You've Been Given The Task


Still egotistic...
Valued Senior Member
Lets say you're given the task to solve the overpopulation problem for China. How are you going to solve this problem and keep a majority of China's population happy, or atleast revoltfree?
There is no such way. To deal with an incresingly serious problem such as that there isn't a happy solution waiting to be put into effect. Majority of China's population will not be happy because to control such a population means change in social behavior, which almost never goes over well.

The humane way to remedy the illness is to make contraception mandatory and strict enforcement of birth control laws.

the current way is too drown every newborn girl, let the boy population grow to ungodly numbers and when the girl/boy equilibrium is horribly out of shape let the shit hit the fan and back to square one, repopulation.
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Votorx said:
really...why the girls population and not the boy population?

It was a joke since drowning new born girls has been a notorious practice in China and India and many other nations.
Dearprudence said:
Shouldn't that read:

Lets say you're given the task to solve the overpopulation problem for China. How are you going to solve this problem and keep America's right-wing dominated goverments happy, or at least castigate-free?

No. It was right the first time.
Votorx said:
Lets say you're given the task to solve the overpopulation problem for China. How are you going to solve this problem and keep a majority of China's population happy, or atleast revoltfree?

Hmm.. First you know the people. You have to know what makes them happy. Hmm.. maybe one way is to give large material bonuses to people to don't have kids. You take away a large amount of whatever based on the number of kids they have. Maybe you could allow one child and still recieve bonuses, then more than that results in somewhat harsh reduction in something.

We have to figure out what motivates action, and then make the people understand why that action is necessary - it's doesn't even have to be true, it just has to seem that way.
I do not see an overpopulation problem. In the advent of overpopulation, natural circumstances are such that the "excess" population will somehow be cut. It is our nature as humans to populate. We will not cease until the earth is filled with us, and when when that happens, we will move to the sea. By the time the sea is filled, we will all be dead or we would have found a way out of earth. Enjoy life.

Someone asked about food, pollution, and the like? Well, bloody hell, we"ll find a way to deal with it. If we cannot, the "excess" will die-- natural circumstances alright.
Well, post signs saying 'everybody gather at "x" location.' Then nuke "x." You have dispatched all of the morons who followed your sign..and hopefully solved your problem.

But that's just me.
Take away all the birth control and put viagra into the water supplies, then when the population is high enough draft every able person and then invade Australia, Russia or S.America, just do it like C&C and overwhelm them with mamoth tanks, problem solved :m:
Votorx said:
really...why the girls population and not the boy population?

In china, the male children are expected to take care of their parents when the parents are too old to take care of them selves. Females are married into other families with no such obligation. So, due to the laws they have reguarding the number of childeren a family can have, alot of the families kill daughters and keep sons. It's primitive social security.

As for the other question:
I don't know of anyway that is particularly fair or nice.
Go to war?
Weaken an enemy and reduce your population at the same time. Plus, with that large of an army, you might beable to actually expand your holdings, at least until the rest of the world gets involved.
So, go to war, and piss off the US. That way, not only will you thin out your population, but after they bomb you, they will give you tons of cash too.

Use the cash to work more on your space prgram and then start a colony ship. Hell, the thing doesn't have to work great. Load up some more of you people on this ship and blast them out into space. They are exited about being space colonists, and you clear the population some more. If the ship doesn't work great and fails somewhere out in space, you just tell the population that contact has become impossible and they are hailed as heros.
Considering how the situation is now with marriages (and sex) between family members, how would any of you solve that problem?
I'd model their economy and population planning on a country that doesn't have these problems. It might take thirty or so years to start having any noticable effect, but China's been around a while longer than that.
Nature has provided a ready solution to overpopulation. It is called starvation and disease. It is very effective and does not require any human intervention.
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machaon said:
Nature has provided a ready solution to overpopulation. It is called starvation and disease. It is very effective and does not require any human intervention.

Too true. Nature is so unpalletable. Seems like part of the cosmic joke to me. Might as well try to laugh on the way out.

I think war and murder also qualify, but I see how you could loosly put them under disease.
BigBlueHead said:
Promote homosexuality as an all-encompassing lifestyle.

.....and then give them cute talkshows with homosexual jingles by sassy fat black women.
By educating the masses would be a simple but costly way to help their citizens understand what overpopulation does and how to prevent it would be one way to intelligently stop overpopulation from happening. By also giving free norplant shots to the women would also help out as they explain the serious effects of overpoputation. By paying women something to take norplant shots would also be useful, if the women wanted it of course.
gendanken said:
.....and then give them cute talkshows with homosexual jingles by sassy fat black women.
I hope you burn for reminding me that harrowing song and video from that Queer eye for the straight guy show.

cosmictraveler said:
By educating the masses would be a simple but costly way to help their citizens understand what overpopulation does and how to prevent it would be one way to intelligently stop overpopulation from happening

You have too much faith in the masses. India has been trying to do such for a while now with little success. The main problem the government faces is the undeveloped areas. Science and consequences matter little to those people who live in villages. To them a boy is needed, nothing else much matters to them concerning population.
You could introduce a deadly virus into the food supply and wait for it to mutate, oh wait, that's already happening....