Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

You my poor soul are lost
Yes clearly I landed on the wrong planet the travel brochure said tours to see inteligent life yet here I am.
The good news it is clear so later I plan to look at the Milky Way thru my bible.

I feel bad not throwing in a definition.
Let me try.

Modern Gods are invented by humans as the mythical masters of men with various powers beyond those of humans that has them feared but not hated nor loved. Prior to these mythical inventions cosmic objects were treated as if they were gods..Sun Moon and the various planets were called gods.
They are many in number and it seems every culture has at least a couple of gods. They seem to be good listeners but rarely involve themselves in the affairs of humans.
The interesting thing is a human will select one god out of the long list of gods and declare although all the gods he did not choose it is his god that is real and the rest are mythical.
Now the selection of one god has him feared and loved and called upon to help kill other humans to give a family a Son or make the crops grow..interestingly if any of these things occur they are not seen as a natural event but the direct intervention of the selected god...and if a doctor saves a child the owner of a particular god fails to consider the doctors roll but that their god has singled them out to respond to their pleas.

And? Does that make your love for your family a myth or fairy tale?

It also does not make it real

It remains a emotion, a reaction to electrical and chemical reactions coursing through the body

How about a couple of slices of love (or hate) on the super sensative scales in the lab and a small mico slice on a glass slide to check cellular structure if present?


It also does not make it real

It remains a emotion, a reaction to electrical and chemical reactions coursing through the body
If it's just a chemical reaction then why call it love? Why attach any significance to it? It just means you're programmed to behave in certain ways toward certain people, without there being anything noble, virtuous, or even vaguely endearing about it. And if you believe that that chemical reaction is what people describe as love, what's the difference between that and a similar chemical reaction that predisposes people to belief in God?
If it's just a chemical reaction then why call it love?
Agreed. Do you have another label/tag/name to suggest?

Oh I see since love has certain connotations which have been attached to the word, love has gained the reputation as being those reactions and hence real

So someone equates a totally different chemical reaction (to the word love) their love cannot be "real"

I love the smell of napalm in the morning

Got it

without there being anything noble, virtuous, or even vaguely endearing about it

They are extras, rainbow sprinkles, added

And if you believe that that chemical reaction is what people describe as love, what's the difference between that and a similar chemical reaction that predisposes people to belief in God?

We it's different (you put similar = different) chemical activity (reaction) which predisposes people s belief in god, plus I would add a dose of nurture in any of the reactions

So can it be said love is same as god, non existant, but both can give a warm fuzzy feeling, under certain conditions?

If it's just a chemical reaction then why call it love? Why attach any significance to it? It just means you're programmed to behave in certain ways toward certain people, without there being anything noble, virtuous, or even vaguely endearing about it. And if you believe that that chemical reaction is what people describe as love, what's the difference between that and a similar chemical reaction that predisposes people to belief in God?

That certainly is a very strong argument in favor of God's nonexistence. Well said.
I get the impression you think things tell you a lot more than they actually do.

You mean, like when some people look at the world around them and believe it was created by an invisible super being?
who said God could be verified at all?

Some people will make that claim even though they can't verify God. The problem with what you say is not only is it honest, but it demonstrates that since God is not verifiable, then God is only an assertion.
Good thread though!
Don’t you agree?

Yes, it brings out so many assertions about God that can't be verified. It's like reading the LOTR or the Hobbit to see how many types of Orcs one can conjure.
When the origin can only be asserted, does not follow logic, consistency or reason and can't be verified by any observable evidence.
Does one really need to verify, or give evidence of an origin of everything? Unless one accepts that everything has always been. Do you accept that?
Does one really need to verify, or give evidence of an origin of everything?

Of course not, Jan. One can believe whatever one wants and remain blissfully ignorant of everything.

Unless one accepts that everything has always been. Do you accept that?

Everything has always been what exactly? Are you saying nothing has ever changed?
Of course not, Jan. One can believe whatever one wants and remain blissfully ignorant of everything.
You’re never t addressing he question, and there aren’t enough posts to of mine on this thread, to say you already have.:D

Everything has always been what exactly? Are you saying nothing has ever changed?
...has been existing.