A conversation with an ex IDF commando

So why aren't you a solder, instead of sitting here on the web bitching about it, Go see your elephant, and prove just how great you would be as a Syrian Soldier, and that you wouldn't shit your pants the first time the world came down on your position.

Lord knows I want to, and plan to.

And, quite understandably, any soldier would shit his pants in war, for the first time. I wouldn't be ashamed of it.

And Elephant...doesn't make sense...seriously.

And of course, there are extremist Syrians, and there are extremist Israelis. Luckily, neither me or otheadp seem to be either of those.
You're both extremists; bad neighbors to me: Otheadp regurgitates militant zionism, and you repeat expansionistic Syrian threats to my beloved Lebanon. I deeply resent how these dual extremisms have heaped so much misery upon a precious land and people.
"seeing the elephant", an old phrase that has been used for many years to describe people who have seen war close up
That's what I was thinking. I mean - if the rock was very very heavy and was going to kill "the whole patrol" (maybe a 1 ton boulder and it was SuperArab .. up up and away...) then they could easily move aside. If it was small enough to throw then it was a little rock and a helmet was probably good enough to block its impact.

Something seems like bullshit to me in the story. More like an excuse to shoot a pissed off arab with a rock.

Frankly I see no end in sight. Maybe they should just have an all out war all Muslims versus all Jews - winner take all? Doesn't one of the religions suggest this happens anyway?

Either that or they could try to secularize society, do away with either religion, or even adopt a new one. Then there will not be a "religous" difference to separate the two people and the people will all be regarded as the same. As it stands the difference is just in their heads anyway. I think they should begin by teaching all children there is no such thing as race and that monotheism is inherently intolerant. Work on a few generations with those concepts - maybe that is all that needs to be done? naturally enough people may come to the conclusion they're better off without the concepts of race and God?

Don't need a one ton bolder to kill, a 500 pounder would do quite well, even a 250 pounder, even a bunch of 70 to 100 pounders, to drop a bolder onto a close walled alley, or street would have it bouncing side to side, and make a grinding machine out of the alley, and if you have a couple of them to drop, you can make that alley a real meat grinder, even a bouncing 70 pounder will kill you and at the least put a world of hurt on you.
otheadp "one day [My Hero] was on patrol with his team in East Jerusalem. an Arab tried to do something that is very common (i've heard about the same from other ex-IDFers). he was standing on top of a high wall and tried to drop a huge and heavy boulder on top of the patrol. the soldier's friend saw what the guy was about to do, so he shot and killed him on the spot, saving the lives of his friends by the act."

If a scary Arab were poised to release a terrifying RMD (rock of mass destruction), would it not be more valiant to simply warn the intended victims to step aside?

nobody wants to kill. the IDFers are humans just like you. (tho the "Pali" terrorists are not). if the IDFer shot at the guy, then i believe it was necessary.
You're both extremists; bad neighbors to me: Otheadp regurgitates militant zionism, and you repeat expansionistic Syrian threats to my beloved Lebanon. I deeply resent how these dual extremisms have heaped so much misery upon a precious land and people.

thx for the links - esp the 1st one. i'll check when i have time.

but your "militant zionizm" insult shows you as the extremist, as i am no militant. just tryin' to survive
You're both extremists; bad neighbors to me: Otheadp regurgitates militant zionism, and you repeat expansionistic Syrian threats to my beloved Lebanon. I deeply resent how these dual extremisms have heaped so much misery upon a precious land and people.

Then why the hell aren't you in Lebanon, your beloved Lebanon, like Norsefire, why the hell aren't you over their doing something to save your beloved Lebanon?, your a Pilot, do you think that your skills would be of Benefit to Your Beloved Lebanon? to protect it from the Evil Israelis or are you here safe and sound, and knowing that there isn't a chance of getting your precious skin shot full of holes, BAMing, from the comfort of your safe little hiding hole in America.
So people who are walled in with restricted access to food and medical care should be shot dead when they climb over the wall to throw stones at the troops that limit their movements?

Amazing perspective here

Firing qassams on them is a better idea.
Buffalo Roam: "Then why the hell aren't you in Lebanon, your beloved Lebanon, like Norsefire, why the hell aren't you over their doing something to save your beloved Lebanon?"

Just because one feels love doesn't mean one can save what you love from all harm. And must we confine our love to one land? If so, then why?

"your a Pilot, do you think that your skills would be of Benefit to Your Beloved Lebanon?"


"to protect it from the Evil Israelis"

Lebanon has no means to defend itself from the IAF: Not one single fighter-plane. There is no military defense in Lebanon from the weapons the USA has provided to Israel.

"or are you here safe and sound"

No, the entire world is more connected with every passing year.

"and knowing that there isn't a chance of getting your precious skin shot full of holes"

I've been shot at enough to know that it doesn't confer any special meaning or understanding.

"BAMing, from the comfort of your safe little hiding hole in America."

What's BAMing? Is it fun? America isn't safe.
What's BAMing? Is it fun? America isn't safe.

It's Americas National Past time, and it is safe to do in America, although there are many places around the world that it will get you killed.
I tried Googling BAMing, and all I got was this obscure thread. WTF are you talking about, BR?
Hell the BAM is so old it was in use before computers were available to the public, it was a term I learned in grade school. The first time I herd the expression was from the Mother of a friend, and even at that age it didn't take long to figure out what the letters meant.
Buffalo Roam: "Then why the hell aren't you in Lebanon, your beloved Lebanon, like Norsefire, why the hell aren't you over their doing something to save your beloved Lebanon?"

Just because one feels love doesn't mean one can save what you love from all harm. And must we confine our love to one land? If so, then why?

"your a Pilot, do you think that your skills would be of Benefit to Your Beloved Lebanon?"


"to protect it from the Evil Israelis"

Lebanon has no means to defend itself from the IAF: Not one single fighter-plane. There is no military defense in Lebanon from the weapons the USA has provided to Israel.

"or are you here safe and sound"

No, the entire world is more connected with every passing year.

"and knowing that there isn't a chance of getting your precious skin shot full of holes"

I've been shot at enough to know that it doesn't confer any special meaning or understanding.

"BAMing, from the comfort of your safe little hiding hole in America."

What's BAMing? Is it fun? America isn't safe.

should i take it you support hezbullah? why then hezbullah didnt objected to the syrian invasion of lebanon?

why to this day, bothe syria and hezbullah support each other?
Mr.Spock: "should i take it you support hezbullah?"

The answer is a qualified no. I am in favor of multi-sectarian or even non-sectarian government in Lebanon. Hizbullah enjoys considerable power in Lebanon today, largely thanks to the events of the last Israeli invasion. When I lived in Lebanon, Hizbullah were just one of many large militias, with Ayatollah Khomeini as their figurehead. Syria was the largest power-broker then.

Now, Hizbullah has filled several roles- the leading Shi'a brand, and a general symbol of victorious resistance to Israel. They've considerably Lebanized in recent years, expressing increasing tolerance for multiculturalism and women's rights, for example- That's necessary in making political gains in Lebanon, and it has taken them far from the ideology of the Iranian theocrats who originally inspired them.

"why then hezbullah didnt objected to the syrian invasion of lebanon?"

It's been a long compicated half-century in Lebanon. Hizbullah was much smaller, and less consequential back in 1976. Syria was actually closer to Amal (the rival Shi'a brand) at the time, in the early civil war years. Syria's departure 30 years later did become another factor in Hizbullah's ascendency- in some ways it was a handover of power by Syria to Hizbullah.

It seems to me as if you are seeking rather simplified, nationalistic answers about Hizbollah, and I can't offer you anything like that. Hizbollah is not Lebanon, and Lebanon is not Hizbollah. Hezbollah has become a force to be reckoned with there, but they will never define Lebanon.

"why to this day, bothe syria and hezbullah support each other?"

The relationship has had its ups and downs. Syria got its tentacles into most of the Lebanese political and economic arena through 30 years of occupation. Hizbullah supporters have been a large part of the vocal counter-demonstrations, which is evidence to me of Syrian organizing there. Still, the ideological roots of Hizbollah remain more in Shi'a Iran than Sunni Syria. It isn't simple at all.
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then you see my point, hezbulla care not for lebanon, if they were, they would resist the real powers that be, syria not israel.

hezbullah is a puppet for both syria and iran to conduct thier imperialistic ambitions without being finger pointed.
Lebanon is permeated by the powerful tug of many nations, and no viable Lebanese political entities are isolated from that curse. Hizbullah seems no more pragmatic, self-serving, or traitorous to me than any other major Lebanese players we might mention.