Are You A Dog Or Cat Person?

The dog/cat person thing had me thinking of it how I'm autistic and naturally less social, making me identify as a cat person/personality.

I kind of identify as both a cat and a dog person. I am loving, I am social, and I am loyal, like a dog. I am also secretive and I also like my space, like a cat.
It was a nursery web spider! Big but possibly generally harmless. I like jumping spiders too, a lot because of how they seem harmless. That way with cellar spiders I like so much--having harmlessness and a cute type of helplessness, but yet not minding me much at all unless I accidently bump their webs, when they move away quickly. I liked to watch the small jumping spiders walking, and turning around a lot, on the orange brick walls of my parent's house when I was young.

I loved watching insects and arachnids as a child. Animals naturally calm me and give me someone innocent and affectionate to love and receive love from. I like to handle jumping spiders sometimes when I am working outside in the yard.
I kind of identify as both a cat and a dog person. I am loving, I am social, and I am loyal, like a dog. I am also secretive and I also like my space, like a cat.

I seem to have observed that cat personalities tend to not get along with other similar types. That might explain how we might be continuing to write back and forth, your being largely a dog personality.
I loved watching insects and arachnids as a child. Animals naturally calm me and give me someone innocent and affectionate to love and receive love from. I like to handle jumping spiders sometimes when I am working outside in the yard.

I kind of feel that way about the cellar spiders being affectionate and someone to love. They've been my companions for many years and have behaved only friendly.
We spent the night at the Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary to celebrate Boss Lady's birthday. I usually get up before dawn, so I was sitting on the front porch of the lodge drinking coffee when the resident manager ("Webster", I learned later) walked up and demanded attention. He approved of my pets and jumped up in my lap and snuggled down. A few minutes later the tigers started loudly demarking their territory. Webster immediately stood up and replied, challenging well over a ton of tigers to a battle.
I seem to have observed that cat personalities tend to not get along with other similar types. That might explain how we might be continuing to write back and forth, your being largely a dog personality.

In my opinion cat types usually like dog types because they are different than other cat types but often times in the animal kingdom cats and dogs do not get along at all.
I kind of feel that way about the cellar spiders being affectionate and someone to love. They've been my companions for many years and have behaved only friendly.

Spiders are cool but I am careful not to touch or handle them due to the risk of a deadly bite. Jumping spiders are ok but many spider species can have venom that is dangerous to humans.
We spent the night at the Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary to celebrate Boss Lady's birthday. I usually get up before dawn, so I was sitting on the front porch of the lodge drinking coffee when the resident manager ("Webster", I learned later) walked up and demanded attention. He approved of my pets and jumped up in my lap and snuggled down. A few minutes later the tigers started loudly demarking their territory. Webster immediately stood up and replied, challenging well over a ton of tigers to a battle.

Webster sounds brave!
If you want or need a good mate, get a dog! I have had miniature Dachsunds [currently have two] Rottweilers, Labrador, and a German Sheperd. I also have never yet had any problem with any of the larger breeds I owned.
In 99% of cases, problems that develop, can be traced to the owner.
I've gotten bit on the tongue by a type of spider that seems fond of hiding in soda straws. Kind of interestingly, I think it's happened twice over the years. Centipedes have bitten me a couple of times when I was asleep. A thing I like about the friendly cellar spiders is that they help keep the unfriendly types of bugs away.

I was restless overnight and went out back to walk around so I could get more sleep afterward.
There's a raccoon from nearby that starts to romp around me and seems to want me to be a playful friend. I try to shoo it and stay away from it though. Poor critter.
I've gotten bit on the tongue by a type of spider that seems fond of hiding in soda straws. Kind of interestingly, I think it's happened twice over the years. Centipedes have bitten me a couple of times when I was asleep. A thing I like about the friendly cellar spiders is that they help keep the unfriendly types of bugs away.

I was restless overnight and went out back to walk around so I could get more sleep afterward.
There's a raccoon from nearby that starts to romp around me and seems to want me to be a playful friend. I try to shoo it and stay away from it though. Poor critter.

I have been bitten by house spiders at night while I was asleep but I am not sure about centipedes. Be careful around any wild animal that comes up to you unafraid late at night because it may be hungry or may even have rabies.
I wonder if it seemed more on the unafraid side since it has seen me around so much and was hanging around for company. I was thinking like you were saying and when it went on the neighbor's roof, I hurried up and went into my house when it couldn't see where I went.
I wonder if it seemed more on the unafraid side since it has seen me around so much and was hanging around for company. I was thinking like you were saying and when it went on the neighbor's roof, I hurried up and went into my house when it couldn't see where I went.
Raccoons are not afraid of people unless they have reason to be.
It may have been recently rejected by its mother, and not quite ready to fend for itself yet.
It will have learned that humans=food.

Around here, there is always a few weeks where the younglings have grown up and the mama turns her back on them (they no longer smell like her babies, so she sees them as rivals).
Have you ever heard the sound of a raccoon begging? 'But mama... I'm your baby! Why do you growl and hiss at me??'
I was thinking of it feeling like I was it's mother too. I think it could have a food connection if it had gotten some scraps out of the compost pile in the past.
My father and his siblings had a pet raccoon growing up. I guess my grandparents adopted it or what not when the raccoon was young.
I wonder if it seemed more on the unafraid side since it has seen me around so much and was hanging around for company. I was thinking like you were saying and when it went on the neighbor's roof, I hurried up and went into my house when it couldn't see where I went.

He may have been curious or hungry. Like Dave said he may have been young or may have associated humans with food.