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Some scientists will have the model of the mind very black and white, and extremely pragmatic. One of these view points is that all the action in the mind gives rise to consciousness, not a specific localization to any neuron function. Basically, its the hydrogen atoms and the electrons and the photons, and all the other particles whizzing about in the brain that causes cognitive phenomenon.

Spin-Mediated Consciousness

The spin-mediated consciousness theory is a theory that says spin - that intrinsic property of subatomic matter - carried by nucleons in neural membranes and other proteins are the linchpins between mind and brain. This theory was initially proposed by biophysicist Huping Hu and his counterpart Maoxin Wu. But what if the idea can be extended to more than simply spin of matter... what if the transferal of energy is intimately related?

Electromagnetic Theory of Consciousness

The electromagnetic theory of consciousness is a theory that states that the electromagnetic field generated by the electromagnetic materials of the brain (known for a long time, and measured by EEG's) is the actual carrier of conscious experience. We might find Biomagnetites and Photons being supreme carriers. This theory was initially proposed by scientists such as Jonjoe McFadden, Susan Pockett and Roy John. But what if this can be taken further? We know that isolated forces maybe a bit of an illusion. We have already linked electroweak, electrostrong, electromagnetism all together as simply different sides to a single force... So perhaps the different sides play different roles to give rise to the same goal... Consciousness? We have already stipulated the possible action of a universe choosing the initial conditions of the quantum physical laws so that we might exist. These are just two different theories... But they are many more questions to be asked and answered with hesitation. Here is a list of all the problems i know of...

1. Perception and Self-Reflection

2. Thoughts and Memory

3. Dream States

4. Hallucinations

5. Psychic Experience

6. The Subject-Object Paradox

7. The Binding Problem

8. Conscious Explanation of Neurological Functions and Coherence

9. Psychological Determinative Phenomena

10. Artificial Intelligence and Computation

11. The Collapse of Single Neural Calculations

12. Social Phenomena

13. The Spacetime Projection Phenomena

14. The 2-D Spacetime Phenomena Cast into the Three Dimensional Phenomena

15. Metaphysical Theory of Consciousness

I am sure there are more, but this covers the in's and out's of what needs to be conceptually grasped when we speak about the complications of consciousness. Indeed, if it was an easy task, we would have solved the problem a hundred years ago. I have a theory that consciousness, if it represents the world, and universe as a whole, then if we have an incomplete theory of consciousness, then so will our theory of the universe. In fact, a Grand Unification of QFT will be to have the observer included in this theory...