WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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Any reason why you cropped off the three access holes in the box columns? were you "covering up data" ?

No.. I cropped it so the topic of my discussion, the floor joists, were centered in the picture. ..which by the way no one wants to discuss. Psi just babbles about wanting to know the total amount of steel, no matter what is being discussed, and HS thinks I'm a spook.

This is why all the "official story" people stopped coming to this thread. When presented with hard get nothing in return but subject changes and nonsense.
You have not specified how thick the steel is and whether you have a method of measuring the CORE TEMPERATURE. You apparently think you can analyze anything on the basis of vague terms and then imply there is something wrong with other people demanding exact information.

Ok..the size of the rod is the same diameter of the one indicated with the green arrow in the picture. In a rod that small in diameter, I don't think there would be much appreciable difference between the temperature in the center, and on the surface. So I'm not quite sure why measuring core temperature would be so important.

Of course that still would not explain the conservation of momentum problem of the top 16 stories coming straight down and supposedly crushing everything below in less than 18 seconds. That is where the steel and concrete on every level comes in and hast hothing whatsoever to do with the fire. You did understand my mathematics in FALL OF PHYSICS right?


Why don't you go over that again with memory isn't what it used to be. :)
You have not specified how thick the steel is and whether you have a method of measuring the CORE TEMPERATURE.
the core columns dimensions are available, i remember reading about them.
it's a shame i can't remember where though.
both the cross section and the thickness of the steel decreased along the height of the building.
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the core columns dimensions are available, i remember reading about them.
it's a shame i can't remember where though.
both the cross section and the thickness of the steel decreased along the height of the building.

The quote you took was about macguyver talking about sticking a rod in a fire it was not about steel in the WTC. He was not providing specs for his example.

Kevin Ryan's letter to NIST

This post is the 5th and final part of shaman_'s post 795 in this thread.

scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
The company spokesman said [Kevin Ryan] was fired because he “"expressed his own opinions as though they were institutional opinions and beliefs of UL."

He did nothing of the sort and has said as much. But the -real- tragedy here is that UL wanted to distance itself from his beliefs when they were so insightful.

They weren’t insightful. His letter, which even made mention of melting steel, was trying to establish that the fire didn’t go over 250C! The evidence for higher temperatures is overwhelming. Insightful?

Yes, his letter made mention of melting steel. Let's get the context of that mention:
There continues to be a number of "experts" making public claims about how the WTC buildings fell. One such person, Dr. Hyman Brown from the WTC construction crew, claims that the buildings collapsed due to fires at 2000F melting the steel (1). He states "What caused the building to collapse is the airplane fuel . . . burning at 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The steel in that five-floor area melts." Additionally, the newspaper that quotes him says "Just-released preliminary findings from a National Institute of Standards and Technology study of the World Trade Center collapse support Brown's theory.

We know that the steel components were certified to ASTM E119. The time temperature curves for this standard require the samples to be exposed to temperatures around 2000F for several hours. And as we all agree, the steel applied met those specifications. Additionally, I think we can all agree that even un-fireproofed steel will not melt until reaching red-hot temperatures of nearly 3000F (2). Why Dr. Brown would imply that 2000F would melt the high-grade steel used in those buildings makes no sense at all.

Yes you have posted this like 20 times.

If I have, it's because you consistently fail to get what I'm trying to say.

shaman_ said:
Spamming text is not taking part of a discussion.

Trying to educate someone by repeatedly trying to impress a lesson upon them isn't spamming.

shaman_ said:
Can you please actually respond to the post you are replying to?

I was, but apparently you didn't notice.

shaman_ said:
How is that letter insightful? It isn’t even correct and is attacking a claim which NIST does not make.

It may have had some minor flaws, but I think the points Kevin brings up in his letter are worthy of note. It may well be that because of Kevin, they got rid of the silly notion that the office fires could have melted the steel, as Dr. Brown was suggesting.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
As to his statement regarding how hot the fires got, he was relying on NIST's interim report. Again from his letter:
The results of your recently published metallurgical tests seem to clear things up (3), and support your team's August 2003 update as detailed by the Associated Press (4), in which you were ready to "rule out weak steel as a contributing factor in the collapse". The evaluation of paint deformation and spheroidization seem very straightforward, and you noted that the samples available were adequate for the investigation. Your comments suggest that the steel was probably exposed to temperatures of only about 500F (250C), which is what one might expect from a thermodynamic analysis of the situation.

Yes I know Scott I have read it twenty times. NIST did not, at any stage, imply that the hottest temperatures reached were 250C.

It implied that most of the steel samples didn't go beyond that temperature. This may be because to suggest that office fires could have gotten the steel to higher temperatures stretches credulity. However, they apparently later realized that to -not- do so stretched credulity even more, considering the evidence for molten steel and perhaps even vaporized steel, and so then went up to the idea that the steel got somewhat hotter then that.

shaman_ said:
He is specifically referring to the temperatures recorded on the steel panels. While a question should be asked about these particular tests (regarding the selection of samples)

It almost sounds like you might actually be agreeing that perhaps they should have done a more thorough investigation before trashing most of the steel. Is that what you're implying?
UL's Steel test with essentially no fireproofing still held

This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 863 in this thread.

scott3x said:
With fireproofing, as well as with essentially no fireproofing as the excerpt provided above from Kevin Ryan's article The short reign of Ryan Mackey makes clear.

Show me where that document ‘makes it clear’.

Gladly. It's on page 7:
In fact, UL did test floor assemblies in 1970, that were “similar” to those used in the WTC towers, but this fact has not been repeated by NIST since their progress report of May 2003.[7] The results of those early tests were interesting, considering that they showed the “floor assembly sagged 3 inches... at 120 minutes”, which correlates with the August 2004 floor tests done by UL as part of the NIST investigation. Of course, 120 minutes is much longer than the fire times in the failure zones of either tower.

There are several other facts about UL’s August 2004 floor model tests, performed as part of the NIST WTC investigation, that should be emphasized. These facts show that, even despite designing these tests in an intentionally deceptive way, the floor models still supported their loads in the furnace. Not only did UL and NIST add twice the known WTC load to the floor models, they also used far less fireproofing than was known to exist at the time. The tests performed by UL included two test specimens with “as built” fireproofing of 0.75 inches, one with “as specified” fireproofing” thickness of only 0.5 inches, and one with the “as specified” condition of essentially no fireproofing. None of the test specimens had fireproofing to represent the “as impacted” condition of 3.25 inches, reported in NCSTAR 1-6A, figure A-60.

Hey! Nice read..

I partcularly enjoyed this post:

For benefit of new members joining this thread I will respond briefly to the latest psikeyhackr post.

Members newly joining may not be aware that psik has been making the same sort of claims for a long time and they have all been answered many times.

The frustration that some members show towards psikey may be better appreciated when seen in that context. Let's look at some key points and I will address them with deliberate terseness:

psikeyhackr wrote:.... But the WTC collapses required that the tens of thousands of tons of steel and concrete which had held up the buildings for 28 years be bent and broken and crushed.

For the umpteenth time psik that statement is:

* wrong,
* untrue,
* bullshit,
* lacks any veracity,
* doesn't relate to how the towers collapsed.


* The "collapse as it actually happened" did not "require" crushing of tens of thousand of tons of anything to allow the collapse to happen;
* whatever was crushed occurred as a consequence not as a cause of collapse (with some minor exceptions);
* The 28 years is irrelevant;
* And the bulk of the "holding up" bits, the outer columns, landed mostly unbuckled; unbent alongside the original tower footprint having paid no part in the collapse; AND
* Some of the core columns were bent as a consequence of being struck by the falling mass.

psikeyhackr wrote:....So how is it that only my absurd and miraculous collapse with inverted masses and disappearing supports comes down that fast in relation to freefall?....

..again an untrue statement psik. And you deliberately repeat the untruth because the truth has been explained to you several times. The specific untruth is in your use of the word "only". There are at least three other "...comes down that fast..." examples in evidence.

1. The actual collapses of the towers which (a) came down "that fast" and (b) did not require your gap in the middle scenario to achieve that rate of fall;
2. My explanations of the"global collapse" which have been debated and never rebutted on this forum; AND
3. All the other explanations at large out there on the Web including NIST.

psikeyhackr wrote:...A skyscraper must be bottom heavy and Case #2 using that distribution has double that percentage of time but it didn't require kinetic energy be used to break supports.

So what is the story with all of these people that claim there was a gravitational collapse but also pretend that knowing the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE on every level isn't necessary? psikeyhackr erects his favourite and "well worn" "Strawman #1" (version the many'th)

psikeyhackr wrote:... I have demonstrated that changing the distribution of mass alters the collapse time regardless of the strength of the material involved and how much kinetic energy would be required to break it.

...whether or not you "have demonstrated that changing the distribution of mass alters...etc" for your fake situation it is totally irrelevant to the real situation of what actually happened on 9/11.

Then, again for the information of newcomers, psik concludes with his traditional and obligatory snide snipe at me:

psikeyhackr wrote:...Physics isn't about believing. Physics is about understanding. One would think a structural engineer could understand that. :funny:


...which, naturally leads me to spend sleepless nights.

But, joking aside, note the inferential linking of the OP terminology (which predates my membership and any awareness of this forum) to this "notional structural engineer". I didn't write the OP psik. As if the issue really was "belief".

The temperatures that could have been reached by the Twin Tower office fires alone and the facts on the effect of essentially no fireproofing revisited

This post is in response to the 2nd part of shaman_'s post 863 in this thread.

scott3x said:
With fireproofing, as well as with essentially no fireproofing as the excerpt provided above from Kevin Ryan's article The short reign of Ryan Mackey makes clear.

Show me the results of a test with temperatures near 1000C, steel with no fireproofing and bucking not occurring. This is what you are claiming, correct?

Not to my knowledge, no. From what I understand, office fires should only have been able to get the temperatures up to about 1000C, your protests, although I know you disagree.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
Regardless of the amount of fireproofing on them, they sagged a bit but they definitely didn't collapse...

There is no mention there of tests without fireproofing.

I mentioned it in my last post.

shaman_ said:
Just admit that it's possible the fires were hot enough to cause unprotected steel to buckle.

I've seen no evidence that the WTC office fires were hot enough to cause steel, fireproofed or unfireproofed, to buckle, only to sag a bit.

shaman_ said:
You are just throwing random links at me now to keep me busy in the hope that I will move on.

If I were just throwing random links at you I wouldn't be answering this post ages from when you wrote it- it takes -time- to find points that counter some of yours.
Underwriter Laboratories/NIST's steel tests much harsher then reality of the actual 9/11 office fires and loads on the steel, and yet the steel still didn't fail

This post is in response to the 3rd part of shaman_'s post 863 in this thread.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
Regardless of the amount of fireproofing on them, they sagged a bit but they definitely didn't collapse- and this in conditions that were definitely harsher then the actual WTC fires could have gotten.

What are you basing this on? Your imagination? Where are the details that make this clear?

I'm basing it on the quote that I've quoted so many times. Once again, with the relevant parts highlighted this time:
In fact, UL did test floor assemblies in 1970, that were “similar” to those used in the WTC towers, but this fact has not been repeated by NIST since their progress report of May 2003.[7] The results of those early tests were interesting, considering that they showed the “floor assembly sagged 3 inches... at 120 minutes”, which correlates with the August 2004 floor tests done by UL as part of the NIST investigation. Of course, 120 minutes is much longer than the fire times in the failure zones of either tower.

There are several other facts about UL’s August 2004 floor model tests, performed as part of the NIST WTC investigation, that should be emphasized. These facts show that, even despite designing these tests in an intentionally deceptive way, the floor models still supported their loads in the furnace. Not only did UL and NIST add twice the known WTC load to the floor models, they also used far less fireproofing than was known to exist at the time. The tests performed by UL included two test specimens with “as built” fireproofing of 0.75 inches, one with “as specified” fireproofing” thickness of only 0.5 inches, and one with the “as specified” condition of essentially no fireproofing. None of the test specimens had fireproofing to represent the “as impacted” condition of 3.25 inches, reported in NCSTAR 1-6A, figure A-60.

As a sidenote, I actually took a look at NCSTAR 1-6A, but while Figure A-60 was mentioned, it said it was in Apendix A, and I couldn't find that.
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Underwriter Laboratories/NIST's steel tests much harsher then reality of the actual 9/11 office fires and loads on the steel, and yet the steel still didn't fail

This post is in response to the 3rd part of shaman_'s post 863 in this thread.

I'm basing it on the quote that I've quoted so many times. Once again, with the relevant parts highlighted this time:
In fact, UL did test floor assemblies in 1970, that were “similar” to those used in the WTC towers, but this fact has not been repeated by NIST since their progress report of May 2003.[7] The results of those early tests were interesting, considering that they showed the “floor assembly sagged 3 inches... at 120 minutes”, which correlates with the August 2004 floor tests done by UL as part of the NIST investigation. Of course, 120 minutes is much longer than the fire times in the failure zones of either tower.

There are several other facts about UL’s August 2004 floor model tests, performed as part of the NIST WTC investigation, that should be emphasized. These facts show that, even despite designing these tests in an intentionally deceptive way, the floor models still supported their loads in the furnace. Not only did UL and NIST add twice the known WTC load to the floor models, they also used far less fireproofing than was known to exist at the time. The tests performed by UL included two test specimens with “as built” fireproofing of 0.75 inches, one with “as specified” fireproofing” thickness of only 0.5 inches, and one with the “as specified” condition of essentially no fireproofing. None of the test specimens had fireproofing to represent the “as impacted” condition of 3.25 inches, reported in NCSTAR 1-6A, figure A-60.

As a sidenote, I actually took a look at NCSTAR 1-6A, but while Figure A-60 was mentioned, it said it was in Apendix A, and I couldn't find that.

And precisely what is the source of this stuff you keep repeatedly posting??
And precisely what is the source of this stuff you keep repeatedly posting??
it certainly isn't his own words that's for sure because the man hasn't done any independent research on this subject.
his inability to answer some of my questions proves that assertion.
Dawkins is a strong anti-creationist though. And sciforums doesn't exactly lend itself to them either. In all honesty, I think it's for this very reason that people like me, you and psikeyhackr can go on about 9/11 as an inside job in forums like this; because there is enough respect for theories that show they have scientific evidence.

You can go on about 9/11 in forums like this because most people here believe in free speech and open debate. If your points were respected for their scientific merit, they wouldn't be relegated to the pseudoscience section.
You can go on about 9/11 in forums like this because most people here believe in free speech and open debate. If your points were respected for their scientific merit, they wouldn't be relegated to the pseudoscience section.

Definitely an AUTHORITARIAN perspective.

Can you build a skyscraper without determining the distribution of steel? Then where is there a SCIENTIFIC section on any website ths specifies the vertical distribtion of steel on any skyscraper?


Hey! Nice read..

I partcularly enjoyed this post:

Should I track down the post where econ talked about the impact velocity of an object dropped from 1000 feet and got it WRONG?

I provided a link to FALL OF PHYSICS and you want to dig up psychological bullshit.

If you aren't capable of evaluating the math and finding if anything is wrong with it and explaining what is incorrect if that is the case then admit it. Econ41 just balthers and explains nothing but apparently that impresses you.

my quote was taken from the following post:
you mentioned that the dimensions of the box columns have never been published. this is an error on your part because i remember reading about them.

So your memory is defective.

Supply a link to where I said that. I keep saying we don't have the weight for steel and concrete on each level. And the NIST never provided the total for the concrete.

I provided a link to Lon Water's site where he has info on the box columns in the core.

The NIST report says there were 12 types of perimeter wall panels but does not provide the number and weight of each type. We only know the weight of the heaviest was 22 tons because it was in an engineering magazine from 1970.

response to this post:

You are proving my point. heat was unable to build up above the equilibrium fire temperature produced by office contents and jet fuel. I think you misunderstand fire. In an enclosed space, heat temperature from a fire will build up until it escapes. The hotest point of a building fire inside an enclosed room is usually just before the windows break. This is the principle of an oven, if you open the oven door you will be met with a blast of heat, opening the door will reduce the temperature inside the oven, therefore an oven with an open door is not as hot as an oven with a closed door, therefore a burning building with a plane sized hole in it is not as hot as a fire inside an enclosed building.
The ventilation would have no effect on the maximum temperature but you are really reaching if you think that the hole would have restricted the temperatures within the building. The temperature around the actual hole may certainly have been lower…

…. but the remainder of the building, and particularly the other side of the building, would not be affected. The other side of the building to the impact areas was where the bowing was observed and south tower leant towards that direction when falling. So that is most likely were the highest temperatures were.

Your oven example might be analogous if the WTC was one room and one entire wall was removed. !

An enclosed building is not a vaccuum. This has been the problem with your style of posting here, you take every detail applying equal weight to non equal arguments. This enables you to disagree on every single point and always in your mind to
Ah truthers. .. they know what really happened, they know what people are thinking.. they know everything!

present a discussion in an equally weighted 50:50 framework. This binary thinking enables you to choose what reality is, it will damage your ability to think if you train yourself to think that way.
Right… so from my flippant comment you have analysed my ability to perceive reality. Yer ok.

The mainstream news media propaganda programs people's thinking like this all the time, "israel has said they have intelligence that iran is developing a nuclear weapons, iran denies it is developing a bomb", then offer false dichotomy choices. "Have your say- should we invade North Korea or Iran? results after this short CNN break".(Nevermind the proof that iran is not developing a bomb).
Here were go again… Because I’m not gullible enough to fall for the absurdities of the 9/11 conspiracy I must therefore believe everything on the news.

You have fallen for Mackey's sophistry propaganda yet again. Let me explain how you got your bad information.

If you had read Griffin's book (instead of letting Mackey impress a false reality on you), you would have discovered that David Ray Griffin wrote this "Thomas Eager <Professor of Materials Engineering and Materials Systems, MIT> estimated, given the fact that the fire was putting out black smoke, that the fire was burning at a temperature of 648 C and 704 C (1200 F - 1300 F)" you would then have been able to get to the original source and found that Eager's published and peer reviewed words were "It is known that the WTC fire was a fuel-rich, diffuse flame as evidenced by the copious black smoke". You'll also find that Eager said "The black smoke indicates a fuel-rich fire". It is clear that Eager's and Griffin's point is that the jet fuel was burning ineffeciently and thus well below jet fuel's maximum efficient burning temperature. Magic master magician Mackey conjurs it up as "Dr. Griffin next uses the presence of black smoke as an argument that the fire was oxygen starved". You are the victim of bad information and Mackey is a disgrace to science.
I did not get that information from Mackey at all. It is something that I have seen many truthers repeat many times. Scott has mentioned before.

So is this, or is it not, David Ray Griffin saying that the fires were oxygen starved?

“Photographs of the towers 15 minutes after they were struck show few flames and lots of black smoke, a sign that the fires were oxygen-starved. Thomas Eagar, recognizing this fact, says that the fires were “probably only about 1,200 or 1,300˚F” (Eagar, 2002).”

Just using the term oxygen starved is incorrect and deceptive.

You are living in a fantasy world where Mackey is responsible for everything. His drg review document is a good piece of debunking. As a 9/11 follower I'm sure you do feel some hostility towards him.

Actually Popular Mechanics in their book state "Jet fuel burns at 1100 C to 1200 C"
In their original 9/11 article they say 426C to 815C.

1200C? That sounds extremely high. Are there conditions mentioned that accompany that estimate? Are there reasons given why it is so much higher than one published earlier?

but this shouldn't surprise you given they are proven liars as evidenced by Pop Mech's Davin Coburn claiming he had seen photos of a third of wtc7's south face half way into the building scooped out on the Charles Goyette radio show. Of course we now know this is a completely made up falsehood with the release of NISTs wtc7 report, but it shouldn't surprise anyone because we know this magazine that is usually at home reviewing lawn mowers is owned by the Hearst corporation which is the usual place to find yellow journalism war propganda.

steel weakening due to fire follows a smooth curve. weakening leading to catastrophic collapse is a binary state, one moment the structure is stable, the next moment there is collapse, these are different concepts and you are confusing them.
The bowing seen on the WTC is evidence that the weakening did follow a smooth curve, until the collapse initiated. To describe the collapse as a binary state is a deceptive simplification and you should know that. It didn't just all fall at the same time. One floor collapsed and the floor underneath could not handle the extra weight and momentum so it collapsed ect ect.

Even if they were different concepts but that doesn’t mean that one cannot lead to the other.

this is a lie. nowhere have i seen anyone state this. Mackey magic again?
Because Mackey is the source of everything bad right?

I will rephrase so there is no confusion. The truthers assert that the fires were not hot enough to weaken the steel.

This is bad logic. Demonstrating that something is possible by using an example that in no way resembles the real situation is pure sophistry.
A steel framed structure collapsing from fire does resemble the situation. To say that it doesn’t is pure fantasy and is basically the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming la la la la I’m a truther la la la la.

Truthers wouldn’t accept anything other than an exact replica of the WTC as a demonstration that fires can cause steel buildings to collapse…..

By the same logic i could deceptively argue that a plane could not enter the twin towers by using the example of a glider colliding into a solid steel wall.
Fire causing steel buildings to collapse is just a little more relevant than your example.

it was a bridge! it was not a welded interconnected steel structure built to skyscraper standards.
It was a structure designed to support an immense amount of weight and it collapsed from a gasoline fire.

You are desperately trying to mock the previous examples with every criticism you can think of. It does not change the fact that they demonstrate that fires can cause steel to weaken. What happened on 9/11 is not so surprising.

the perimeter columns did not support the building, the core supported the building. what collapsed from the madrid tower collapsed gradually over hours, it did not collapse catastrophically.
Yes it was a different construction. The core was concrete not steel. The steel collapsed while the concrete remained. If the core was steel then you may have seen a collapse that was not gradual at all. The key point is that the steel collapsed from the fire.

So because they were bigger they were invulnerable to fire?

In the above photo with molten steel puring out of the window, compare the ratio of steel to window space on the perimeter with the madrid perimeter photo at the top. There is probably 6 times more steel on the wtc perimeter than on the madrid perimeter. The Madrid fire was even hotter AND the building was fully involved with flame
The fires in the Cardington tests reached 1000C (or near. Still unresolved discrepancy) and were only in one corner of the building. The fire does not need to be on the entire floor to be hot enough to affect the unprotected steel.

dig up a video of the Madrid fire and see for yourself. these factord matter hugely.
Smaller bilding. Concrete core. The fires were not started with an massive explosion across many floors. The fires were not started with thousands of gallons of jet fuel sprayed across multiple floors. Not as well ventilated… .. and the steel collapsed. Had the building been steel framed then things would have most likely been very different.

So yes these factors matter hugely.

You can only find the weakest of comparisons, and fire weakening steel is not a scalable argument.
That’s right the steel in taller buildings is impervious to fire.

the truth is that the anti-truther wesbites have collected every example of steel fire failure in the history of the world, they have about 10 examples all of which are not qualitively comparable to the twin towers or wtc7. all you do is go to that listette of shit examples.
Ah truther logic. If I can’t give you an example of a building the same size falling the same way then it must have been explosives!! Every thing that happens for the first time is a conspiracy!!

If planes smashing into skyscrapers happened every day then you would have some examples but there were a lot of firsts on the 9/11/01.

The examples are scalable. They represent that a normal fire can weaken steel to the point where it will collapse. This is something that is well known to engineers. Why would the steel been fireproofed otherwise?

Amusingly you bitch and moan about the quality of examples but you think a floating barge with three or four stories is good enough to demonstrate a top down demolition. Truther double standards….

Then again truthers ignore witness testimony when it suits them and then cling to testimony involving ‘sounded like a bomb’ and interpret molten or glowing metal as molten steel.

the NIST fire simulation data show the core atmosphere temperature to be 200 C - 300 C at time of collapse. the steel in the core would be lower than this still.
There are plenty of floors there where the core is in the 600 range or higher just before collapse.

So truthers actually put faith in the simulations when they believe it supports them? :rolleyes:

consider this - NIST make the claim that the trusses sagged from the heat, and the sagging pulled in the perimeter columns. if the trusses sagged due to thermal expansion, then the perimeter columns resisted that expansion. the trusses were strong enough to resist the thermal expansion but not the sagging?
There seems to be some contradiction there. Please rephrase.
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