Young Gas?

I have an idea for you.

First establish that a gas field has been in a particular place for hundreds of millions of years according to the current state of science.

Then establish that this particular gas field cannot have been there for hundreds of millions of years.

Because otherwise I still have a fairytale book I want to sell to you. It's called the bible. It's a good laugh.
Mainstream geologists do say that the gas fields have been there, all pressured up, for hundreds of millions of years, which is obviously silly.

Show that they say so. Then prove that it cannot be.

You silly bugger.

On a similar note. Mainstream theologists say Jesus was gay and liked to be penetrated, which is obviously quite true.
So basically you do not know what you are talking about. You probably read something on some creationist website. You believed it because jesus doesn't lie, however, you failed to notice that creationist propaganda is written by immoral people who will do anything to perpetuate their sick believes. And you lap it up like an obedient dog.

Your task is very simple:

1. show that mainstream geologists say that natural gas fields are hundreds of millions of years old.

2. show that this cannot be.

So far all you did is use your 'silly' 'argument', if you want to call it that. Everything that disagrees with your indoctrination is silly.

On a similar note, most mainstream psychiatrists think creationists are crazy.

It is very interesting to see that you always fail any challenge.
Are you really that ignorant? Devonian, Permian, Triassic, etc, are labels of supposed geologic ages hundreds of millions of years ago, which mainstream geologists attempt to rationalize.

If all that gas pressure has remained for hundreds of millions of years, then why is gas continually leaking at the surface, and don't tell me it's your buried bones and terds.
Are you really that ignorant? Devonian, Permian, Triassic, etc, are labels of supposed geologic ages hundreds of millions of years ago, which mainstream geologists attempt to rationalize.

If all that gas pressure has remained for hundreds of millions of years, then why is gas continually leaking at the surface, and don't tell me it's your buried bones and terds.

1. show that natural gas fields are hundreds of millions years old.

2. show that they cannot be.

A very simple task.

Stop moaning like jesus' whore and just do it.
Ice Ages! Do you understand about relative permeabilty, structural and sedimentological traps, osmotic pressure, clay mineralogy, zero porosity sediments such as evaporites, diagenesis, wettability, compaction, hydrocarbon migration, etc?
If not, why not go and get an education?
If so, why are you talking crap?
Ophi, if you want to believe that high gas pressure has been maintained beneath porous and permeable sediment rock layers for hundreds of millions of years, then you just go for it.
Thank you. I have gone for it. I derive my income from going for it. A 100k a year is a nice return for using a false paradigm.

Firstly, most hydrocarbons are derived from sediments deposited during the Mesozoic, so they are not hundreds of millions of years old.

Secondly, the source deposits only begin producing oil and gas when they pass through a specific temperature/pressure 'window', which can occur long after burial.

Thirdly, some (most?) gas does and has escaped over geological time. Those resources we are lucky enough to be able to exploit are the deposits which have been trapped by fortuitous juxtaposition of source, reservoir and cap rocks.