Discussion: Alien Abductions are Happening

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Maybe, but they made it all up pretty much. His real story(Travis Walton), was not quite so scary.

the account you linked me to matches the movie very well. There is no metal thing lowered into his eye. Most of the rest of it fits.

and by the way. If even just that first portion of the experience happened to me - either in the role of Travis or one of the guys in the truck - I would probably shit in my pants. Then being in a room with what seem to be intelligent creatures who are not human....? Come on.
One person mentioned the below item, I reply here as well for you all to see.

Oh yes, I am aware of this poll. I'm also aware that the people had to answer just more than 1 of those questions in a positive manner. Now normally you'd expect them to answer yes to a few, but 5? This is why they took it as a significance they may have undergone abductions. I can go on but I will review the debate thread so far and possibly comment there.

synthesizer-patel said:
Hi - I don't get on here much at the moment but I did spot your debate with JR on alien abduction - here's an exerpt from a book I read recently "The Science of the Discworld" by Terry Pratchet, Ian Stewart, and Jack Cohen.

Ufologists allege that one american in twenty now claims to have undergone such an experience, (but they would, wouldn't they?). If true this figure would be a remarkable and not very happy comment either on the critical faculties of that great nation, or on the habits of an unknown spacefaring species.

As it happens, the figure is bogus. It originates from a 1994 Roper poll, which revealed that 1 american in 50 had undergone such an experience. But, and Joel Best pointed out in his book "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" in 2001, the number of people who actuially claimed to have been abducted by aliens was actually zero. The pollsters, worried that a direct question about aliens would put people off, used 5 'symptoms' of abduction instead. Anyone who scored suffciently highly on those symptons was deemed by the pollsters to have undrgone an abduction experience.
The questions were things like "Have you ever woken up paralysed with the sense of some strange presence in the room?". This sensation is typical of sleep paralysis, the most obvious and rational explanation of abduction experiences. So really the Roper poll was a survey about sleep paralysis. Only the researchers thought it had anything to do with alien abduction. The subjects had more sense.
What has to be understood here is simple. Abductions are clandestine attempts to cover-up while initiating contact with our species, therefore one would expect there to be a lack of credible reports. But even so read my debate and if you have some logic you'll see the arguments are reasonable in a sci-fish way.
the account you linked me to matches the movie very well. There is no metal thing lowered into his eye. Most of the rest of it fits.

and by the way. If even just that first portion of the experience happened to me - either in the role of Travis or one of the guys in the truck - I would probably shit in my pants. Then being in a room with what seem to be intelligent creatures who are not human....? Come on.

Ya I think, most people would shit their pants.

Why I would personally doubt Travis' story (me being more of a "Believer", open minded about it at least), is he seems to mix two parts of the modern alien mythology. The Nordic Pleiadians and the Zeta-Reticuli Grey's in his story. From the testimonies and information I have perused on this, these two (separate "Species") do not cooperate and have different philosophy's regarding interacting with humanity. I'm not a ufologist, but a casual interest, so I might be wrong about that.
Has anyone seen a real scientific analysis of a UFO abduction (or even a UFO for that matter) in a reputable scientific journal?
Carl Sagan's book "The demon haunted world, science as a candle in the dark" helps clarify matters on UFO abductions. ;)
Carl Sagan analyzed a phenomenon without even talking directly to the people who had the experiences. Unlike a good scientist he decided that sitting at home playing with syllogisms was a good way to investigate something.
Carl Sagan analyzed a phenomenon without even talking directly to the people who had the experiences. Unlike a good scientist he decided that sitting at home playing with syllogisms was a good way to investigate something.

he aint too bad
"At the time of writing there are three claims in the ESP field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study: (1) that by thought alone humans can (barely) affect random number generators in computers; (2) that people under minor sensory deprivation can receive thoughts or images "projected" at them; and (3) that young children sometimes report the details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation. I pick these claims not because I think they are likely to be valid (I don't), but as examples of contentions that might be true. The last three have at least some, although still dubious, experimental support." (Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark)​
as a reincarnated telepath, i am glad sagan supports me
as a reincarnated telepath, i am glad sagan supports me
And since you speak of him in the present tense, you, as a telepath can sense the toddler in his or her new life, continuing to 'broadcast' his support.

But nice to know CS had an open mind if not an open experiencer
about some things.
Pay particular attention to the 3rd in the series, he mentions he was brought before a being that was so terrifying he felt like dust. He then goes on to say he thought it was something people weren't supposed to see + that is resembled a preying mantis / grasshopper. This is exactly what the real aliens look like, they merely created the Greys through their first attempts at blending our species together.
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Wow that video with the kids is awesome.

I like the point they make that Africa has limited exposure to media, and thus UFOs. So you cant really blame it on that.
could alien abductions REALLY be happening, couldnt at least some of the hundreds of people that claim to be abducted be taking to many drugs?

also where is the proof, why do we have to take they're word and not have the proove it al?

hahaha this is a fun subject.

What if aliens only visit people who do drugs because they know their credibility has been destroyed by the illegal chemicals? :p
However, what the little girl said I found most interesting, she thinks they were warning us not to become too advanced in technology...

Technology often does create problems.
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