Writing Process


So dark the con of man
Registered Senior Member
What are you guy's writing process, how do you get started... how do you get your ideas. Think it would be cool to see how everyone learns, and obtains ideas.
I chill out and ease my mind with something to provoke ideas from unconsciousness (as far as creative writing goes) ;)
- get a few ideas
- starts writing
- gets new idea, that dont mix with the first idea
- rewrites large sections and move the words around a zillion times
- delete or post, depending on mood and how well i like it
I just sit down and let the verbal diarrhea flow.

If I am writing professionally, I keep a lid on the verbal diarrhea, and think of the message I want to get accross and focus on that.
i just write what comes to mind, then at the end of english period i throw out my blank piece of paper andi leave :D
If ya mean like writing something other than a post . . . I just wait til nighttime, put on some Coldplay, and let the creative vibes leave their mark on the paper or flow through my fingers as I type on a Word document or my blog.

Now if I'm writing a post, I think of something funny. Unless the topic is serious, in which case I think about my opinion on the topic.
i like spontaneous writing.. just write watever comes into my head (with a bit of quick mental edit)... its interestin to see what you can write out....
Since I don't write, I don't have to come up with ways to do so. Books that is. ;)
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The question comes at the very twilight of my writing binge.

How do I start he says? From the end- Pascal's maxim tears it like a razor: the last thing we find out when writing, he says, is the first thing to put in it.
So I close my eyes and tear through the bullshatta, letting lose the creatures that will character my stories.
There's a fat old man with sausage jowls and his thin uncle in old tweeds, the both squatting in a mud hut slurping on spaghettis of philosophy.

I don't know what to say other than paper is an orgy, it fills one with desire and the lust to rape it with vocabulary.
Word and words and worlds of words!!
Originally Posted by gedanken
. . . Paper is an orgy, it fills one with desire and the lust to rape it with vocabulary.

Wow. That's a very interesting way of describing the paper. I like the way ya think! I really do! :D
Well, I write one word that comes to my mind and chain the rest to it. Sometimes I manage to produce something remotely coherent and intelligent. Alas, it might be somewhat chaotic since I do not keep my mind on what I am writing, so I end up with a text and have only a small idea what I have writte. :D

Metal rules, you misguided ignorants.
Metal rules, you misguided ignorants
No shit, you hippopotamic cockaroacha!

Dimmu Borgir rules.

Wow. That's a very interesting way of describing the paper. I like the way ya think! I really do

Anyway, bloody shame to see this thread mummyfying. We could do wonders with it if only more would show up and keep her alive.
what wonderous wonders would you like to see wondering down the line.
A question was ask and answered, in many wonderous way, what other wonders do you seek.
what wonderous wonders would you like to see wondering down the line.
A question was ask and answered, in many wonderous way, what other wonders do you seek.
Wonderous wise and wily lines I seek, buttcheek.

This thread is promising.
Very promising, but no one answered questions... all they gave was chit chat.
What the devil can one do with chit chat?
gedanken said:
Wow. That's a very interesting way of describing the paper. I like the way ya think! I really do! :D


No. That was a compliment . . . Unless, of course, that offended you, which I hope it didn't.
I have been summoned.

A piece of paper is just as inviting as a real invitation one gets from a person. Only that in front of that empty sheet, we are exposed to ourselves, that sheet can become our mirror -- and this, can be mighty scary. So some make it a party, hence the amounts of the aforementioned chit chat. Some feel the need to defend themselves, hence the amounts of quasi-philosophical tantrums. Some are looking for something, hence the hypergraphics.
Yet some dive into that white sheet, as if it were an ocean one can swim in, and the words are the waves that carry us.
Some, of course, snub the invitation.

How do I start writing, where do I get my ideas?

First of all, I don't believe in "creative writing" -- these "creative" theories are trying to make a business out of an art. As if one could safely sit it one's hut and ... write. Certainly, *a lot* can be written this way, but it has a limited range, in all imaginable perspectives, except perhaps volume.
No work of art has ever been made in complacent comfort. Unless one goes out on a limb, little creativity is achieved. This is why art is so scarce.

Secondly, I am not all that fond of writing -- that is *just* writing. Although I am enamoured with the idea of the Book, I must add the visual, pictures, fonts, colours. A haiku tome written in hand and with paintings is my ideal of a book. An original, irreproducable.
The ideas for that -- there is a proverb "A good photographer can find a good motive anywhere". Like I said, I am not that fond of writing, but certainly fond of pictures, and when I think my thoughts in words and sentences, they have to have that snythetic feel as pictures do, a brevity, a character of being made of one strike.

What stirrs someone's interest, and makes them see something as a motive, an idea?
What one loves.
What one hates.
What one is scared of.
What one wishes for.

The ideas one has for writing come form these loves, hates, fears, wishes, ... It depends, of course, how well one knows oneself, and how one wishes to express this knowledge.

Thirdly, when writing a professional text, as for school: organizational mindmaps are the first step, the ideas come from having studied the literature. Ah, long story.
A mind of pictures is what i see and mind you there are many, but put down to paper they lose there color and fade away. This annoyes me greatly from time to time, it seems to me the pictures on the paper is out of tune, distorted, compared to the flow of imagery i see before my mind, I fear the message went away.
G'day, I'm new so here goe's.
I've been studying the way we think and sofar have made little progress. My little progress my help someone out their.
Language, writing system's are more than what they seem. I've been doing some homework on the subject and it amazes me how complicated it all is. To become creative in general I feel you really need to understand the building block's that make writting etc possible. I have a theory based on what I've read that some writting system's began as drawings then symbol's then symbols that only have phonetic value and then alphabet that are sometime's based on ancient symbols but today have nothing more than phonetic value.
The Egyptian Hieroglyphic's had combination's of all, thus giving them the best of both world's.
Can you imagine the imagination and diciple required to acheive this, the mind's of the anceint scribe's would have been very hardworking.
My point is modern writting is lifeless in comparison to Heiroglyphics. Modern language has it's benifit's and that is way it's so usefull and popular.
One interesting discovery is that some laguage's actually start by having assigned meaning to the individual letter's of the alphabet (like the u in u-turn). This mean's when you read a word the meaning of it (in theory) is spelt out to you.
I have the belief that for writting to be interesting it need's powerful and meaningfull word's that unlock stream's of information in our mind. For example the abbreviation DNA for your average person means a something that twist's around, but to a biologist etc it's the key to unlocking all the mystery's of life.
So my conclusion is to make writting interesting you need to first educate the reader. Their is so much interesting stuff out their that still need's to be put in layman word's. If we fail to do this the gap between the educated and the ignorant will become so large we wont have anything to share with each other.
hope to hear your comment's.