your OS

What OS do you run? please specify which distro or version

  • Windows

    Votes: 23 65.7%
  • Linux

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • BSD

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • OS X

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • other

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
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smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I know this has been done before, but after a year of Microsoft security disasters it would be interesting to see if the picture has changed

I myself now run Linux Mandrake 10 Community editon and am very excited about it
it has far less glitches than 9.1 or 9.2 used to have
it's quite a user friendly OS, but I'm not a Debian mazochist, at least for now :D
used to run WinXP, but when I now compare or sometimes boot up my old win (games/graphics) the first thing that I see - it's very poor in possibilites, things you can do. didn't turn to Linux because of security doubts, have enough skill to protect it, but I was starting to feel limited by win
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Work laptop - XP
Personal laptop - OS X
Old computer in the corner with all my music - linux
Win2K and Slackware 9.1(linux), voted other as there is no multichoise
Kunax said:
Win2K and Slackware 9.1(linux), voted other as there is no multichoise
yeah, sorry, my bad :(

edit: Stryder, can you please make this a multi choice pool?
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BSD covers OpenBSD and FreeBSD linux I would guess. Both of which have been notibly used on some of the major websites for server OS's (I think *BSD was actually used by Yahoo at one point, from recollection of what was written on the FreeBSD site)
how simular are BSD to Linux in file structure (/, /root, /bin /dev...) and CLI commands

edit: "file structure" is perhaps not the correct word!
Win2K on desktop, dualboot Mandrake 9.2/Win2K on laptop.

Tried Mandrake to work with professionaly on my laptop, but the experience of Mandrake hanging in the bootcyclus on the PCMCIA slot just threw me off completely. Took me a weekend to get it past it, and only by disabling PCMCIA alltogether. Though given the excitement of Avatar, maybe I should give it another go with Mandrake 10.
This one (My home desktop) Runs FreeBSD and Win2000, I rarely use the windows part since I've pretty much stopped playing games alltogether.

My laptop runs Gentoo Linux and WinXP

My work Desktop runs FreeBSD

Other OSs I have running on various machines that belong to me (not work) include NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris 7, Solaris 9, HP-UX 11i, Irix 6.5, and I'm probably forgetting something.
I use windows XP professional.
But i Use Mac OSX Panther so that it will look like a real computer atleast :)
Slackware 9.1 and WindowsXP.

XP isn't that bad, but slackware...what can I say. Its the god-king distro :D
Im still using windows xp but will be changing to Mandrake 10 and windows. I voted for wndows since thats what im using just now.
I'm currently using the knoppix version of debian, but I'm avidly waiting until Mandrake 10.0 official comes out.
So you mean BSD is UNIX-related?

BSD is the Berkeley flavor of Unix. Or is it Linux? I forget.

I got XP pro and Home. Mandrake Linux. And I also downloaded Solaris, but haven't played with it yet.
Xp Pro on all of my computers. I set up a back up machine with Redhat, but basically I had no reason to make myself learn it. I dual booted that machine with 2K Pro, and one day I realized it had been nearly a year since I'd booted Redhat.
Not for me I guess.
Redrover said:
I'm currently using the knoppix version of debian, but I'm avidly waiting until Mandrake 10.0 official comes out.

-well, there have been a few glitches in MDK 10 Community, but nothing I couldn't repair. Community is generally OK, and you can always do an upgrade later
Desktop #1 Windows XP Pro
Desktop#2 Linux (my precious linux box)
Desktop #3 (my mom's) Imac, so Mac OS
Laptop- WIndows XP pro
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