Can a hollow planet exist?

Consistent during the years they were observing. Just like a variance in the books of account that can go on for years and years. Then when it finally implode, it is like an Enron anomaly.

They must rename this G from its former name of 'Universal' Gravitational Constant. Drop the name universal, it may be different in other sections of the universe and rename the 'Constant' to something that designates a rule of thumb. Something like a 'gravitational observed value'.

Do you and 'origin' understand the propriety of this?

If Mr. Science borrow from Mr. Mathematics, a tool, say a wrench. Don't use it like a hammer, though it can serve that purpose.

Propriety? You mean appropriateness, perhaps?

Well yes I understand what you are suggesting but no, it is NOT appropriate. Because in science, one always adopts the simplest explanation that accounts for the observations. One does not add extra bits until they are SHOWN to be required, by new data from observation. This has NOT been done for G. So while we can all agree that its universal constancy is purely empirical and could be overthrown, it behaves like a universal constant pro tem. When the astronomers find they need to change or qualify it, believe me they will.

But the opinions of one elderly biologist, apparently based on selecting the findings of poor experiments while ignoring better and later ones, is NOT going to do this. Obviously.
Though I have implicitly answered the above questions, here are my explicit answers:

It can exist but with a central sun at the center of the core. This central sun have to have a repel force to make the shell in equilibrium with the forces coming from the outside. The thickness of the crust will depend on the strength of the material, if the earth elements are vulnerable to tearing, then miles of layers of it will compensate for this vulnerability.

Water: The repel force within the hollow earth will have to be enough to create equilibrium water levels both from the surface and within the hollow earth so that the oceans seeping into the poles will attain their water levels on both sides of the mantle.

Gravity: The spinning of the planet is not the relevant force to keep beings inside the hollow earth walking on the concave topography. It is the central emitter of repel or push force. This force acting on all sides of the concave inside the mantle of the earth makes this central sun suspended at the center. Some of these force emitted flows out towards the upper pole and then it encounters the cosmic forces bending it and making it flow back on the other pole. This flow is in fact a toroidal flow of waves/frequencies.

Flood of Noah quote from Genesis 7:
10 It came about after the seven days, that the water of the flood came upon the earth.
11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.

- when the inner sun was agitated and emitted a stronger push or repel force, the oceans in the hollow earth burst through the poles. The rushing friction melted the snow causing further flooding of the surface lands. The imbalances also collapsed the thicker canopy of moisture surrounding the planet and enormous rains fell for many days. The spacetime curvature thereby was compressed upon the surface of the earth creating a stronger gravity making the earth more reactive to the rays of the sun, further collapsing the ice mountains.

The Grand Canyon and such sculpting of surface features were a result of the giant vortical flow of collapsed ice mountains - something like a moving liquid hurricane of ice, water, mud etc.

Another effect of this cataclysm could have been that bigger animals and beings have to adapt and grow denser but smaller body types. The mammoth animals that could not adapt fast enough have only survived by finding their way inside the ark, the hollow earth. Noah's ark tale could have combined the manmade efforts and natural haven stories into one.

For crying out loud are you serious? Can we move this absurd thread to an appropriate section of the forum? This is really stinking up the science section.
Science Nazism

The moderator of this section appears to be MIA.

The Thread Starter asked a question. Are we not allowed to answer him in a way that differs from what we were schooled? In the first place. his question was outside the official science teachings, so it is understandable the answer may as well. Who are you people? Are you the science police?

Not a planet that is formed a la planetary theory. However, a planet could become hollow through a variety of ways; how that would impact the planet's physical characteristics would be an interesting study.
Not a planet that is formed a la planetary theory. However, a planet could become hollow through a variety of ways; how that would impact the planet's physical characteristics would be an interesting study.

You are a breath of fresh air! Though you have your own stand, you are not attacking me personally. Thanks. I hope my explanations can form part of the study about the matter.
You're welcome. All ideas should be entertained. However, the notion of a hollow planet as suggested by that video is unlikely (the probabilities render it false). A basic course in physics should dispel that.

It's kind of like someone asking if 1 can = 0. By definition, however, the two are distinct. 1 can equal zero (if multiplied by 0, or if subtracted by 1), but to use 1 and 0 interchangeably would be incorrect.

This also applies to a "Hollow Planet" theory. A planet is not likely to be hollow unless something happens to it that would make it hollow. There hasn't been any observation of a planet being formed that is hollow. If there were, I'm sure it'd be on the cover of Science or Nature. No one is worse at keeping a secret than a professional scientist.
You're welcome. All ideas should be entertained. However, the notion of a hollow planet as suggested by that video is unlikely (the probabilities render it false). A basic course in physics should dispel that.

It's kind of like someone asking if 1 can = 0. By definition, however, the two are distinct. 1 can equal zero (if multiplied by 0, or if subtracted by 1), but to use 1 and 0 interchangeably would be incorrect.

This also applies to a "Hollow Planet" theory. A planet is not likely to be hollow unless something happens to it that would make it hollow. There hasn't been any observation of a planet being formed that is hollow. If there were, I'm sure it'd be on the cover of Science or Nature. No one is worse at keeping a secret than a professional scientist.

Here is an alternative info of planetary formation from some CA issues. I know all humanity could not have witnessed our planetary formation, so alternative views may not be discarded. We are all guessing how it must have been.

2002-8 How the HOLLOW EARTH Was Created
page 10) even though you have been taught that the earth has a molten core, with a cool surface, that it is possible to logically conceive of an earth that as a spinning ball of molten lava, began to cool on the outer crust,. and that as it spun in space, because the outer crust was cool, it perhaps stretched to create breaks in the surface which then led to more cooling, and while these breaks in the surface were occurring from the centrifugal force of the spinning earth, in the center of the earth there was an expansion of space of this molten lava, which created a hollow cavern in the center that followed the surface outward as it spun against the outer shell that had cooled, plastering the inner lava up against the outer shell that becomes solid as it cools, thus creating a HOLLOW EARTH over millions or billions of years. This essentially has been the subject of a number of books, and legends and stories down through history, and it is actual. In general, all planets have a hollow core, some having a larger opening and core than others and some planets have subterranean caverns permeating the area beneath the surface. It is not possible for this to be proven at this time, but there has been considerable evidence from entities who have traveled beyond the poles to find themselves entering into a world of green vegetation....


2002-8 Keep Your Mind Open
page 10) what is really necessary is the general understanding and recognition that there are many things on earth that will always remain as a mystery and that entities need to keep their minds open and not assume that just because the government has not told you so, it must be so. Likewise, there are those who think if it isn't in the Bible, it can't be so, or if it IS in the Bible, it has to be so. Entities who look to authority for answers may be fooled by authorities who do not really know or do not care to give proper answers. It doesn't matter whether you can be absolutely certain of all of the things you explore. What matters is that you have information that you can ponder and consider in filling in the blanks of your reality. With this approach you may consider the possibility of a HOLLOW EARTH. you do not have to tell others you believe in a HOLLOW EARTH. You can simply put it in as a possibility in the puzzle that you are exploring in regard to total reality.

2002-8 THE HOLLOW EARTH ( Part 1)
An Unusual Encounter in the Limestone Caverns of Malta) page 2-6 ) the giants mentioned as coming from the word Nefilim, translated in Biblical terminology to the word "giants." The original text referred to Nefilim, and the later texts were translated as "giants". This was not the same species of being as mentioned in the National Geographic report (see question) There are other references to giants in the subterranean levels, even the story The Time machine refers to these types of beings. The subterranean Deros as being remnants of extraterrestrials who came to the earth many thousands of years ago and went into the caves and deteriorated in their general condition. They were related to the Greys, from Orion, as ancestral cousins. They are also related to the Zeta Reticuli who have a relationship with the Orion Greys. The Zeta Reticuli being genetically related. The information in the article as generally accurate; this Awareness gave information on Malta as being a place where there were underground caverns that led to these subterranean levels; this in reference to the Knights of Malta, which were discussed in earlier readings....These caverns are extremely dangerous and entities who enter are not likely to return to the surface.

2004-6 The HOLLOW EARTH is Explained
page 2-20)page 2)- (How the Hole Was Created and Why It Can't Be Seen)Visualize a Fiery Molten Ball A Spinning in a Cold AtmosphereAdmiral Byrd's Discovery and Why it Was Suppressed The Inner Sun Within the Hillow Earthpage 3) Caverns and Hot Lava Lie BetweenIs the Ocean Floor Above The Sky of Inner Earth?Earthquakes on the Surface: Do They Affect Inner Earth?IS Their Sun Also Cool?Do They have Night and Day?How Do the Worlds Connect?page 4)All Planets Have Interplanetary Openingspage 5-8)The HOLLOW EARTH ReadingBoth Advanced and Demented Civilizations Beneath The EarthWhat Are the Chances For an Expedition to middle earth Today?US Government has Mined the Opening to prevent AccessAccess Through Certain Caves and by UFOsTwo Subterranean Levels Exist within Inner Earthpage 9) Violent Entities Retarded in Spiritual Growth Exist in Spaces Between the Surfaces in Hollowed-Out AreasThe Legacy of Richard Shaver: His Stories 70% TrueThe Surface Conspiracy is Linked with the Orion EmpireWhy Is Michael Obsessed with Inner Earth?page 10) Which of the Middle Earth Theories is Most Correct Concerning Shape and Structure?Did Admiral Richard Byrd's Expedition make it to Middle earth and Document the Journey?Much of Ancient Religious Teachings Came from middle Earth: Tibetan Teachings for Examplepage 11)Map of Interior Worldpage 12) Eskimos, Chinese and Gypsies Came from Middle earthPrehistoric Creatures Still Exist Within Middle EarthMiddle earth Entities Live 400 Years or moreAre There More Cover-ups?Adolf Hitler's Connection to Inner EarthEntities from middle Earth have Flying Saucers Not Only Earth is hollow-So is The Moon and Other Planetspage 13) Hitler and Nazis in AntarcticaUFO Contact From the Pleiadespage 14-15) The Subterranean Memopage 16-There is Another Sun and Human Civilization Inside the Earthpage 17-Journey to the Center of the Earth Starts in Provopage 18-Voyage to our HOLLOW EARTHpage 19-20) The HOLLOW EARTH!

There are many info downloadable there that can stimulate deep evaluation. Try some.
A blog named Is that your crank site? Just how crazy does this get?
Errr...did you actually read what you had posted? Biblical monsters coming out from the caves of Malta, a sun inside the earth, and day and night in the interior?

This is where we have to distinguish ideas from informed and uninformed.

By the way, as far as I'm concerned, Frodo lives.
Errr...did you actually read what you had posted? Biblical monsters coming out from the caves of Malta, a sun inside the earth, and day and night in the interior?

This is where we have to distinguish ideas from informed and uninformed.

By the way, as far as I'm concerned, Frodo lives.

Contrary to your beliefs, the science you have been taught with are not all derived from experiments and acute observation. There are many illusions placed therein. Even the official history books are replete with falsified stories.

So you have to place them all side by side, including the testimonies of elders. We humans were not the first sentient beings that arose on the surface of the earth. That is why you always have to exercise your innate discernment. Otherwise, there's nothing to discover and explore. Just let the scientist funded by corporations (also historians, teachers etc) spoon feed you with your answer.

That is what is called being a robotic parrot!
It's a shame the moderator of this thread isn't around.
It's a shame the moderator of this thread isn't around.

The world is full of foolishness. Your foolishness is that you are contained in what your leaders brainwashed you with. Mine is that I venture to search other info from wherever they may come about. But I learned to ask probing questions and you learned just to repeat what your leaders told you.

Look what happened, you are now lead by an illegal citizen, a native of Africa!
This has gotten totally insane.

Seems to me chung should get what he's worked so hard for, don't you think? A little time-out to consider his position on things both scientific and political? And the length should be somewhere between 10 years and infinity. ;)
I would think so too, but the moderator of this section appears to be on vacation. He hasn't been around since May 25th. Until he get's back, it's unlikely anything will be done.
Academia is prone to become a faith based society

A point of view from a guy:

There is need for science to audit their accretions, especially when new paradigm/new sciences finds pieces with good fit to a puzzle that eventually formed part of earlier accretions.

Sample models that may provide new explanations:
- Plasma Physics for formation of planets
- electric universe model: planetary shaping

Science must acknowledge it's historical roots in the occults/esoteric. Many scientists were into hermetic and alchemy sample: Newton.

big questions: