Atheist expects death to be oblivion.


Are you saying you have no feelings?
Don't be silly, this is a serious matter.
A person who is prepared to kill themself due to having no access to strawberry ice cream has quite obviously risen above the standard dualities of hankering and lamentation.
Kind of like saying you have no problem with swimming, only getting wet.
Not very much like, as swimming is no analogy of being dead.
However, immersion is cold water is very unpleasant, whether one subsequently remains alive and swims or drowns and is dead.
As Isaac Asimov succinctly observed:
“Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.”
Not very much like, as swimming is no analogy of being dead.
However, immersion is cold water is very unpleasant, whether one subsequently remains alive and swims or drowns and is dead.
As Isaac Asimov succinctly observed:
The notion is that there is a very strong connection between swimming and getting wet, much like dying and death. If one has issues with the agency behind the act of swimming/death, one has issues with the act.
The notion is that there is a very strong connection between swimming and getting wet, much like dying and death. If one has issues with the agency behind the act of swimming/death, one has issues with the act.
So, if you are afraid of being in tight spaces - you are afraid of life? After all, if one has issues with the agency of being born, then one has issues with being alive. Non-sequitor...

Having issues with waiting at a bus stop does not mean I have issues with actually riding a bus.
I'm sorry, I don't see the connection.
Try swimming without getting wet and you will realize you have to go to pedantic lengths to avoid seeing the obvious connection. These are the sort of desperate measures one has to resort to in order to maintain the false airs of bravado.
So, if you are afraid of being in tight spaces - you are afraid of life? After all, if one has issues with the agency of being born, then one has issues with being alive. Non-sequitor...
Because children are born giggling, huh?

Having issues with waiting at a bus stop does not mean I have issues with actually riding a bus.
Because corporate bodies responsible for buses never have to examine logistical/service delivery issues that surround the act of patrons waiting for a bus, huh?

This bravado is really something ...
What does advertizing have to do with the afterlife? I have not seen a lot of advertizing in my time for afterlife perks.
I have, but then I used to go to church ;). Plus you get the "Book Tower" advertising leaflets, the billboards on the sides of roads and outside the more evangelical church along the lines of "Jesus saves!" etc.
Don't be silly, this is a serious matter.
A person who is prepared to kill themself due to having no access to strawberry ice cream has quite obviously risen above the standard dualities of hankering and lamentation.
So, in this post, you say you don't value human at all -unless the bible tells you so!?
Because children are born giggling, huh?

Because corporate bodies responsible for buses never have to examine logistical/service delivery issues that surround the act of patrons waiting for a bus, huh?

This bravado is really something ...
If you are going to insist on calling me a liar, then this conversation is over - and you go back on ignore.

It's obvious you have nothing to contribute. Much like Jan...
Please do not insult other members
If you are going to insist on calling me a liar, then this conversation is over - and you go back on ignore.

It's obvious you have nothing to contribute. Much like Jan...
I didn't call you a liar.
I called you a fool desperate to go to pedantic lengths to protect their bravado.