Settings slag


Caput gerat lupinum
Valued Senior Member
I don't mind a simple question or two if I'm changing stuff in my Settings to keep The Man from tracking me down, but do we need questions based on Breaking Bad? No one cares what physicist dork some asshat named Pinkman names himself after.

In other news, great sequel idea about a cake-maker screwed over by his colleagues and reduced to a life of crime: Baking Bad.
It is a way to prevent spammers, or more to the point, it's a system in place to help combat spammers.
I don't mind a simple question or two if I'm changing stuff in my Settings to keep The Man from tracking me down, but do we need questions based on Breaking Bad? No one cares what physicist dork some asshat named Pinkman names himself after.

In other news, great sequel idea about a cake-maker screwed over by his colleagues and reduced to a life of crime: Baking Bad.

it was first set when Plazma introduced some changes in an attempt to defeat the spambot hoards. (apparently Plazma was watching Breaking Bad at the time) Unfortunately it wasn't completely successful but it helped. It is about time he re-rolled for some new questions.

They should really be changed monthly at the very least, just to remove completely automated systems from infiltrating, however humans still tend to check why their bots aren't accessing places and make adjustments so we can never have a fool proof question or captcha for that matter.
Nah, Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Okay, okay I knew I had heard it or read it somewhere and I just loved Three Billy Goats Gruff when I was a kid and it came to mind when i read what origin posted. Oh shit, does this mean I am going back to childhood, I have seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail twice and it never crossed my mind.
How could I forget that ...right? Now if he would have said I fart in your general direction,I would have nailed it.
Don't forget... "You're mother is a hamster, and your father smells of elderberries"... True poetry right there...
I had to look up the answers, since I haven't watched Breaking Bad (yet).

On the plus side, they weren't hard to find.
Just to let you know James, deleting all the posts in which I exposed the pitiful actions of your fellow mods, won't hide the fact they done it, or that the ticket system will ultimately, but infortunately be futile in fixing the problems. If you want to fix the problems of people complaining, act on the complaints.