Write4U's stream of consciousness

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And that does not explain anything other than that linear algebra and calculus are just branches of mathematics that are designed for specific universal properties. Although the symbolic language of inherent values
This is not mathematics, QFT is physics and physics is empirical.
As I have said before, you have a profound misunderstanding of what STEM is, how it works and how one studies it effectively.
Therefore ......?

Interestingly, biologists often use the term "problem-solving" abilities for even the most primitive and simple organisms (plants) that evolve to become more and more sophisticated in that area of data processing that suits the organism's internal state best for expressed survival behavior patterns

Can variable mathematical algorithms be substituted with variable biochemical neural "environments" (fields) that help in predicting what is expected next, i.e. subconscious homeostasis that monitors the organism, or conscious exteroception that triggers biochemical "action potentials".
Bacteria communicate via "quorum sensing", a biochemical language, unique to each species of bacteria. But that is still based on the mathematical interaction of chemical values, no?

I still believe in a model that comes down to generic maths, the abstract universal language addressing the behavior of relational values in the context of general and specific behavior patterns.
“Environment” is not the same as “field”.
This is not mathematics, QFT is physics and physics is empirical.
Are you sure of this? I believe the term "quantum" identifies a mathematical object, a non-physical value.
As I have said before, you have a profound misunderstanding of what STEM is, how it works and how one studies it effectively.
And as I have said before, you keep falling into your own trap of critiquing without addressing anything specific.

Can you explain which STEM subject is independent from mathematics when describing its function and utility?
Can you explain which STEM subject is independent from mathematics when describing its function and utility?

I did not say that, mathematics is the language of physics, it is NOT physics.

Just as physics is not mathematics.

You can explain physical processes in words to a point, the bigger the mass of an object, the greater it's gravitational effect on another object. A perfectly valid statement.

Increasing the pressure of a gas in a closed system by reducing the volume of that gas, will increase the temperature.

Another valid statement that can be deduced by experiment.

All you do is measure T before and after.
I still believe in a model that comes down to generic maths, the abstract universal language addressing the behavior of relational values in the context of general and specific behavior patterns.

The rolling out of these types of completely meaningless word salad statements makes you looks stupid. I would stop that.
The beauty of Mathematics is that except at Planck scale, all functional interaction of expressed physical values must follow the same logically permittive and restrictive mathematical functional "guiding principles" that can be categorized, symbolized, and described with human maths.
Like this, it's bullshit. Stop it.

READ, the science on it. Don't just quote it, stop being lazy and get books on the subjects you are interested in.
“Environment” is not the same as “field”.
Of course its not exactly the same.
But the term can be used in many contexts'

Here is one.
Environment is widely used and has a broad range of definitions
In its most literal sense, ‘environment’ simply means ‘surroundings’ (environs); hence the environment of an individual, object, element or system includes all of the other entities with which it is surrounded. However, in reality, individuals, objects, elements and systems rarely exist in isolation; instead, they tend to interact to varying extents with their surrounding entities. Therefore, it is not particularly helpful to conceptualise the ‘environment’ without including in that conceptualisation some notion of relationship. Individuals, objects, elements and systems influence – and are in turn influenced by – their surroundings.
Indeed, the networks of relationships that exist between different entities may, in some cases, be extensive and highly complex. Thus the ‘environment’ may be regarded as a ‘space’ or a ‘field’ in which networks of relationships, interconnections and interactions between entities occur.
more... https://www.openwingsfoundation.org...y-used-and-has-a-broad-range-of-definitions/#

Semantics, semantics. I want to see content.
The clue is in the acronym,

Science, Technology, Engineering AND Mathematics.

It is separate.
That is no clue at all. Are you still stuck on "Mathematics are a human invention"? Note that all these terms are man-made, but describe different expressions of the same thing, reality!

I phrase it differently: "Science, Technology, Engineering AND their inherent mathematical properties.

You cannot study physics without the mathematics they are founded on and describe the actions and patterns based on mathematical potentials, not physics.

The non-physical Implicate Order becoming expressed as the physical Explicate Order.

IMO, a mathematical universe is the only model that potentially meets ALL requirements for an evolving geometric universe.
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Like this, it's bullshit. Stop it.

READ, the science on it. Don't just quote it, stop being lazy and get books on the subjects you are interested in.
Do I look lazy in my output of materials on the subjects I am interested in. I have even been accused of being religious in my zeal. So that countermands your hasty observation.

I suggest you try to read my narratives in a more generous frame of mind. I welcome constructive argument, not ad hominem.

Else stay out of this thread. You are trolling!
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The rolling out of these types of completely meaningless word salad statements makes you looks stupid. I would stop that.

Do you use that language when speaking to say, Max Tegmark (whose "mathematical universe" I am studying) about these things?
Of course its not exactly the same.
But the term can be used in many contexts'

Here is one.
Environment is widely used and has a broad range of definitions
It is not remotely the same. Not in the least. This is why everything you post these days is just cock.
It is not remotely the same. Not in the least. This is why everything you post these days is just cock.
We must not live in the same world. Why do you ignore the definitions by an authoritative source, but stomp on the definitions used by me in a conversation about a subject that theoretically encompasses "everything".

Let me repeat:
However, in reality, individuals, objects, elements and systems rarely exist in isolation; instead, they tend to interact to varying extents with their surrounding entities. Therefore, it is not particularly helpful to conceptualise the ‘environment’ without including in that conceptualisation some notion of relationship.
Individuals, objects, elements and systems influence – and are in turn influenced by – their surroundings. Indeed, the networks of relationships that exist between different entities may, in some cases, be extensive and highly complex.
Thus the ‘environment’ may be regarded as a ‘space’ or a ‘field’ in which networks of relationships, interconnections and interactions between entities occur.

Conversely, a "field" also constitutes a specific "environment".
Semantics, semantics. I want to see content.
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And that proves what? The Theory is not based on the mathematical values it uses to decribe the physics?
No it's not, this is what I keep trying to tell you.

Mathematics is NOT values, it's not self referential whatever or action potentials or functions or any of the other nonsense bullshit phrases you come out with.

You DON'T understand any of it and I mean anything.
You ran with differential equations for a while and thought that meant something till I asked you about calculus.
"Why are you bringing up Calculus?" Was your reply.

You had absolutely no idea that differentiation was anything to do with it when it is absolutely CENTRAL to it. That is how lacking your understanding is yet you talk about QFT?

I IMPLORE you to stop this and start reading some text books.
Aim at 14-16, then A level which is 16-18.

You agree?
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