Your Genetic Creation


You Forgot Poland
Registered Senior Member
Here I want everyone to post their own wish list of creations to be produced through genetic engineering. A cool pet? A new food? A creature of war? Post your ideas here.

1. A six legged green rat that can walk up walls and eat bugs.
2. Pocket sized gorillas.
3. Potatoes with the taste and texture of corn.
4. Riding crickets.
5. Ants that use methane burning power plants.
6. Mushrooms that taste like strawberries.
7. Snakes, fish, and lizards with eye lids and ears.
8. Ressurect everything that has ever gone extinct and put them in zoos. If no DNA exists for a species shape an existing creature to have a similar form and function.
Consider the following hypothetical organism: A waist high plant with an inverse umbrella of leaves at the top. These contain photosynthetic organs similar to cromatophores. When open the leaves turn dark green. When closed they become extremely pale. By use of these the plant may regulate its body temperature and its surrounding climate.
The air above a field of these plants in a warm climate would become superheated (because so much light is reflected back into the air) and rise. Cooler air would then be pulled in by the low pressure as a ground hugging breeze. Dew would condense on the leaves of the plant and supply it with a good source of water. An entire microclimate might exist under the canopy of leaves.
All reproductive activities would have to take place under this canopy in hot climates. Above it seeds, pollen, or pollinators would be fried. The plants would likely reproduce mainly through runners much the same as strawberries do.

It’s a freaky little organism I thought up. I can think of no reason something like this couldn’t evolve on its own or be genetically engineered. Something like this would do wonderfully on a world with a highly elliptical orbit. Stays warm in the winter, stays cool (and well watered) during the summer. Also nukes any birds, airplanes, or locust swarms flying over on sunny days.
i like to modify my penis. it should be resizable
oh....and orgasms should last as long as you want it to

i like the idea of the 6 legged green rat. its gonna be indestructible, totally loyal to me and very unpleasant to those that wish me harm

ps: a plant with a pussy would be nice too
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no fair, Spookz...we all know you would choose to have those big o's last forever. and, if you conisder the consequences of would end up getting nothing done - you would be too busy enjoying yoursef... hey! no fair!! :mad: :p :D
My childhood imaginary friend was Nermin and he looked just like that . He was quite evil though and a bit mad in the "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" way.

I allready have dibs on the company name "green rat industries"
I would mutate koala bears into Ewoks. And an iguana into Yoda.

Then I would make real-life MicroNauts. The aliens, at least. How cool would it be to have a pet Repto?
Khan from Startrek? You better improve everyone then or bad things will happen.
Some more help

Humans with the ability to:
  • Breathe underwater (gills, etc.)
  • Regenerate lost tissue rapidly
  • Have better light-sensitive eyes, like cats
  • Glow when light sources are not available
  • Produce slimey coating as a defence mechanism
  • Hibernate
Originally posted by spookz
i like to modify my penis. it should be resizable
oh....and orgasms should last as long as you want it to

i like the idea of the 6 legged green rat. its gonna be indestructible, totally loyal to me and very unpleasant to those that wish me harm

ps: a plant with a pussy would be nice too

Wouldn't an everlasting orgasm cause an overload to the system? I'd probably die. But at least I'd die happy.
not good in the evolutionary sense.... unless you want to be born sexually mature and breed for 1 day and then die.... like some insects