LOL! The Marquis belongs those rare members of the long long ago that actually added some spice to this place
Because I choose to.But I don't understand you're reasoning. Your main complaint is that logic and reason surface on 'OTHER' forums, but not here. I am curious as to why you bother spending your time here?
I also take part elsewhere. Is that a problem?
This is an inaccurate portrayal.Also I find it curious that as a new member you have been in 1/12 flames neither of which you were able to extricate yourself from.
I extricated myself quite well thanks.
That I didn't just keep flaming on and on like a schoolyard brawl does NOT mean I was unable to extricate myself.
Allowed others. Interesting. So it's OK for others to drag me into the mire if I allow it?In both situations you wrote in large caps, called foul and no fair play and allowed others to drag you further and further into the mire. Why was that?
What kind of double standard is that?
I have used that capacity more than once.Not having the capacity to withdraw from an 'illogical' flame war doesn't make you look anymore 'reasonable' than the brawlers you accuse of being brawlers.
Your inability to separate immature brawling from logic and reason does not, in any way, support this claim.
I have to admit, that started off as amusing. The whole losing the plot thing. But then it became annoying. As soon as one turns the heat up, even just a little bit, he falls apart and the caps and accusations of abuse and misrepresentation starts to flow.
Bells, I have repeatedly clarified, over and over and over again (The latest was you "Happy to delegate" comment) how you DO play people into your little game.
Furthermore, many other people around here see it clearly and are well aware of it.
Feinting at innocent denial only makes you dishonest.
If you want to flame people-- fine. At least be open and honest about it.
Such characterizations are irrelevant to who or what I actually am.Someone should give him a good hard shake and tell him that he's a 31 year old man. Not an emo teenager with bad hair and eyeliner.
You use such characterizations, such as
Net whackjob
bad parent and so on - on and on of long strings of verbal abuse, slander and ad hom attacks to support yourself and your claims.
That is unimpressive at best.
If you cannot argue your position from logic, what makes you think you have a position worth defending?
Even more amusing is how you use these techniques while trying to persuade people on how to properly reach troubled children!
How hypocritical.
The caps are a lazy approach to emphasizing words.Okay. I have to say it.
What is with the caps?
Since you seem to read that as shouting, I will try to remember to Bold, italicize or underscore words in the future. Will that help?
Very few people are challenging me, actually.And that's the thing for you, isn't it? You are not influencing that many people here. More to the point, people are directly challenging you on this forum.
You are one of the most frequent challengers and you strike me as one with a desire to flame a character you have invented off the top of your head.
Sometimes the schoolyard brawl is the most fun and one just needs to know how to take the most efficient jabs to bring the other undone. You should learn or try to learn to do that.![]()
I learned how to do that in grade school.
I learned how to be an adult, later.
I suggest, instead of me learning to act childishly again, that you learn how to grow up, instead.