Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

Discussion in 'UFOs, Ghosts and Monsters' started by Magical Realist, Mar 24, 2016.

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  1. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Why do you doubt them? Give me your compelling reason to doubt.
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  3. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    I doubt them because you haven't given me a compelling reason to believe that they're genuine.
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  5. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    You have no compelling reason to doubt people talking about their firsthand experiences. To do so is mentally ill and paranoid. It requires a suspicious paranoia on the level of a conspiracy theorist to think everyone who has a paranormal experience is just lying about it. Hence the last 7 pages of this thread arguing that they are misperceptions or hallucinations. If you are hallucinating something, you certainly aren't lying about what you experienced.
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  7. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    I have a dragon and a unicorn in my garage. Don't believe me? You must be mentally ill and paranoid.
  8. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    What does it look like? Have other people seen and heard it? When?

    Hint: intentionally lying about something doesn't prove other people are lying about what they've experienced. It just means you're a liar, not them.
  9. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Compelling personal account by actor Telly Savalas:

  10. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    They might not be lying, they might just be stupid. Eiher way, I'm still not going to believe them just because you say I should.
  11. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    You have an obvious agenda to not believe in ghosts. The experiencers of this phenomena have no agenda whatsoever. Who should we believe? Certainly not you. There is so much at stake for you in this. Why is it so important for you that ghosts not exist. Do you assume science will be demolished? Do you assume religion will be proven. Wrong in both cases.
  12. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    You have an obvious agenda to believe in ghosts. The experiencers of this phenomena have an agenda. Who should we believe? Certainly not you. There is so much at stake for you in this. Why is it so important for you that ghosts exist? Do you hope science will be demolished? Do you assume religion will be proven? Wrong in both cases.
  13. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    I simply go by the evidence. Of the abundant experiences of people who have no agenda to push their own beliefs. You otoh have shown you will not even except honest accounts of everyday people. That's your bias. You need to persistently deny a universally reported phenonema. Ghosts won't hurt you. Get over your fear of the unexplained. It surrounds you at every moment.
  14. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    There is NO evidence, you tedious troll.
  15. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Move on troll. You've totally lost this debate. As always, the eyewitnesses win.
  16. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    You keep saying that, and you keep being wrong.
  17. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    The evidence stands and you've been refuted.
  18. Daecon Kiwi fruit Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, no.

    Since you're obviously unwilling or incapable of the smallest amount of critical thought, I'm not sure what else can be said.
  19. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Then move on troll. You've been totally refuted.
  20. birch Valued Senior Member

    But everyone knows you saw no such thing.
  21. birch Valued Senior Member

    Well, some can, according to some accounts.
  22. Magical Realist Valued Senior Member

    Accounts of scratches and stings by paranormal investigators. Yes..That is true. But that's when you go on their turf provoking them. I wouldn't do such a thing myself.
  23. birch Valued Senior Member

    I would conclude a lot of experiences probably have other rational explanations and some are misinterpreted and some hoaxes. But people also have unexplained experiences that defy conventional understanding too. I wouldnt say they are all hallucinating, though some may have been like schizophrenics often do. Also, after anything is understood, its rational. We just dont know all the ways things can manifest. In some ways, its sad because the physical is better understood yet there are things that could affect people negatively that cant be accounted for or be recognized. You cant go to the doctor.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2016
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