Well we agree on that
What happened to all the ENERGY which us Minions (so trusting we are) have been told cannot be created, and important to this situation, cannot be destroyed?
It could dissipate? This could explain why there can be no pure vacuum. There is always something, but may be so dilute it has no longer any dynamical impact. But in a dynamic permittive chaotic condition patterns like toroidal patterns may spontaneously form as per Chaos Theory.
But is there a compelling reason why the Universe should need to persist as the Universe when it has evaporated. It may transform as it did when it was a "compressed singularity" and actually would confirm the proposition that the universe is expanding constantly until there is no longer spacetime, but just a permittive condition as was before the BB.
However, if we want to model an eternal recycling of Universal energy into matter and back into energy we might consider a toroidal shaped universe.
How about this?
Figure 3. An ant travels on a doughnut. From our perspective (left), the ant returns to where it started because the doughnut wraps around on itself. But from the ant’s perspective (right) it seems to walk in a straight path and eventually return to where it started.
What if our universe was like the doughnut, but in three dimensions? So if you start going in a direction, say towards Andromeda, and keep going for as long as possible, billions of light years, you would eventually get back to where you started (ignoring of course that the universe is expanding and thus the distance you would have to travel would increase faster than you could travel it).....more
Afterthought; In a torus shaped Universe all this resolves into a continuous cycle of:
1) a singularity at the center of the torus,
2) the energy jet of unimaginable energetic power,
3) expansion until passing the horizon,
4) contraction toward the torus' center BH,
5) formation of a singularity at the center of the torus
6) energy jet starting the process all over again in a continuous cycle of expansion, contractions, and regeneration, etc, etc.
Has anybody ever written anything about what happens to that pure stream of unimaginable energy spouting continuously from the center of the universe? Does it spread out along the surface of the toroid spacetime and feed the next generation of universe or does it jet into a timeless void and just disappears, or is energy indestructible and continues to feed a recycling toroidal universe?
This model would account for a continual recycling of an expanding and contracting spacetime, yet without need for an original BB, no? Moreover this is a self-contained cycle and allows for many such structures in the universe
A baker's dozen doughnut shaped toroidal spacetime universes in a greater (infinite) permittive condition?