Abortion and the Death Penalty

I am :

  • For abortion and for the death penalty.

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • Against abortion and against the death penalty.

    Votes: 3 7.7%
  • Against abortion and for the death penalty.

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • For abortion and against the death penalty.

    Votes: 8 20.5%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
But those cells never actually began the development process. After conception, it's began, and that is a person, a person that will grow and experience, and killing it then, even if it isn't a full person yet, isn't fair.

It could be argued that it is not a person.

But, to your point, it might be better to wait for that person to grow to at least a young man or woman, so we can strap some bombs to his ass.
Well, the sperm cell isn't a full person either, it's halve it's chromosomes short :p
Either way, they are living things and they are human.

But masturbation doesn't lead to conception

I'm talking about conception, and afterwards, that IS a person, so killing him is unfair
I think there is a vast difference between your nightly emissions and making an appointment with a doctor to vacuum out pieces of your fetus and scrape it off your uterus.
I have come to realized that to discuss abortion with atheists is completely useless.
Why? There are religious people who also believe in the right of the individual to choose for themselves. Just as there are atheists who are against abortion.

My mother, for example, is a strict Catholic who believes in the right of women to choose. She is personally against abortion, but she also respects the rights of women to choose and have autonomy over their own bodies.

They have no fear whatsoever to play God because they don't believe in one.
When you take a pain killer, you are playing God. Each time you go to the doctors for any ailment, you are expecting that doctor to play God when they attempt to make you better. When you drive a car, you play God in that you have in your hands, the power to take away another person's life (eg. running them over).

They think that making children is like making pie: they prepare the materials, they cook themselves, hence they can decide what to do with it, either to eat it or throw it.
"Making children" is like making pies. You do have to prepare the materials and then cook it. And yes, if you don't want that pie, you should be allowed to not be forced to cook it for 9 months. If that pie is making you sick or putting your health in danger, you should not be forced to keep endangering yourself for that 9 months. And if that pie is deformed or not viable, you should be allowed to not have it if you choose not to.

No one consider that children have spirit, and the spirit isn't made by them or belong to them, they are entrusted goods which are belong to Gods. Good luck in playing God.
I played God when I had both my children. I was the one who had to do everything I could to ensure their viability and their survival while they were inside me. Does that mean if something went wrong and I lost either or both, that I would have been somehow evil? And no, I don't believe in "spirits". Nor do I believe that a 5 week old foetus has a spirit.


That is the image of a 5 week old foetus. Do you think it is self aware or has "spirit"? I personally do not.

You also forget to mention the fact that women naturally abort "babies" all the time, usually without their even knowing it.

Sam said:
I think there is a vast difference between your nightly emissions and making an appointment with a doctor to vacuum out pieces of your fetus and scrape it off your uterus.
How so? Women abort children all the time without their even knowing they were pregnant and yes, it would be considered their "nightly emissions". What of women who take the morning after pill and actually are pregnant or have conceived, without their knowing it for sure? Is that somehow more palatable than the D&C?

Norsefire said:
However, babies are innocent, and therefore, they do not deserve to die for the irresponsbility or inability of their parents. If the parent truly does not care to raise the child, they can put it up for adoption, but killing it is unacceptable.
So aborting it at 6 weeks is unacceptable but giving it away is? Just give it to someone else? That's more acceptable to you? Possibly put the mother's life at risk during the pregnancy (eg. young teenage girls may not be physically developed enough to carry or give birth to a baby and could result in their death).. hey.. that's acceptable to you?

Don't you think it should be up to the individual to decide for themselves whether they keep it or abort it?

As Lucysnow commented earlier on in this thread. Would you be willing to adopt a couple of children who would otherwise have been aborted, but were put up for adoption? There are thousands upon thousands of such children and no homes for them to go to.
How so? Women abort children all the time without their even knowing they were pregnant and yes, it would be considered their "nightly emissions". What of women who take the morning after pill and actually are pregnant or have conceived, without their knowing it for sure? Is that somehow more palatable than the D&C?

I think a woman who rolls over her baby in her sleep and smothers him by mistake is not equal to a woman who puts her fingers around his throat and throttles him. A woman whose child wanders into the family pool and drowns is not equivalent to one who holds her kids head down in the bathtub to drown him. Deliberate murder is not the same as unknowing or unconscious deaths.
I think a woman who rolls over her baby in her sleep and smothers him by mistake is not equal to a woman who puts her fingers around his throat and throttles him. Deliberate murder is not the same as unknowing or unconscious deaths
Depends. If she is exhausted and knows she's going to fall asleep if she lies down and puts the baby next to her on the bed anyway.. Or if she has taken a sleeping pill or had one too many drinks.. Hence why you are strongly advised to never have the baby with you in bed.

But to keep this in perspective and on topic, a 6 week old fetus is not a "baby".
Depends. If she is exhausted and knows she's going to fall asleep if she lies down and puts the baby next to her on the bed anyway.. Or if she has taken a sleeping pill or had one too many drinks.. Hence why you are strongly advised to never have the baby with you in bed.

But to keep this in perspective and on topic, a 6 week old fetus is not a "baby".

So you're saying its alright to suck off bits and pieces off a 6 week old fetus? Because its not a baby? Of course most elective abortions are performed between 8 and 12 weeks


Most elective abortions take place between 8 and 12 weeks of gestation. The traditional procedure consists of dilating the cervix and removing the contents of the uterus by suctioning the inner walls of the uterus.

Thats doc speak for tearing off the fetus from the uterus.

Now this is an 8 week old fetus

12 week old fetus


Looks like a baby to me.
Weeks 9 to 12

From week 9 (the 11th week of pregnancy) the developing embryo is called a fetus. The size of its body catches up with the outsized head, making it look more human, although the legs are still slightly short. Protected by the amniotic fluid, the fetus can move around and flex its limbs. By 12 weeks, it can hear sounds, and its skin is sensitive to touch.

bells i agree with abortion but even so there is a HUGE diffence between a D&C and the morning after pill for the women involved and especially if its because of a misscarage her partner and there families
So you're saying its alright to suck off bits and pieces off a 6 week old fetus? Because its not a baby? Of course most elective abortions are performed between 8 and 12 weeks

If the woman wishes to have it removed, then yes, for her it is alright.

If you disagree with the procedure, don't have one. But it is not for you, me or anyone else to judge or call a woman a murderer if she decides to have one.

Thats doc speak for tearing off the fetus from the uterus.
I am well aware of what it means.

Looks like a baby to me.

It's still not a "baby". Not at 8 weeks or at 12 weeks.
Why not? Its flexing its limbs and its skin is sensitive to touch by 12 weeks. What is a baby?

A baby is something that is born. A child..

A 1.5 cm fetus at 8 weeks and a 7.5cm fetus at 12 weeks is not a "baby".
A baby is something that is born. A child..

A 1.5 cm fetus at 8 weeks and a 7.5cm fetus at 12 weeks is not a "baby".

So when you were pregnant at 2 months, 3 months, etc. you referred to your products of conception as a fetus? embryo? you did not consider it a baby until it was born? you would not oppose abortion at any stage if it was safe for the mother?
So when you were pregnant at 2 months, 3 months, etc. you referred to your products of conception as a fetus? embryo? you did not consider it a baby until it was born?

I didn't actually. Then again, I was quite ill during both pregnancies and no one, not my doctors, specialists or midwives ever referred to it as anything but the "embryo" or "fetus" or "it". It was only when I hit 36 weeks and discussions about pulling them out early since they were then viable, did they or myself, even mention the word "baby". I didn't think "baby" until my eldest was held up to me and placed on my chest when he came out and when I nearly lost the second one during his birth and begged the obstetrician who was trying to figure out what had happened to save my "baby" as I was being rushed into theater. It was really quite surreal to be honest. But no, I didn't really think of it as a "baby". A baby to me is something I can hold, smell, touch.. something that is real and out of the womb. While they are in the womb, they are less real to me.. an experience that is hard to put into words.

How can I put it.. women who wish to keep it usually feel attached to it and might refer to it as a "baby" or even name it. But not every woman is the same.
So what? It is still alive. Even after being born, if you left it in the woods, it would die. Thats no reason to consider it not a baby. Anyway, different strokes for different folks.
So is it legal to inject heroin into the newborn child? Give him a shot of alcohol?

There are child protection laws where I live; I'm not sure about your country. Injecting a child with heroin could result in your child being taken away for its own protection where I live.

How many abortions is it okay to have? Three ? Ten? Twenty?

If one is ok, then in principle 20 is ok. Of course, each one must be judged on its merits.

Women who do not want to be vessels have the option to get sterilised.

A woman may not want a child now, but might want one later.

Abortion is not a form of birth control and it is reprehensible to use it as such.

I think you'll find that a vanishingly small proportion of women use abortion as birth control. Abortion is a complex surgical procedure. It's much much easier to go on the pill, or use a condom, believe me.

Abortion cannot be compared to a car drive or a late pregnancy or a older parent or a woman with an inability to carry through a pregnancy. Those are probabilities. Abortion results in certain death. Fetal alcohol syndrome is real. Heroin addiction leads to addicted babies.

It is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 pregnancies results in spontaneous abortion in the first trimester.

I have come to realized that to discuss abortion with atheists is completely useless. They have no fear whatsoever to play God because they don't believe in one.

Every time somebody uses contraception, they are "playing God" in the same way. Are you against contraception?

No one consider that children have spirit, and the spirit isn't made by them or belong to them, they are entrusted goods which are belong to Gods. Good luck in playing God.

Do you think you belong to God? Don't you have free will?