Kinetic Energy

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Kinetic energy implies to a change or a velocity derived from a fraction of potential energy. Potential energy is therefore an inference to a storage of kinetic energy where the increase of velocities experienced the higher the Potential Kinetic energy one may claim is observing. Obviously the more kinetic energy the more velocity and the more apparent energy is perceived as a ‘’force’’ that is stronger by more velocities. One must imagine if two equal velocities collide, they cancel each other out, but in doing so this cancelled out amount is then transferred as potential energy. This resistance experienced through the increase of Kinetic energy ‘’might’’, and I’m only stipulating here, be linked to the electromagnetic sea (the Zero-Point Energy Field). As an object moves through spacetime, it warps the fabric, causing spacetime to curve and radiate gravitation. But as an object moves through spacetime, does it also cause distortions in the ZPF? I’ve even postulated that emotions and thoughts could be directly influenced by that negative energy in the vacuum similar to how it affects electrons. The Kinetic Energy for a moving ‘’point object’’ is given as:


Where m is the mass and v is the velocity. And the Kinetic Energy of a system is related to its momentum as:


No object can be said to have a unique Kinetic value because everything is conserved in energy physics.