Discussion: Auschwitz Holocaust Claims Are Unsubstantiated

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It has now been a week since steampunk's last post to sciforums. Let's give him another week. If he hasn't put in an appearance by then, then I think we can safely assume that his Debate proposal was just hot air with no substance.
It has now been a week since steampunk's last post to sciforums. Let's give him another week. If he hasn't put in an appearance by then, then I think we can safely assume that his Debate proposal was just hot air with no substance.
His "proposal" agendum was DOA. The legal/scientific evidentiary materials debunking the Leuchter Report is voluminous.

Irving vs Lipstadt:
Defense Documents | IX The Leuchter Report

The Nizkor Project:
Shofar FTP Archive File: camps/auschwitz//cyanide/cyanide.002

The Polish Institute For Forensic Research:
A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content In The Walls Of The Gas Chambers in the Former Auschwitz and Birkenau Concentration Camps
Moderator note: The Formal Debate that was supposed to be related to this thread never went ahead, due to the absence of the person who proposed the Debate in the first place.

There is no reason to keep this thread open in this subforum.

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