Zip discs

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asleep under the juniper bush
Registered Senior Member
Question: is there any way to delete something from a zip? thanx.

(yes, have a good laugh, my knowledge of what Im doing is in neg. numbers.)
Mac or PC?

For Mac just drag into the trash folder and it should work...though some MACs in labs act funny and don't delete it.

For PC you cal also drag to the trash with XP though i am not too sure of that...or right click and delete.
next question: How does a zip disk work? If it works just like a normal floppy, does compression play the sole part of its size?
Originally posted by curioucity
next question: How does a zip disk work? If it works just like a normal floppy, does compression play the sole part of its size?

No, Zip discs have their own reader (zip drives). The compression depends on the program you're using other wise it stores the regular size the file is a lot bulkier than a floppy.
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