Your fears.

My ex-wife was like that. I'm guessing you don't like change and that other's would describe you as always being on an even keel. You don't get too exciting when times are good but you are calm and rational when times are bad?
I've grown to accept change, and somewhat like it, but it has taken a couple of years of self growth to move past why I didn't like change. On some level, I used to equate change with loss. If something ''changes,'' then loss is soon to follow. I don't wish to share the details of where some of this stems from, but I'm working on it. We're all a work in progress, after all. :smile:
I've grown to accept change,

death by a thousand cuts
what other choices do you have ?

We're all a work in progress,
only the good ones

I used to equate change with loss. If something ''changes,''
this is very common
it is a basic multi layered stage of human development

there are many flavours of how this plays out externally in a symptomatic manner when the base cause is maligned.

self help pyramid/ponsy systems are a multi billion dollar industry

imagine if everyone was suddenly cured
what a financial nightmare

but I'm working on it
hopefully this is not being exploited by someone to sell you thousands of dollars worth of cyber certificates to sit for hours in front of a computer screen and pretend its advancing your intellectual emotional intelligence when its just a punch n judy ponsy scheme.

as long as you dont scam those who cant afford it its probably ok
thats how cultural/religous indoctrination works & that is considred to be morally acceptable by the majority.

morals schmorals

those ponsy self help things...(999.999% of them)
same as born-again-christian holiday camp psychology
selling porn as "fake it till you make it"
material greed imagery selling objectification of material wealth as porn...

selling to a pre conditioned audience of born again christianism

how does born again christianism work with STI's & STD's and pray the gay away ?
... fake it bigger
shout louder
yeah im sure thats a good way to fix shit thats broken
smash it with a bigger stick

but people love it like opioids
and they are dying by the dozens per day
its a big seller
people love it
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you are making them
who is making who do what ?
you can't just say what you want, free speech doesn't work like that
is that the subject we are discussing ?
that is not what i meant
but you have not yet described or attempted to explain what you meant because you are expecting others to assume a pre defined meaning which gives you excuses and ways to avoid having to deal with various issues

morals schmorals

Capitalism doesn't care about your phobias unless it can profit from them
who is making who do what ?

is that the subject we are discussing ?

but you have not yet described or attempted to explain what you meant because you are expecting others to assume a pre defined meaning which gives you excuses and ways to avoid having to deal with various issues

morals schmorals

Capitalism doesn't care about your phobias unless it can profit from them
Any chance the post you're quoting has been deleted, or did you post this to the wrong thread?