Sciforums photos album

Male or female? (blurry..I know ) ------ see the youth in my eyes? how I? Eyes are the mirrors of the soul..right? bad soul, or good soul?

Female, early twenties.
i am a cheater. went into her profile, and read her posts.. and then saw was another member said, and had to read full convo.... hahahaaaa

you are a girl
anyways when i go to the comunity picture thing.. i get this message

christa, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
...blasphemy. This is blasphemy! Blasphemy, I say!

Female, early twenties.
Hmm.. wait a minute. I didn't read the other posts
PsychoTropicPuppy is a guy then? Heh.. sorry Psych. You look kinda hot though

Woah woah...lets slow down need to gender confuse me even further here!

Err...anyway, I'm astounded at the accuracy. You...must have somehow're not psychic. No, you don't have special powers..:bugeye:

Did you judge my age just by looking at my pic, or did reading my baby posts influence your judgement, you impure being?

*Gets cross, Bible, and garlic*

i am a cheater. went into her profile, and read her posts.. and then saw was another member said, and had to read full convo.... hahahaaaa

you are a girl
What? Damn you! I curse you! :mad:

anyways when i go to the comunity picture thing.. i get this message

christa, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Probably has something to do with your post count.

does anyone think a sci-porn section where members can display erotic art of themselves is called for, lmao

What led you to this..tainted idea?
I'd definitely be up for that! Especially if phychotropicpuppy goes!!!

Wait..don't tell me that you actually jacked off to an eye picture..what the Hell..okay..lets not dig deeper into it. :p
psychotropic puppy looks like a Russian girl to me. are going to display an erotic art of yourself in one of your silkies or something?
Woah woah...lets slow down need to gender confuse me even further here!

Err...anyway, I'm astounded at the accuracy. You...must have somehow're not psychic. No, you don't have special powers..:bugeye:

Did you judge my age just by looking at my pic, or did reading my baby posts influence your judgement, you impure being?

*Gets cross, Bible, and garlic*
lol Just the pic :)
And why u snooping around?

Didn't you know he was a spook? He wouldn't be a very good one if he didn't snoop, he'd never get his merit badge for saying "Boo!" if you knew it was coming. ooops... I've blown his badge.

As for:
does anyone think a sci-porn section where members can display erotic art of themselves is called for, lmao
What led you to this..tainted idea?

Darksidzz has always had a thing for extroversion, we just keep telling him though "It's the wrong place for that Dark"(Meaning "This is suppose to be a Science community not a boobscan clone.). Doesn't stop him trying though.
And why u snooping around?
Forgive me.
I wasn't aware that reading old posts classed as "snooping".
At what "age" does the cut-off occur?
Is it okay if I read (and remember) posts a week old? A month?
Does that apply to books too? Reading any book (or magazine. Or letter?) older than [whatever the cut-off is] is classed as "snooping" rather than "getting background" or "looking at how things are conducted"?

FYI that wasn't "snooping", it's a response of yours I've been aware of for a very long time and simply seemed apropos in the light of your comment to PsychoTropicPuppy.

PS: although Stryder is also close to the mark.
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hqhhaaa, we should start a thread, LET ME SEE YOUR EYE!!!

you must post pics of ur eyeballs!!!

and dont curse me dammit! I guessed right!! Dont I get like, a lock of hair, or a puppie?
Christa works for NSA in partnership with a CIA probe into Sciforums political bashings as well as ties to Al-Quida, she will utilize a photo recognition software to scan the picture of the eyeballs of everyone who posts here and immedeately link the CIA database for matches in the retina scan to identify the perpetrator. She will than launch a SWAT assault team after figuring out the name from the retina scan and the address.
