Your Ideal Life

So basically:
unlimited comfort = elimination of suffering

Wow... you're more delusional than I thought!

We don't continue to refer to Italy as the Roman Empire, now do we? Or Iran as the Persian Empire? Those days are long gone.. and anyways, nationalism is for fools. I don't doubt that the arab world will rise, simply because it would be so difficult for them to sink any farther.

And I have no doubt your Iran will rise, nor will the Arab world. Why? Because power shifts. We've had our time, our time where the Middle East, where Arabs were the most powerful. That time has passed, but it can and will come again.
1. In your ideal life where would you live?
2. In your ideal life would you live near or away from family?
3. In your ideal life would you work?
4. In your ideal life would you still be you?

1) No idea
2) Away
3) Nope... I would have enough money to support myself. However, I must know that I earned it all.
4) Nope.
well its NY suburbs, I mean they call it NJ...but it is really just NY. I can see WTC...oh wait no more...yeah I used to see WTC from here 2 mi away.

you can see the wu tang clan? what is staten isle in your window view? have good binoculars.


oh yeah pp, (post peace). i would be me still, i would work as a ssecret agent/super hero/lone ranger barbarian hunter. i would visit my family and drag back an impressive wolly mamoth kill, and own a time machine.
I mean, not to put next to the avatar, but to set in the signature setting, and then
activate the signature, so everytime u will type message, it will automatically appears at
the bottom of your text.
you can see the wu tang clan? what is staten isle in your window view? have good binoculars.


oh yeah pp, (post peace). i would be me still, i would work as a ssecret agent/super hero/lone ranger barbarian hunter. i would visit my family and drag back an impressive wolly mamoth kill, and own a time machine.

staten island is barely visible small hill connected to V. bridge faaaaar away.
Describe for us in detail what the ideal life would be for you. Tell us about how you'd live, what you'd do, if you'd work....
I see that once again Darkie chooses to live his own life vicariously. He's not going to use the information he gathers from us to formulate a plan for his own life. He just finds it easier and safer to waste his time reading about other people's dreams than to have dreams of his own and then *gasp* walk away from his computer, his parents' house, his minivan and his menial job and actually pursue his own dreams.
(not joking around)
Unfortunately this is true. He wants his obituary to read "Accomplished Voyeur."
Describe for us in detail (not joking around) what the ideal life would be for you. Tell us about how you'd live, what you'd do, if you'd work....


1. In your ideal life where would you live?
2. In your ideal life would you live near or away from family?
3. In your ideal life would you work?
4. In your ideal life would you still be you?

A preferably warm and slightly dry environment.
Working is not an ideal life condition.

Why wouldn't I still be me?

Ideally, I would have the financial resources necessary to travel and enjoy myself at any time.
1. In your ideal life where would you live?
2. In your ideal life would you live near or away from family?
3. In your ideal life would you work?
4. In your ideal life would you still be you?

1. I want to be able to live wherever and whenever I want, for example,
I want to try to live in Tokyo, and then when I feel bored, move to any
places in Europe, and sometimes live in my home land. Basically can live
in many different places with different culture, but not the one which is
dangerous to live in.

2. Not so far, not so near. If I watch "Everybody loves Raymond", it looks
scary if I should live so close to my parent once when I already have my
own family.

3. I want to work but want to be free from needing money (means, already
have enough money so I dont have to work for money). I want to go to
remote places in Indonesia or Africa or Nepal etc, to teach kids there reading
or learning.

4. Yes, but with more friends, more courage, better health, and some wisdom.