A conversation with an ex IDF commando

Hmm its International Law. But I don't blame you for being confused, Americans are rarely aware of that creature.

Really? didn't know that? and who interprets international law? You? Who? and the final expert is ?

What is the definition of, is?
Hmm the people who are signatories on it, like Israel.

Unless of course, they reject the UN, in which case, the UN resolution giving Israel to them becomes redundant.

Is that what US citizens do in their country? Independently interpret the law?
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Hmm the people who are signatories on it, like Israel.

Unless of course, they reject the UN, in which case, the UN resolution giving Israel to them becomes redundant.

But who is the definer of the law? and who interprets it meaning and application, each country has their own definition of law, and what it means,
so the Israelis have their own interpretation of said laws, and who is to say their vision of the Law isn't correct, now how about all of the violations of international law by the Palestinians, I believe that suicide bombing of civilians is against International Law, isn't it? The indiscriminate launching of any rocket is against International Law, isn't it? to attack a Country, Israel 1948, recognized by U.N. Charter, is against International Law, isn't it?

It still comes down to the fact that the Palestinians haven't tried the one thing that would work, Peace, real Peace, no more dead Israeli children, no more Palestinian Children as Suicide Bombers, no more rocket into Israel, walk the path of Gandhi and see were it leads, the reason that Gandhi succeeded was because the British are civilized, the same would work against Israel, the Israelis are civilized and if they didn't let peace be, it would then prove everything you claim, but as of now the Palestinians are the one who always have to have the last blow, and the first blow, and their way, and only their way, and they live a cesspool life for it, they are drowning in their own shit, and they won't try anything different to change the situation.
Sorry what Palestinians do under occupation is not the law here; it was what Israelis do under occupation. As they are the occupiers.
ortheadp, nice! And I mean it, I have alot of respect for any Man like that, whether they be friend or foe.

Sadly, no one in my family except my cousin is thinking about joining the armed forces...ah, what a shame!

In the past, so many relatives were Military, and what has happened! My family has turned into a bunch of petty artists! Bah...oh well.

My Great Uncle was a Syrian soldier (died in the '73 war I believe) and my Grandfather was also a soldier, but he died long after retirement from ciggerates.
ya he's pretty hardcore. if you erase the name of the army and nationality, that guy can be a hero for any person.

My Great Uncle was a Syrian soldier (died in the '73 war I believe) and my Grandfather was also a soldier
i respect all soldiers. too bad their leaders made them go to war though...

My family has turned into a bunch of petty artists! Bah...oh well.
maybe it's for the best. as wimpy as artists are, they don't really like war, so they have a good chance to make peace.
ortheadp, nice! And I mean it, I have alot of respect for any Man like that, whether they be friend or foe.

Sadly, no one in my family except my cousin is thinking about joining the armed forces...ah, what a shame!

In the past, so many relatives were Military, and what has happened! My family has turned into a bunch of petty artists! Bah...oh well.

My Great Uncle was a Syrian soldier (died in the '73 war I believe) and my Grandfather was also a soldier, but he died long after retirement from ciggerates.

So why aren't you a solder, instead of sitting here on the web bitching about it, Go see your elephant, and prove just how great you would be as a Syrian Soldier, and that you wouldn't shit your pants the first time the world came down on your position.
man... there should be more people like Norsefire... we shouldn't antagonize his like. he is more sane than any of the other Syrians i came across in forums. the more Norsefires there are, the more likely it is for Syria to be accepted by the world again.
man... there should be more people like Norsefire... we shouldn't antagonize his like. he is more sane than any of the other Syrians i came across in forums. the more Norsefires there are, the more likely it is for Syria to be accepted by the world again.

If Norsefires, is a example of a sane Syrian, just what the hell are the rest like?
pretty brainwashed and warlike is what they're like.

i donno if you were around a few years ago, we had a member called "ProudSyrian" or something. he sounded like a caricature, saying stuff like "i will protect my homeland with my blood" ...
pretty brainwashed and warlike is what they're like.

i donno if you were around a few years ago, we had a member called "ProudSyrian" or something. he sounded like a caricature, saying stuff like "i will protect my homeland with my blood" ...

No I wasn't around for "ProudSyrian" it would have been fun, did he go back to protect his homeland with his blood? or did he stay right here were it was safe and cozy, and no real chance of getting your ass shot off.
All the religious redneck retards, regardless of country of origin, should be dumped on an island somewhere to fight it off. Most of them are pro-guns so they should enjoy it.
All the religious redneck retards, regardless of country of origin, should be dumped on an island somewhere to fight it off. Most of them are pro-guns so they should enjoy it.

If you haven't been shot at, keep your BAM to your self, I am a pro-gun redneck as your want to make me, and I will tell you that as a person who has been shot at, and done my fair share of shooting back, to shoot a person is the second worse thing in your life that you can do, it is far from enjoyable.
otheadp "one day [My Hero] was on patrol with his team in East Jerusalem. an Arab tried to do something that is very common (i've heard about the same from other ex-IDFers). he was standing on top of a high wall and tried to drop a huge and heavy boulder on top of the patrol. the soldier's friend saw what the guy was about to do, so he shot and killed him on the spot, saving the lives of his friends by the act."

If a scary Arab were poised to release a terrifying RMD (rock of mass destruction), would it not be more valiant to simply warn the intended victims to step aside?
That's what I was thinking. I mean - if the rock was very very heavy and was going to kill "the whole patrol" (maybe a 1 ton boulder and it was SuperArab .. up up and away...) then they could easily move aside. If it was small enough to throw then it was a little rock and a helmet was probably good enough to block its impact.

Something seems like bullshit to me in the story. More like an excuse to shoot a pissed off arab with a rock.

Frankly I see no end in sight. Maybe they should just have an all out war all Muslims versus all Jews - winner take all? Doesn't one of the religions suggest this happens anyway?

Either that or they could try to secularize society, do away with either religion, or even adopt a new one. Then there will not be a "religous" difference to separate the two people and the people will all be regarded as the same. As it stands the difference is just in their heads anyway. I think they should begin by teaching all children there is no such thing as race and that monotheism is inherently intolerant. Work on a few generations with those concepts - maybe that is all that needs to be done? naturally enough people may come to the conclusion they're better off without the concepts of race and God?
That's what I was thinking. I mean - if the rock was very very heavy and was going to kill "the whole patrol" (maybe a 1 ton boulder and it was SuperArab .. up up and away...) then they could easily move aside. If it was small enough to throw then it was a little rock and a helmet was probably good enough to block its impact.

Not to mention he must have the strength and dexterity of Spiderman to scale the illegal wall and carry a stone heavy enough to kill the troops

Be creative Mike, no one said he didn't use a ladder, probably the troops on this side were distracted. :D

But still, difficult to clamber over with a boulder large enough to kill.

Although, I have long since had a suspicion that the IDF are soft in the head.