Do we know the exact method of building pyramid of egypt ?

water level to level the site
then ramps and pulleys and oxen
The wheel as an accurate measuring device . This is how Pi is evident in the mathematics of pyramids.

Pi and the Great Pyramid
By Blair Yochim
The value of the mathematical constant pi (represented with the Greek letter π) seems to have been designed into the Great Pyramid to a value of about 3.1419. This value of π was not rediscovered with such accuracy until about 2000 years later. So how did the Egyptians know or use an approximate value of π?! Well, in fact the Egyptians may have incorporated π inadvertently, but not accidentally, into their Great Pyramid with “great” precision without even their awareness of the number! The explanation does not involve numerology or questionable pseudo-scientific Pyramidology but instead involves scientific logic and high school mathematics. Here’s how...
First what is π? A refresher course: The distance through the middle of a circle is called the diameter. The distance or perimeter around a circle is called the circumference. The circumference around the circle is about 3 times longer than the diameter across the circle, no matter what size of circle is being used. This number is called π and is actually 3.14159265... ( considering the length limitations of Vector articles, I’ve chosen not to write the whole thing out) and goes on forever as an irrational transcendental number). This number π is probably one of the simplest to understand mathematical constants, the most used, and probably the most studied.
Since the four sides of the Great Pyramid are so similar in length, researchers first started to wonder how they did that. I think some Japanese researchers were the first to realize the answer a decade ago or so. The only technology that existed at the time that would give the Egyptians the precision they needed to match all the four side lengths was ... wait for it ... a trundle wheel. If π was involved, it insinuated that a wheel, which has π built-in, was somehow involved.
A trundle wheel is just a wheel that is rolled a number of times in order to measure distance. It turns out (pun intended) that a distance is surprisingly very accurately measured with a trundle wheel (small sand or gravel particles are negligible as compared with the size of the curvature of a large trundle wheel when it runs over such obstacles) and it is a technology that is commonly used even today on sports fields and by surveyors. (My classroom has two!)
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The wheel as an accurate measuring device . This is how Pi is evident in the mathematics of pyramids.

Pi and the Great Pyramid
By Blair Yochim .....
Very nice explanation.

To summarise, half the base perimeter of the Great Pyramid of Giza, divided by its height, gives a value very close to π. Cue astonishment and wild "Chariots of the Gods" type speculation.

But actually, the Egyptians probably just used a trundle wheel with a one cubit diameter to measure out the base, counting 280 turns of the wheel from one corner to the opposite corner, and then built it 280 cubits high. And hey presto, π is automatically built into the ratio of the base to the height, without them even being aware of it. :biggrin:
did they construct the central chambers ?

White ants


main stones above each chamber
used as roof stones

too big to move using any modern machinery

how did they move them, & mount them ? (they don't know)

the craftsmanship & engineering detail required to build the Giza pyramids is beyond what current science can reason for their technology level.


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When those pyramids were built, those areas were full of grass and have zones with trees.

The physical capabilities of those people were also different than today's and their technology was advanced enough with excellent understanding to play with stone as the prime material.

If we were to keep building with stones as our common way of making buildings, our structures should imitate the ancient ones using primitive tools as well.

Another factor is the will to do what is the purpose of the construction.

In the 70s, an earthquake craked the walls of a church in a city in South America. In order to make the repairs, the statue of a Virgin Mary was to be moved down from the top of the temple. The statue was very heavy and was a one piece art work. After the repairs were made, the builders tried to put the statue of the Virgin back to the top, but they found out such was a very complicated task.

Several attempts were made, using even the help of a helicopter. All trials failed.

The people started asking how that statue was put in the top 500 years ago when wasn't available the modern technology.

The answer was given later by someone in a news paper, saying that those men from 500 years ago had faith.

There you go.
In the 70s, an earthquake craked the walls of a church in a city in South America. In order to make the repairs, the statue of a Virgin Mary was to be moved down from the top of the temple. The statue was very heavy and was a one piece art work. After the repairs were made, the builders tried to put the statue of the Virgin back to the top, but they found out such was a very complicated task.

Several attempts were made, using even the help of a helicopter. All trials failed.

The people started asking how that statue was put in the top 500 years ago when wasn't available the modern technology.

The answer was given later by someone in a news paper, saying that those men from 500 years ago had faith.

There you go.
Made up crap.
Made up crap.

the catholic belief-ers love that kinda stuff
same with the evangelical Christians
they pass it around inside their church communities as science fact
when its not & has no proof
but they define it as a culture concept as requiring belief to validate their adherence to a inner group of specific leader

like those healing ministry events
where they get people to pretend they are seriously disabled & then act cured

i was close friends with a group of christian youth who would often pretend to be crippled then healed in such evens just for fun & popularity & to score girls
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the catholic belief-ers love that kinda stuff
same with the evangelical Christians
they pass it around inside their church communities as science fact
when its not & has no proof
but they define it as a culture concept as requiring belief to validate their adherence to a inner group of specific leader

like those healing ministry events
where they get people to pretend they are seriously disabled & then act cured

i was close friends with a group of christian youth who would often pretend to be crippled then healed in such evens just for fun & popularity & to score girls

Lets say you are right with the Catholic stuff, lets validate your point.

However, the example given by me was just an analogy pointing faith as one of the factors for ancient people to built those pyramids.

Egyptians weren't Catholics, you know.

Lets go further. Lets say they also prayed for the sick and make sacrificies to please their god(s), that shows you they were people of faith.

In order to find out answers for the question given in this topic, you must erase the XXI century mentality, and think the way they did.
In order to find out answers for the question given in this topic, you must erase the XXI century mentality, and think the way they did.
We know the way people thought then. It was simple and wrong. Just as theism today is simple and wrong.
Nothing has changed in that respect.

Mind, I am not saying theism is trivial, It is as important to millions of people today as it was then.
But it is still factually wrong.

In thousands of years theism has not provided a shred of evidence of a supernatural but motivated creator agent, with human emotions.

The very assumption of "irreducible complexity" on which the concept of creationism rests has been debunked.
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We know the way people thought then. It was simple and wrong. Just as theism today is simple and wrong.
Nothing has changed in that respect.

Mind, I am not saying theism is trivial, It is as important to millions of people today as it was then.
But it is still factually wrong.

In thousands of years theism has not provided a shred of evidence of a supernatural but motivated creator agent, with human emotions.

The very assumption of "irreducible complexity" on which the concept of creationism rests has been debunked.

Who knows. With primitive tools they made immense and wonderful works all around the world having faith.

Why not trying with atheists with primitive tools do the same?
Who knows. With primitive tools they made immense and wonderful works all around the world having faith.

Why not trying with atheists with primitive tools do the same?
Simple tools have nothing to do with religion or having faith.

Most great works of civilizations were made on the backs of slaves. Nothing sophisticated about that.