You Know You Haven't Visited Sciforums in a while when...


melted down
Registered Senior Member

I guess that means I'm back? A little bit, perhaps? Nice to see that this forum is still hoppin' and still has some good content. Somehow I doubt I'll get around to reading all 5406 threads I've missed but we'll see how it goes.

My appologies if this thread is a bit spammy or in the wrong place, but hell, I've only not been here for about a year! :cool:
Goodness! Welcome back! I was just thinking of making a new thread about my absence for a few days and you were absent for a year? Surprise for me....:)
I, personally, hope a lot that you won't end up like a few 'phobic' members who left sciforums quite a while ago (wait, maybe I shouldn't have said that...... it's so discouraging)

btw: like that XP setting you have
I know I haven't visited sciforums in a while when I observe that I didn't know Distortion hadn't visited sciforums in a while.

Someone's impeaching Xev? And here I've been missing all the fun.
You guys have been missing all the fun. you are among the internet's greatest! (LOL) I also like you windows settings, which one is that?