Cool Pics by a Sf member

Kittens? Kittens??:eek:
Do you really think THIS is the place for a link to your cutesy pics of kittens.
I mean just because this thread is about pics that you...
Never mind.
Guys, your opinions please :)

Current layout:


New layout:

Oh...the second one is much better. Much more contrast...and the greens and yellows of the images just pop on the black background. I actually like the font and logo in the header of the first one..the second header, IMHO, needs something to fill the empty space on either side of the your little logo thing...and maybe a different background color that blends more with the greens and yellows of the images, and beige of the text headers.

But what the fuck do I know...I'm just a computer tech. :)
Oh...the second one is much better. Much more contrast...and the greens and yellows of the images just pop on the black background. I actually like the font and logo in the header of the first one..the second header, IMHO, needs something to fill the empty space on either side of the your little logo thing...and maybe a different background color that blends more with the greens and yellows of the images, and beige of the text headers.

But what the fuck do I know...I'm just a computer tech. :)

I agree.. something needs to be done with the header. I was planning on putting a logo in the black space above the menu on the left.
Need to think about that header though..
Thanks :)
Here, a seasonal :D:


Oh how lovely. :)

I love the greens, what insect is this?

Have you considered making a coffee table book with your pictures and publishing it? You could do several on the themes in your blog.
I think the best thing to do is use my sciforum's avatar, and tile it, and use that as your this would obviously increase site traffic by several orders of magnitude. :) j/k

The more I look at it...the more I am amazed by the difference in just switching from a white to black background and removing the grey bars makes. My eye is drawn more toward the images...and hey...the images are what it's all about...right? :) Even though I'm looking at the exact same image in both windows, the one on the black background seems to have more brilliant color.

Just a thought...what about going with a grey header background, to keep all of the color in the images?
I like the white background, the black is hard on the eyes, especially if you try to read

Enmos could you add RSS to your blog so I know when you add new pics? :p
I'd buy that book, SAM.

Wow...the colors in that photo are so brilliant and beautiful, it made me forget I was looking at two bugs fucking.


That reminds me of a joke.

A young native American boy approached his father and asks him: "Father, from where do I get my name?"

The father replied "After your grandfather was born, the first thing his father saw was an eagle flying in the sky...and so he named his son "Soaring Eagle". When I was born, the first thing my father saw was a deer running through the forest, and he gave me the name "Running Deer". Does this answer your question, son?"

The son replied: "Yes, father."

"Good, now go finish your chores, Two Dogs Humping." :)
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I would too. It appears our friend Enmos is an entomological voyeur


Oh look at this pretty baby!!!!


I feel like I want to :bawl: the photographs are so beautiful.
Ahhh!! that's what Enmos needs to add to his website..a slide show with all his bug sex pictures, with 70's porn music playing the the background..complete with "wacka wacka" guitars. :)
Geez! I had the same exact thought! [minus the guitars and wrong year, I thought of 80s] :eek:
I think the best thing to do is use my sciforum's avatar, and tile it, and use that as your this would obviously increase site traffic by several orders of magnitude. :) j/k

The more I look at it...the more I am amazed by the difference in just switching from a white to black background and removing the grey bars makes. My eye is drawn more toward the images...and hey...the images are what it's all about...right? :) Even though I'm looking at the exact same image in both windows, the one on the black background seems to have more brilliant color.

Just a thought...what about going with a grey header background, to keep all of the color in the images?

Gray is a good idea. Thanks :)
I was thinking of putting a silhouette in the header like a tree line or something.

Perhaps a grayish green would look good.