Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

You’re never t addressing he question

Of course, I addressed the question: "Does one really need to verify, or give evidence"

...has been existing.

Everything has always been existing? You mean, like, it never had a beginning? Explain how that could be and I'll consider an answer if your explanation is compelling?
My assertion doesn’t need my verification.

That's probably the reason why, in your closed mind, that you think you can say anything at all, not matter how absurd, inconsistent, ridiculous, far fetched and blatantly silly, yet still expect others to accept it as fact.
That's probably the reason why, in your closed mind, that you think you can say anything at all, not matter how absurd, inconsistent, ridiculous, far fetched and blatantly silly, yet still expect others to accept it as fact.
Why don’t you state why you are in discussing disagreement?
You keep repeating that. Who are you trying to convince?
Just a couple of fanatical creationists mounted on their white chargers, and attempting to trample us evil Atheists :p

I don't need any convincing. The facts are that god is simply a supernatural mythical explanation to explain the wonders of the universe around us, oft used by brainwashed individuals that remain as gullible as a child.:p
God is the transcendental origin of everything.
Big claim no evidence thanks for sharing your opinion but we all know the universe is eternal and there is no origin for it and that is not a claim but a fact as evidenced by the world around you and the stars above.
My assertion doesn’t need my verification.
Verification is need to support the idea of no God.
And the obtuse dishonesty carries over again to this thread!!!
You're really funny Jan...funny peculiar, not funny haha
Verification is actually needed to verify your myth and existence of really know that, don't you? Plus of course science has shown that the need for any deity is superfluous at best.
Just a couple of fanatical creationists mounted on their white chargers, and attempting to trample us evil Atheists :p

I don't need any convincing. The facts are that god is simply a supernatural mythical explanation to explain the wonders of the universe around us, oft used by brainwashed individuals that remain as gullible as a child.:p
When I lived in a happy family unit my partner and I never mentioned god or religion to our daughter and fortunately religion was never mentioned at her school. One day when she was six years old we all were watching tv together and something came on re religion, she watched it for a while and then announced " what a load of rubbish that doesn't make sense" and started channel surfing. My partner and I just looked at each other and smiled and didn't say a thing. Now there you have it a six and a half year old child un indoctrinated is less gullible than our brainwashed mates here who make claims day in day out with no back up.
And the obtuse dishonesty carries over again to this thread!!!
You're really funny Jan...funny peculiar, not funny haha
Verification is actually needed to verify your myth and existence of really know that, don't you? Plus of course science has shown that the need for any deity is superfluous at best.

Jan does not believe there is a god and you can tell by his actions.

Lieing and dishonesty is a sin according to any of the many many cults who claim they are christians...damn spell checker tried to give them a capital C so I corrected that mistake...further they all tell you that the wages of sin is death and torment for eternity in hell...clearly Jan does not practice what he preaches...what do you call that there must be a word?

He is a damn ?????
It's on the tip of my knowt word to describe rotters that say one thing in a righteous tone and do the opposite...folk who say don't lie but you find lieing for them is a habit...

Now if he believed there was a god and an after life I ask you would he be so carefree lieing so often...clearly he does not care about sinning on a daily basis..he is a damn ?????
Hypocrite is just one "quality" of the many questionable qualities that apply.
That's it...thanks.
Yes.. hypocrite... rhymes with... full of shit ...conveniently.

I just don't get the lying. Firstly that it comes so easy and second that it will go un noticed...I would like to say it's child like but that's insulting to a is however cult like...sad I find..look at Jan clearly intelligent but broken and the damage seems beyond repair.
What is unreasonable, irrational, or illogical, about my point?

Sorry Jan, but I have great difficulty in finding anything reasonable, rational or logical about most of your points. Tell you what, when I do see something along those lines, I'll be sure to point it out.
God is the transcendental origin of everything.

Sorry, I meant to say “How can the origin of everything not exist?”

So, you're asking how God can not exist? It's like cooking with a recipe. Add several dollops of logic, two cups of reason, several tablespoons of rationale and bake in the mind for as long as it takes. Season with critical thinking and serve with sides of facts and evidence. Yum.
damn spell checker tried to give them a capital C so I corrected that mistake
Just a quick aside. I do all my stuff here on a mobile phone. The typing feature gives 3 suggestions

If you know you will almost always reject the suggestion you can long press the suggestion

This, on my system, brings a shadow bin. Slide the suggested word into the bin

It doesn't stop you deliberately using the word, it only removes it as a suggestion


This has been a unpaid unsolicited announcement

We now return you to your normal program

So, you're asking how God can not exist? It's like cooking with a recipe. Add several dollops of logic, two cups of reason, several tablespoons of rationale and bake in the mind for as long as it takes. Season with critical thinking and serve with sides of facts and evidence. Yum.
Ok. Let’s dispense with the word “God”.
How can the origin of everything not exist?