Your idea of a Utopia


"God is a Dick"- Me
Registered Senior Member
My last thread was about john lennon's song Imagine. didn't go over to well, so i decided to ask you about your idea of a utopia. What would it be like if you had the power to change the world? What would you do? What would you Get rid of or add? Anything goes.

Mine would be a world with no money or religion, those alone would have many sub changes. There would be no weapons because people would live with the idea that violence is un-necessary (pardon my bad spelling) because we are all here to live and that's it. No disease or alergies. No drugs. Even though it will never happen, it's a nice thought.for me anyway, i don't know what you would do, and thats why i am asking.

Thoms :D
Just a little more tolerance, logical thinking and Family Guy is all I ask for.
i dont like the term 'utopia'. it really means an idealistic imaginary realm

let's rather --what we N E E D ias NOT that, but to really try and understand this here reality we is all in experiencing

was talkin to a friend the other day, and he siad he oftentimes hates waking up in the morning. asked why, and he siad all the evil in the world

i can dig that. am i on my own when i see this world is in fukin chaos?
we havebelief verus belief, ideology vs ideology, and lots of unbelievable fukin violence. an we canny escpae it. if you hve radio, TV, your constanlt reminded of it. both on te lager scene and local

so. with that you got ya own sense of oppression. whatever that may b

so what does theindividual do if faced with this shit?
you cant wave yer hand and take away disease and war and cruelty etc etc can you?....somepeople go off and meditate. eyes shut hopin for outt of it. away in some cushy blissful realm

i am intrigues how we all got into tismss. and i sense a real clue is THE MYTHS WE have imposed aon us from kids and which can beCOME us. tp investigate these tales we tell ourselves

okay. this mightnot suddenly change the wrld, but yyou are beginning to explore reality deeper, and this may mean sometin. especially when you share your insight wid others and share others insights

i dont agree with yout think-out. i feel it's confused. for example. your deisre to stop disease. implying death?....but dont you see. IF there was no disease and death this small planet would be overcrowded. look at it NOW WIL disease! is it not overcrowded enuf fot you already?

rather we should look at why people hate others. why they believe blatant propaganda and not so blatant. how the powers operate. thisis VITAl to investiagte. ause much of our cage is precisely propaganda. a matrix like effect that encagtes body and mind
"you cant wave yer hand and take away disease and war and cruelty etc etc can you?...."

Yeah i know. It's just a thought .
"your deisre to stop disease. implying death?...."

I understand death is important, i never said end of death, i said end of disease. i don't like the idea the peoples lifes should be shortened by disease, is that okay?
"a matrix like effect that encagtes body and mind"

Your wrong, this would be reality. Something that actually exhisted. to correct myself, it would be better if people did this on their own, not me forcing them, taking away free will, but other then that i like my idea

a world without hunger, homelessness and needless suffering which is organized based on concepts of freedom and equality, but recognises the power of negative influences and so works to aviod them in the lives of the masses.. without having a policed state of censorship...

Mosheh Thezion said:

a world without hunger, homelessness and needless suffering which is organized based on concepts of freedom and equality, but recognises the power of negative influences and so works to aviod them in the lives of the masses.. without having a policed state of censorship...

My Utopia has no religion and hence no religious differences
~ Dave Katz
At the sea, I can see it callin my name.
Can you feel the magic from it too?
Flying free, reaching up and touching th moon,
We can make it if we try.
You and me, we'll climb that mountainside.
There's nothing standing in our way.
There's a land not far away where everything is kind,
A place they call Utopia, a place within the mind.
The road, now it ain't easy, and it might be hard to find,
But everyone can get there if they just get up and try.
Fly with me.
Through the trees, we will find that rainbow,
And bathe ourselves in rain of gold.
Like a bumblebee, pollinating all the flowers,
With the seeds we have sown.
Won't you follow me? Satisfaction comes with time.
You've got to do what makes you happy.
for a utopia you need the perfect weapon... the one that kills human nature.

people are, as far as i can tell, a nearly perfect 50/50 split, between wanton altruism and utter selfishness. find a way to kill either side of that equation and you might get a utopia, but it won't be human.
Spectrum said:
A world without death.
lol...Hitler will be with us still...a bullet in a head will not kill

Want to see the world without death? Watch every zombie movie there is.
People are afraid of the term utopia because they think it means a perfect unatainable society with everybody being mindless drones.

The truth is that society has a certain level of health. A society functioning in utmost health can be called utopia or whatever you want to call it.

Violence, oppression, sickness, poverty etc. are all symptoms of an unhealthy society.

Many people call themselves realists even though they do not know what realism is. Usually when I hear somebody say "I'm a realist", what they really mean is "I abide by the belief system of pessimism."

The dictionary defines pessimism as "the feeling that things will turn out badly".

Pessimism is actually a belief in the inevitability of injustice and conflict. These things are not inevitable. Nor does a society without them equal boring mindless distopia.
Anyone see the movie "Zardoz" with Sean Connery? I like their utopia, although it did have some fatal flaws.
Two words: Zombie Apocolypse
sargentlard said:
that would be hell
That's what Zardoz was about. They had everything except death, and it was necessary to import a genetically engineered mutant (Sean Connery) in order to bring it to them. It's almost a happy ending when they all die.
There are two connotations of Utopia:
1) (the etymologically derived one) Nowhere. The original sense of the word. Implies a system with an approach pathway that is essentially nonexistent.
2) Ideal society. This a more recent one. It's used almost synonymously with anything idealistic nowadays.

My vision of an ideal society is a progressive socialist barterdom.