Battlefield 1942: Sciforums Style

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nope, i thought that was abandoned!! :bugeye:

BRUCE: set up a GC2 server, i will meet you in there, but i have not actually played a game yet :bugeye: so this should be intereseting.
oookkk then, i shall d/led it tommororoworwoowow. however you spell that. tis almost as bad is misisisispispist smegggin i.
Well, it took a whole 12 hours (1600 - 0400) but I finally have Ground Control and the sequels mp demo. Anyone who is up for a blast, I will be playing it in a few hours.
I Wanna Play Cs!!!!! :mad:
im going into server and i suggest that you people follow me unless you want ass whoopins
thor, post here when ur on and i will play ya at gc2... :)
have not bothered playing the thing yet since noone to play mit :(
my nick is Logically Unsound
my nick is Logically Unsound
my nick is Logically Unsound

or, if im feeling inconspicuos, it is Rage
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