The Paul File

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tiassa, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Because there is no chance Paul will be the Republican nominee. It doesn't matter how much his supporters like him.
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  3. 786 Searching for Truth Valued Senior Member

    So that is why you should morph how you display polls? Isn't that a self-fulfilling prophecy? You should report what the poll says. Plain and simple, if he wins or not isn't for the media to determine.
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  5. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Isn't the story about who will be the nom? Why post the poll results of someone who won't get it?
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  7. 786 Searching for Truth Valued Senior Member

    So showing poll results of someone who polls less than someone 'who won't get it' makes more sense?
  8. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    In a way yes, they do have more of a chance than Ron Paul to be the Republican nominee.
  9. Trippy ALEA IACTA EST Staff Member

  10. The Esotericist Getting the message to Garcia Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, so? :shrug:

    You clearly have no idea how government, the revolving door, or iron triangles work. I was educated at uni for over eight years, it is my specialty. The EPA works for industry, not against it. It doesn't seek to protect the environment, it seeks to protect industry.

    Undue Influence :m:

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    If private individuals and watchdog groups didn't have to go up against this behemoth they would have power in society to stop the poisoning of our world and our food supply in the courts. As it is, the EPA say that genetic engineering of our crops, the use of round up ready seeds, the genetic pollution that is occurring is just fine, etc. This is all supported b/c of government control and manipulation. Thanks industrial controlled zombie regulatory EPA. The FDA would have you sicker, not more healthy. They would have vitamins and herbal supplements regulated out of the market place so the pharmaceutical industries can sell more drugs to a nutritionally starved population getting more and more starved of nutrients.

    I can't expect you to know any of this. The FCC regulates the media in such a way, that major corporations have consolidated the market place, and they all make sure the American public is dumbed down quite a bit. Once Bill Moyers was no longer allowed to continue his series, "NOW" on PBS, people quit watching it. Once they told Ted Kopple he could no longer do his hard hitting pieces of real news and he walked away, they replaced him with someone else that did the fluff the corporations wanted the guy to do. Night-line died because people wouldn't stay up that late to watch celebrity gossip.

    As Kurt Vonnegut used to say. And so it goes. . . .
  11. The Esotericist Getting the message to Garcia Valued Senior Member

    I don't think those voters are elitists. They just assume that the government is the solution to the nations problems. Isn't that how the media portrays the paradigm of our society and our politics? Both parties, and everyone, never have the debate anymore about whether educating children is the parents responsibility or the states responsibility. Whose job is that? I view that as my job. I would never imagine that to be the states job. They do a rotten job. I know you have a daughter, would you trust public schools do teach you daughter to read, write and learn math?

    My son is in forth grade, and I know he has a sixth grade reading level. In his classes, the state purposely holds him back. Why do they do that? They actually have told me NOT TO TEACH HIM. Why do they do that? If he is intelligent enough to handle the material, why? If it interests him, this is a free country, how dare they.

    I liked this post. It was pretty intelligent. Yes, fake libertarians. Why do you call them so?

    Let us face it, the government creates problems so they can solve them, this enables them to grow the government larger. The government exists for one purpose in this age, to grow itself.
  12. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    So if the EPA is being controlled by insiders or lobbyists, fix it. Eliminating the EPA won't result in environmental activists having so much free time that all environmental and health concerns will become obsolete. Like magic.
  13. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    It should come as no surprise that people in the military support Ron Paul, given his preferred policies towards such. I.e., he proposes to bring all the troops home and keep them here forever, but not to reduce the size of the military, or cut their pay, etc. Under Ron Paul's policy, servicemembers would all keep their jobs but never be exposed to danger or prolonged absence from family ever again. His policies are a straight-up giveaway to the military, turning it into a giant welfare system.

    All of which is a fantasy, of course. If you're going to scale back the military's mission, you'll end up having to scale back the military itself as well. Which is exactly what most candidates who propose such reductions advocate, and why they do not get much support from the military. Paul is trying to have it both ways, by proposing to never put the military in harm's way, but also to keep all of the current soldiers employed. It's the kind of unrealistic promise that you get the luxury of making, when you're a vanity candidate without the slightest chance of even getting nominated. And if libertarian supporters are too myopic to do the math and notice that he's proposing a trillion-dollar welfare give-away (to employable young people, no less), so much the better for him...
  14. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    No, the media - and the parties themselves - portray the Democrats as believing in government and the Republicans of disbelieving in government. This has been emphatically the case since the Reagan era.

    Republicans have been constantly pushing such a debate for decades already (school vouchers, embrace of home-school movement, etc.). What planet have you been living on?

    All systems of power have an inherent tendency to favor their own aggrandizement, and this is a real issue. But it doesn't mean that there aren't real issues that we need government to deal with. The problem is one of keeping government bloat down while ensuring that essential functions are maintained. Libertarians, however, propose to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
  15. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Actually, RP has a much better chance than Huntsman, Gingrich or Santorum. So, that can not be the reason why CBS left him out.
  16. billvon Valued Senior Member

    He does now. However at several points they were leading him comfortably.
  17. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Yes, I agree.
    I don't think ANY of the candidates should be left out of a reported poll. However, I was responding to Spidergoats notion that because Pall may not win, therefor he shouldn't be covered at all. That's asinine - he represents 20% of the public. Anyway, by that logic, Mitt shouldn't be covered. he isn't going to win the POTUS, so accordingly we should ONLY have Obama on TV and ONLY Obama's opinions broadcasted to the Cattle.

    See my point here? Who wins isn't always what's most important. What's important is trying to open up the conversation to ideas people are interested in. That's WHY we have debates and don't just walk down and vote. That's why having a mandate is important to develop.

    IMO the News should report the News (ideally an unbiased display of the facts) and leave it up to the News Watcher to interpret these facts for themselves. That's how it used to be. Actually, that's pretty much how it is in Japan. The News in Japan is a pretty boring affair most of the time. Partly because Japanese seem resigned to let their politicians walk all over them. In a funny way Japanese watch our propaganda and kind of get a kick out of making fun of us - so I don't think Celebrant Newscasters would be taken seriously here. There's just too many comedy shows on daily (all god damn day long) taking the piss out of everything. They had a series of funny takes on Obama's "Change We Can Believe In"). People were always taking the piss out of me when I said I was voting Obama, they'd all say in unison "Chyanji Re kanu Beriibibu en!!!". I'm not kidding you, even the dumb ones, who don't know their own PM! :-o I suppose like everything, Americans want it sugarcoated and spoon-fed to them. You know, so they can lick the Farmers hand and get a pat on the head.

    Lastly, I'm still not sure I want ANY Libertarian as POTUS when the inevitable prolapse of the economy occurs up it's own anus. We will be forced to make the cuts or raise taxes under the current monetary system. That's a mathematical fact. Either that or start a serious war OR start selling babyboomer flavored soilent green (which would taste like just-desert).


    As an aside, people often talk about Japan and Japan's debt +200% GDP as a reason why we American's needn't worry about our debt. Well, firstly, Japan wasn't stupid enough to borrow from other nations. Secondly, over the next 5 years Japan intends to raise sales tax across the board by 100% to help repay some of the debt. It'll happen in the USA as well. Thirdly, Japanese work well into their 70s-80s and even 90s! I recently read a poll of Americans (babyboomers) conducted in the 1990s and the percentage who planned to retire (or wanted to retire) by their mid 50s was ridiculous (that's now). And 95% expected to maintain OR INCREASE their standard of living :bugeye: Haaa! F you Babyboomers you aren't getting shit for your retirement - How do you like them apples ;-)

    I heard Karma's a bitch.

    Another thing I noticed about Japan. They are for the most part hard working (like we used to be). BUT, once they get a taste of State Welfare, just like everyone else, they're hooked. It's like crack cocaine. They want as much of it as they can get. Old will trample young to get their peace of it. (thanks Central Banking twits for funding all the bullshit the baby-generation ever whined and kicked and screamed for and changing our society into a whinny bunch of cry baby bitches. Now Now Now, Whaaaaa! Me Me ME, Whaaaaaa!). Yet, most Japanese seemed resigned to getting nearly nothing from their government - as it'll be long gone before they (if they) ever retire. Soon, I think Americans will come to this conclusion. China's GDP is going to pass ours in less than 10 years. Then you can cry to China for your retirement. Maybe they'll let you lick their fingers too?

    In short, thank you Babyboomers! Your parents lived through the Great Depression, fought WWII, paid their way, sent man to the Moon and raised the biggest crop of self serving me me me generation in the history of humanity. Mark my words, these greying babyies are going to be the ruin of the next four generations.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  18. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    No he doesn't.
  19. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    You don't think 20% support of a candidate deserves to be covered by the Media?

    I'm curious as to your rational?
  20. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Actually that's not the answer. It's probably the appeal of Paul's strong regard for the US Constitution that's what military personal have a fondness toward. Even if Paul didn't say anything about pulling back from overseas, his stance in regard to being a strict Constitutionalist would appeal to military personal.

    That said, Paul is for downsizing the Military.
  21. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Yes, but not the FUNCTIONS that the EPA was supposed to provide.

    spidergoat, have your ever worked for a large government run bureaucratic organization? I have worked for some government and some private. In my experience, the larger the organize is, the less effective it is at meeting it's own goals. And the more wasteful it is.

    I'll give you an example from Academia. I once worked at a large University where they decided to have classroom surveys of teaching performance. The idea was that the teaching could be improved. And students would learn more. Well, accordingly, then it should be FOR the Academic lecturers right? That seemed to be the case, except the bureaucrats ALSO wanted to collate and keep the data for themselves. Why? If it's for improving teaching should this be a relationship between the lecturer and her/his students? What started out volunteerism on the part of Academics, soon became mandatory. THEN, for the new Academics it was decided that the survey would be used to determine whether they got a promotion or not. THEN, for even newer non-permanent Academics (which make up the majority now) it was decided that the survey would be used to determine IF they'd get contract renewal.

    So, what ended up happening?

    Of course, Academics started teaching in ways to get good results on the survey - which usually meant making their courses very easy. See, THAT'S what the majority of Students want - a good mark. The educational system is already pretty crap being "course" based anyway. In the end, after many years, what happened was the students that left University were very poorly trained and not really marketable to the people who would hire them.

    That's where we're at now. Degrees in Worthlessness is what it's referred to as.

    The solution of course, has been MORE surveys! The bureaucrat's just aren't getting an accurate picture of things. So, they hire more bureaucrats. See, this is what government does when the people say "If the EPA is broken - fix it". That's music to a bureaucrats ears! Hire more bureaucrats! Create more regulation! Then, hire more bureaucrats! Most Universities are so top heavy you'd shit yourself. No one really cares about the teaching anymore. That's the truth. Most bureaucrats have never come in contact with a student. They wouldn't know what teaching was if it slapped them on the cheek. No one probably even remembers that these surveys were initially supposed to be a private conversation between the student and the lecturer. Where the lecturer can receive feedback and the student can be anonymous. Now students see feedback as a potential way to "Punish" an Academic for giving them a poor mark.

    So, this is where we're at. I for one think the entire system of class based courses is pretty shit. It'd be much better to have a degree that had no courses. Students progress at their own pace through their degree. When they complete and master a section of course work, then they could take the laboratory and move on at their own pace. If they're not interested and self-motivated, well, that's all up to them. No need for exams. No need for anything other than competence.

    Oooo but that's no good. We have to pump the sausages out by the Trillions. As a matter of fact, we're not even really interested in training Americans! Haaa! Much better to train overseas students. They pay more!

    As for teaching.... that's the farthest thing in the minds of the bureaucrats who a squeezing money from Universities. A LOT of money. TRILLIONS of dollars worth of money. Ripe with corruption. Students ARE seen as Cattle by the bureaucrats who want to milk them for all their worth. Sad, but IMO, that's case. Which is why US Universities are so expensive now. Students are numbers to Institutionalized Bureaucrats who only want to increase the size and number of Bureaucrats. The student Cattle are seen simply as a means to that end.

    Everyone would like to have clean environment. Who do you think is going to look after your backyard: YOU or some bureaucrat in Washington who is only going to keep his/her job IF they keep the politicians happy and their corporate paymasters.

    See, a lot of people have things backwards. It's sort of like Religion. People live life completed believing a bunch of Godbot bullshit. They live their life as Cattle to the Imam's who pull them around by the nose. Sure, in their daily lives it probably doesn't make much of a difference. BUT, the entire system exists to keep them penned in like Cattle and in this sense it has a huge impact on their lives. Or like Money. People live their life thinking a $1 USD is payment, when actually a $1 USD is a promise to someday in the future pay you... it's actually $1 USD of Debt. While this doesn't make a difference in your daily life, it's just the fact that you don't know the truth and it does in the long run pull you around by your nose. Like Cattle, you don't realize you're in a mental pen especially made for Cattle. Just like a Theobot, only a we're MoneyBots.

    The politicians don't give two shits about ANYTHING other than getting reelected. THEY make the exceptions that allow corporations to pollute the environment, food, air, water. SEE, it's not so much the Corporations you need to worry about - but your elected Politicians. The politicians call up their donors and say: Looks like the exception for your genetically modified fructose corm syrup is going to have to be labeled on packages for kids feed pellets. Well, that's not fair. We're putting together a Coalition of the Willing and we're going to need a bit of support. How about we talk about it at my $10,000 a plate banquet dinner your hosting me. We can probably get this sorted out at the EPA quick enough - if we have the support.

    The ONLY one that's going to look our for YOU is YOU.

    I am much LESS worried about what Apple is going to do to me than the US government IS doing to me.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  22. The Esotericist Getting the message to Garcia Valued Senior Member

    But it will give the activists and interest groups of the people and the Earth more power and their studies more credibility in court. Right now, industrial and corporate interest groups have the EPA and the government is on their side. The game is fixed. But you are either not reading the posts and articles I am reading and posting, or are not using critical thinking. Perhaps you will repeat back to me what a revolving door is or what an Iron Triangle is?
  23. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    This is sort of an idea that popped into my mind earlier today.....

    State sponsored school lunch.

    The idea behind school lunches was of course to provide children with nutritional food during the day as they study. Originally this was provided by families. Over time the State got involved. Why you may wonder? Well, it was to prop up food prices. Under the wonder world of Federal Reserve you must have inflation - and so the State agreed to buy what the farmers couldn't sell and give it to schools. This was way back in the day. For those of you who think Big Government is going save you, or is going to do more than an individual informed Citizen who actually gives two shits - then take a look at how unhealthy school lunches are. It got so bad that the government started writing legislation to improve its own god damn lunches! Haaa!! Oh, but what happened? Politicians got in on the goods and soon enough (way back in the 80s) things like "Ketchup" could substitute for a real Vegetable. Yadda Yadda. It's been all downhill since. School lunches now, are just as shit as they were when I was a kid. Maybe more so.

    Does that surprise anyone? Ever see the cafeteria ladies that serve that slop they think is food. Do they look like they give two flying shits about the crap they're serving between smoke breaks? You have to move to 1980 Communist Russia to find similarly low equality 'food'. fake mozzarella/white oil 'cheese' pizza, deep fried french fries, 'cheese-like' burgers, potato flakes hydrated in water and covered with brown colored fructose sugar flavored clump-slop.

    That IS the State.

    If you think politicians are going to change things for the better - - you are sadly mistaken.

    Now, imagine if you were FORCED to eat it. Imagine if you could NOT make your own kid's lunch. That is the Federal Reserve. You're being forced to eat this turd-like currency. Now, if you want to eat a turd, that's your right - but don't force everyone else to. Ron Paul is simply trying to free you from being forced to eat shit. You'd think most people would appreciate this? Apparently a lifetime of eating shit and people can't really imagine a world of healthy food?

    Simple enough for you?

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    NOTE: The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (79 P.L. 396, 60 Stat. 230) is a United States federal law signed by President Harry S. Truman in 1946.[1] The act created the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), a program to provide low-cost or free school lunch meals to qualified students through subsidies to schools. The program was established as a way to prop up food prices by absorbing farm surpluses [while providing low quality feed pellets to the Cattle*].

    *last part added by me

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    YES, I was going to elaborate this point, however, something has happened to this PC and I'm (for the first time ever) getting BSoD

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    So, I need to get that sorted out in the next week or so....
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012

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