your house



doesn't it seem that your house is boring and you want to hang out at another friend's house, but they don't want to stay at their house either. i'm always away from my home, cause i guess i get tired of the same old stuff when infact others homes/enviornments are basicly jus like mine
The old saying is that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Home is where you should feel the best at and if you don't then you should try and make it a better place to live at. I enjoy going out but I enjoy coming home to where I feel the most comfortable at. Sometimes home is even better than going out because I have everything here that I need and want. Look around you , do you like what you see? If not change it! The most important thing is that you feel alright with yourself no matter where you are.
NO WAY! Everyone always wanted to hang out at my house...and I agreed. My house is so fun. I mean,'s not really big, but there are usually random people wandering through it. I mean...I could come home from work one day and have no one be home, come home the next and have 20 people in my house. I could aslo come home to my gramma (who doesn't live with us), my best friend and my sister's ex-boyfriend being the only people home. It has happened. house is awesome.
I stay at my house only when I want everyone to leave me alone.

But notice, every time you hang out at someone's house you drink/watch TV/both... I am so sick of that kind of lifestyle... My bunch even celebrates birthdays this way.
I like being in my apartment. I rather have friends come over here than go to their place.
My house is going to be one bitchin' center of fun and comfortableness once I have a place of my own. *tear* But now, I don't spend to much time here at my paren't house because they are too obsessed with cleanliness for my liking.
East and West, Home is best.

My motto is " east and west, home is best". I love my aparment. We moved into it two years ago. It is some 50 km west of the capital. It overlooks a vast farm. When I look out into the south, I see pieces of green farms of eggpalnts, cabbage, tomatoes and....
I rarely leave my apartment. Just when I want to go to work and to visit family members and relatives. Unfortunately I have no friends - I stress- no friends. So I have noone of my own to receive at home. Even I do the walking at home.
Whenever I leave home I wish to be back soon. I feel at ease here.
If you don`t own a house I wish you owned one as soon as possible. Thanks
There is no place like home.

I love hangin' out in my own house and am never really comfortable in other people's homes for long.

I have very few friends, but, No friends at all... why?
I'd rather be anywhere but my house 24/7...even for meals. Maybe that will change once I get into my apartment, but for now I dont like this house. (i stress house because home means something completely different to me and my parents place is not where I feel like i"m home)
if i had any nearby freinds id probably go to their houses.
but even my local friends are all atleast an hours drive away. i cant drive and my parents would never willingly let us get together.
we live in one of those blasted comunities in the midle of no where with nothing but newly weds and old people.
it takes half an hour just to walk to the nearest gass station, wich is coinsidentaly the nearest non-residential building.
i'm a homebody. i prefer to stay at home and have people come to me. or not to come at all. i like being alone at my parents house cause it's pretty nice but i don't like the people. either that or i go to my neighbor's house (we both prefer haning out at her house). at my apartment, i like when people visit but i hardly ever leave it to visit other people. my roommate is my dearest friend and we do everything together. no need to go out for companionship.
Originally posted by cthulhus slave
if i had any nearby freinds id probably go to their houses.
but even my local friends are all atleast an hours drive away. i cant drive and my parents would never willingly let us get together.
we live in one of those blasted comunities in the midle of no where with nothing but newly weds and old people.
it takes half an hour just to walk to the nearest gass station, wich is coinsidentaly the nearest non-residential building.

This explains a lot of your character.
i do find myself eating at other's hpmes, even when i have oober lots of food at my own house. i guess it saves on my groecery bill too:D
Three things:
1. Your parents' house is not your house - even if you have the best parents in the world. So yes, when I lived with my parents I tried to be out as much as possible.
2. Age. Usually the older you are the more lazy you are. Even after I got my first appartment I used to go for long walks etc. But no I just like it home. I definitely prefer inviting friends to our house than going out.
3. Appartment is not a house. Although my first appartment was big and comfortable, without garden I felt rather claustrophobic. I needed fresh air from time to time. Another problem - neighbours. Now I have a house with big garden and forest nearby, so I have everything I need.
I rarely invite people to my place... I just find my place too boring.