Diversionary tactics - why can't you simply answer the question. I don't think it's all that hard: I have a line of length x. what is the maximum separation of two points on that line?
PS no ad hominems or hijacking here: this is on topic and relevant.
Relevant to what? Earlier you said that it was absurd to think that the universe could have always existed, and that was on my QWC thread. I figured your ignorant belief was the reason you hated me discussing the ideas of QWC. Maybe I was wrong.
Then when I suggested we start a thread about the possibility that the universe could have always existed you ignored me.
You continued to troll my threads and posts with obnoxious arrogant BS and so I started this thread to try to resolve the issue. You said this thread wasn't going anywhere and ignored it.
Then it started going somewhere and your respected friends tried to defend you but the bottom fell out because of the logic. Your faulty logic made my case and people could see that.
You then put words in the mouths of your friend to maintain some thread of escape from the hole you dug yourself.
And now you want to talk? Go away Humpty.
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