10 Ugliest Foods

I eat that fruit all the time as well. Tastes great, smells bad.


scheherazade - Chicken feet? Ok Jesus I've been on this thread long enough. What is wrong with eating chicken feet?

This whole thread seems like one of those city slickers vs. country side people things. I have always believed if one person can enjoy a food there is nothing but experience stopping me from doing the same.

LOL......I have raised laying hens a few times. While I have no aversion to eating eggs, and they were floor raised with an outside enclosure to enjoy, I have observed their conduct and know where their feet have been. They would have to be well bleached prior to cooking and I don't care much for the use of bleach, although sometimes it has practical and necessary applications.

Have an Inuit friend who was going to try and get me some whale meat. Still waiting on that experience. I HAVE eaten moose tongue, moose nose, moose bum gut, beaver tail, black bear, grizzly bear, squaw candy (brined dried salmon), dried caribou and red squirrel, so am not totally unadventurous in my diet. I can safely say that if I was hungry enough, I would look at quite a number of options outside of my regular daily diet. :D

I seem to recall eating cookies with earthworms in also.....
When it comes to ugly gross food the thought of cannibalism sickens me.


this is not the most attractive of foods, and yet it has been enjoyed for ... well, as long as man has lived by the water and gathered food.


As Johnathon Swift said "It was a brave man who first ate an oyster"

I still remember my first oyster. I was about 8 or 9 years old and my friend's father took us to an oyster bar. I remember the feel and taste as he dumped a raw oyster into my mouth.

Didn't like it then, love it now. Growing up DOES have it's advantages.

on edit: I'm doing up some steamers tonight, in a white wine boil.
I just have to ask. Where did you grow up? I've never run into anybody that thinks he could eat the variety of food that you do. I find it hard to call most of that stuff food, but I would be willing to try whale steak.:D

Born and raised on a 40km long island in the Caribbean. I'd rather not give away more than that in public, but feel free to shoot me a PM if you want more specificity.

@ S&D: Rice rats?
I dunno why I have a fascination with the idea of rats as a cuisine item, I think it's my Discworld fandom. Or maybe reading about the second Commune of Paris...rat and cat was only good until they ran out of sauce ingredients, but the French taste for Roti De Cheval is supposed to date from this time.

I'm sure I've eaten rat more times because of shady street vendors than by intention. But here's a pic for you of an intentional eat:



River rat

Edit: made the pictures work (And that's my friend, not me... at least he was until he stole my underwear... although that's a long story for another time)
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Born and raised on a 40km long island in the Caribbean. I'd rather not give away more than that in public, but feel free to shoot me a PM if you want more specificity.

I'm sure I've eaten rat more times because of shady street vendors than by intention. But here's a pic for you of an intentional eat:


River rat

Caribbean (good enough). Do you know what rat taste like? Sounds like it's not very distinctive and can be easily disguised with regular spices, for you to say what you did.
Do you know what rat taste like? Sounds like it's not very distinctive and can be easily disguised with regular spices, for you to say what you did.
Yeah you couldn't have said it better. Stay away from really small pieces of meat... because they are more often than not falsely advertised. In China they say "Sell dog meat, display lamb meat". I don't think I've ever eaten straight street-rat by intention. But agouti and guinea pig are close relatives and taste like chicken.

OMG! WE had one of those Sunday. They said it was a rambutan, I said it was a lychee.

Yeah that's Rambutan. Lychee doesn't have the 'hairs'. But otherwise the taste / size is the same. Very closely related I think. They're good - not a strong flavor, sweet, and textured like grapes.
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Yeah that's Rambutan. Lychee doesn't have the 'hairs'. But otherwise the taste / size is the same. Very closely related I think. They're good - not a strong flavor, sweet, and textured like grapes.

I've had canned lychee...Nomnomnom!
This isn't really gross, just odd-looking

Lotus root. Here cooked with raw peanuts and red dates.
I like lotus root.
We had some for Christmas dinner...at the vegan Chinese place...with a group of about 30 Jews (The Rabbi was there) at one set of tables, and folks from the local Buddhist temple at the other...I had just had schnozz surgery take 2 and was on the one hydrocodone I needed for pain.
If I could have ordered hot sake I would have been in sheer heaven.

It was the best Christmas dinner ever!
We seem to be venturing into adventurous food, rather than just 'ugly' food, so here is my contribution of a northern traditional food of the First Nations People.


From a practical consideration, horses are among the cleanest of animals in their eating and elimination habits. They perhaps do not gain weight or convert energy quite as efficiently as some other species, yet they have been and continue to be a source of quality protein for a percentage of the population, notably China (421,000 tonnes), Mexico, Russia, Italy, and Kazakhstan (54,000 tonnes).

Anyone who has eaten burritos in Mexico may well have ingested horse unawares as the spices used would easily disguise the slightly sweet taste that horse meat is said to have. :p

I have been known, in moments of tried patience, to advise my equine companions, "Don't be breaking a leg....."

I am squeamish towards food.

Took me years to be able to eat fish and now i hardly eat it.

I even taste fish in certain vegetables.

But i have zero desire for eating exotic foods, particularly if they are animals...just not interested in it and holds no fascination for me at all.
I am squeamish towards food.

Took me years to be able to eat fish and now i hardly eat it.

I even taste fish in certain vegetables.

Fresh fish has less of that 'fishy taste' that many people who were not raised with a diet of fish find offensive. Frozen fish once thawed is also more 'fishy'.

I like halibut as it has few bones to contend with, another thing that puts people off fish. It is dreadfully pricey though, so I eat fish only on occasion.

Canned tuna made into a salad with diced tart apple, walnuts, celery, lemon, mayo, a touch of honey and a dash of pepper is tasty though, by itself or on a bread.

Proportions are one small can of tuna, drained, 1 apple diced very small, 1/4 cup celery, 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, 1/3 cup mayo, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 teaspoons lemon and pepper to taste.

Mix and chill for a couple of hours to blend flavor. Yummy and not fishy. :D

Just something about fish that turned me off from an early age afa eating them. Even tuna fish, in my mind there will be a scale in there and it will crunch and...just thinking about it gave me a chill. I can eat tuna fish now though i dont go out and buy it.