

As far as the topic title goes the answer is a definitive, but minor 'Yes'. It hardly seems worth discussing, since it is self evident and almost axiomatic.
Which second answer? For that matter, what was the first answer?

As far as the topic title goes the answer is a definitive, but minor 'Yes'. It hardly seems worth discussing, since it is self evident and almost axiomatic.
Extremist muslims appear to be using this argument as a reason for establishing an islamic state based on Sharia law. The UK is firmly established as a Christian state, although you wouldn't guess from watching the attitudes and aspirations of young women. There IS a problem, but it doesn't mean that an extremist muslim state is the answer! This issue has got a lot of press recently, especially since the French are considering that the wearing of the burka be made illegal.
*yawn* maybe religion, ALL religion, should be banned. religion is the cause of 90% of the worlds problems
*yawn* maybe religion, ALL religion, should be banned. religion is the cause of 90% of the worlds problems
All our laws are descended from religion. It's part of our social evolution and shouldn't be dismissed so readily in my opinion. A respect for other peoples world views is always beneficial in my book.
no, all morallity comes from the needs of the pack as the pack evolved. now that we have politics, science and human rights, religion is just as unnessary as the caves it developed in, the roman empire and medievil kings.

its just holding sociaty back
So do you think there is anything wrong in the way western women dress? They are all in competition with each other, so it's not surprising that the lack of modesty in their dress sense is increasingly insidious.
yes there are two things wrong with it

public idencesy laws and sexual repression. the second is STARTING to get better but the repression of religion (specifically the roman catholic church and muslims) is still not gone. when it is finally religated to the distant past the world will be a much better place
So the cause of Terrorism is Women? and the way they dress?

So rape is justified because because of what a women is wearing?

Yes, interesting, very interesting...............and all bullsh!t.
Does any ****er around here actually read other people's posts? Do you want to try answering the rudddy questions? Here, I'll repeat them for you.

Which second answer? For that matter, what was the first answer?

Now was I being rude? Certainly. I do that when I take the trouble to respond to an opening post and the opening poster can't even be bothered a) to write clearly b) clarify when asked to do so.
I can't vote on this, as the options provided are ridiculous and off-topic.

The answer to the poll question is no. America is targeted because we have supported Israel. That's all there is to it. It has nothing to do with our freedoms. It has nothing to do with our lifestyle. It certainly has nothing to do with what an American woman wears outside. Contrary to what someone might believe, not all American women prance around in booty shorts with their tits hanging out.

Once you start asking stupid questions like this, you become part of the problem.
Contrary to what someone might believe, not all American women prance around in booty shorts with their tits hanging out.

Once you start asking stupid questions like this, you become part of the problem.

And even if we did, I doubt anyone cares that much. You have to dig to pull that kind of meaning out of someting.
And even if we did, I doubt anyone cares that much. You have to dig to pull that kind of meaning out of someting.

Exactly. I mean, it might disgust a fundamental Muslim to see 13-year-old girls running around in bikini tops, but that plays no part in their decision-making. They hate us because we helped Jews steal land from Muslims. That's alllllll that matters.

For the record, we could all be dyed-in-the-wool Muslims, and they'd still attack us for supporting Israel.
Does any ****er around here actually read other people's posts? Do you want to try answering the rudddy questions? Here, I'll repeat them for you.

Which second answer? For that matter, what was the first answer?

Now was I being rude? Certainly. I do that when I take the trouble to respond to an opening post and the opening poster can't even be bothered a) to write clearly b) clarify when asked to do so.
Are you bonkers? The first answer means the 'Yes - ..' statement because it is written first and the second answer is the 'No - ..' statement because it is written second.

I've combined two issues in one which is obviously too confusing for most people. The reason that I posted the poll is because of the increasing coverage of the wearing of the burka (full face obscuration) in the UK news. The historic reason for this is modesty and to avert the attention from promiscous men. The current high divorce rate and rise in teenage pregnancies show that there IS a slow moral decline in these issues.
Are you bonkers? The first answer means the 'Yes - ..' statement because it is written first and the second answer is the 'No - ..' statement because it is written second.
No, I am not bonkers. The poll option did not appear when I responded to your op.

The questions are poorly phrased. Obviously women's provocative dress and five thousand other things about western society all provide further justification for Islamic extremists.
Equally this should not in anyway cause us to change our behaviour patterns. As phrased both anwers need to be ticked because of the qualifications.
Are you bonkers? The first answer means the 'Yes - ..' statement because it is written first and the second answer is the 'No - ..' statement because it is written second.

I've combined two issues in one which is obviously too confusing for most people. The reason that I posted the poll is because of the increasing coverage of the wearing of the burka (full face obscuration) in the UK news. The historic reason for this is modesty and to avert the attention from promiscous men. The current high divorce rate and rise in teenage pregnancies show that there IS a slow moral decline in these issues.

You didn't just combine two issues in one. You asked a question, and then made one of the poll options an answer to a different question.

It's like if you had asked "What color is a bannana?" and your options were "Yellow," and "Fashion".
Men! and who controls most big business? And who controls most on the banking insustry? And who controls most of the governments?
I think there was a Pakistani in the documentary on Charlie Wilson's war who made the most apt statement:

"We don't care if your women underdress. Its you who are upset by our women overdressing"
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