
Human nature? We seem to be drawn to conflict and drama, even though we deny it.

Is it human nature? Is it just good entertainment?
Question is insufficiently well-defined for a meaningful answer.
Responders can speculate about the context in which you're asking the question - but they're just projecting their own biases while you watch.

This question is the verbal equivalent of a practical joker standing on a busy downtown street corner, staring up st the skyscrapers - to see how many passersby he can get to stop and look up.
This question is the verbal equivalent of a practical joker standing on a busy downtown street corner, staring up st the skyscrapers - to see how many passersby he can get to stop and look up.
Conflict occupies so much of life that it is even much of our entertainment, imo.
<-----------not a fan of parthenogenesis
Don't tell that to an aphid.
par·the·no·gen·e·sis, noun
Reproduction from an ovum without fertilization, especially as a normal process in some invertebrates and lower plants.
"cyclic parthenogenesis is well displayed in aphids"
The very first self-driving AI robots were a couple of little wheeled vehicles whose sole task was to drive around in a room until their batteries ran down, and then - this was the advance, the AI contribution - drive themselves over to the charger and plug themselves in.

They were released, they ran around until their batteries wore down, and then they both drove over to the charger - where they collided, and got stuck ramming each other and spinning their wheels.
The very first self-driving AI robots were a couple of little wheeled vehicles whose sole task was to drive around in a room until their batteries ran down, and then - this was the advance, the AI contribution - drive themselves over to the charger and plug themselves in.

They were released, they ran around until their batteries wore down, and then they both drove over to the charger - where they collided, and got stuck ramming each other and spinning their wheels.
They forgot to teach them etiquette and courtesy. Driving defensively.
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I don't believe for a moment that you regard all conflict as mere entertainment. Are you trolling again?
I wonder if Bowser finds not giving direct replies to the heathens questions a form of entertainment.
Something like, destruction of the sites that allow questioning of his god.
I wonder if Bowser finds not giving direct replies to the heathens questions a form of entertainment.
Hmm. I had not thought so cynically. And yet I am having a lot of trouble getting straight answer out of him in the misogyny thread.