I'm tolerant of anything but intolerance.
It's alright to joke about intolerance, but as far as I'm concerned, fear of a world that is tolerant to the point that you will not tolerate it is the very definition of an irrational fear. Same goes for political correctness / incorrectness.
Political correctness is audience sensitive. It isn't done because you disrespect your audience, but because you understand that their values and concerns may be different from yours. Most audiences will appreciate such sensitivity to their values, will they not?
Political incorrectness doesn't care. A politician not in the least concerned with political correctness will promote a fear of immigrants when he knows full well that the risk of a terrorist act from a home-grown terrorist actor is the greater risk. He will denigrate the Left, demonize them, or do whatever it takes to present them as something his cult following should fear.
We've seen this before. It's something that need not be tolerated, even and espectially by those whose culture is one of tolerance overall.