World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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Concerning the link in my #599 to:
I must apologize belatedly for not forewarning that some of those links within are now dead (a general situation lamented earlier in #597), and others lead to lengthy articles with no specific pointer to the typically single short passage of relevance.

There is currently no 'cure' for the former problem, but re the latter one, all that's needed is to use Ctrl-F (html page links) in ypur browser of choice, or provided search box (pdf page links) in pdf reader, and just use molten as single search word. I have contacted and suggested they correct those issues.
And if a life ban notice is on the way as a final notification, so be that too.
That will, of course, be entirely up to you. I see you're already sticking your toe in the waters of anti-semitism again, perhaps testing to see how far you can get it in there before a shark bites it off. That's dangerous behaviour, but we will assume you are well aware of what you are doing and choosing to do it anyway. It's not like you weren't warned about the likely consequences (three times, so far!)

Make your choice, Q-reeus. Either way, it will be entirely yours. Own it.
That will, of course, be entirely up to you. I see you're already sticking your toe in the waters of anti-semitism again, perhaps testing to see how far you can get it in there before a shark bites it off. That's dangerous behaviour, but we will assume you are well aware of what you are doing and choosing to do it anyway. It's not like you weren't warned about the likely consequences (three times, so far!)

Make your choice, Q-reeus. Either way, it will be entirely yours. Own it.
I'm sorry. Are you threatening me? On what specific basis actually? Anything you'd like to discuss with me re my recent 9-11 specific posts btw?
Anything you'd like to specifically refute re molten metal found at at many locations under the WTC towers rubble, and continuing on for weeks after 9-11 event itself? And much else besides?
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Anything you'd like to specifically refute re molten metal found at at many locations under the WTC towers rubble, and continuing on for weeks after 9-11 event itself? And much else besides?

Weeks after the event you say? And this was caused by what exactly? Thermite? Explain the physics here, was it magic last forever thermite? Or maybe there were little thermite fairies each night? Or are you saying that the nutjob conspiracy claim about thermite on the towers, somehow didn't all get used up, dropped into a bunch of steel melted it all and stayed melted for "weeks after 911"?

Weeks after the event you say? And this was caused by what exactly? Thermite? Explain the physics here, was it magic last forever thermite? Or maybe there were little thermite fairies each night? Or are you saying that the nutjob conspiracy claim about thermite on the towers, somehow didn't all get used up, dropped into a bunch of steel melted it all and stayed melted for "weeks after 911"?

There isn't ANY easy explanation. I've made that point way back this thread.
That said, a redundant mass of initially failed-to-ignite-on-que unreacted thermate/thermite modules, surviving under the rubble till normal fires fired them up one-by-one is imo the ONLY plausible explanation.
Or you have a better one, smartarse scoffer? Like - all the on-the-spot professionals as witnesses were straight out liars? All of them? All the pics of orange hot steel girders pulled out weeks after 9-11 were Photoshop fakes? And likewise the vids too? All the recoved partially melted steel columns/girders etc. were fakes ferried to the site by a small army fanatic twoofer brigade?

Well? What's YOUR explanation? One consistent with the Official Conspiracy Theory? It's OK to admit you don't have any btw. And no need to translate that ending, 4-letter fine example of 'critical thinking'.
There isn't ANY easy explanation. I've made that point way back this thread.

There is. It is not steel. But thanks for confirming you know jack-shit about it, just like the reason for the WTC7 "demolition":rolleyes:

That said, a redundant mass of initially failed-to-ignite-on-que unreacted thermate/thermite modules, surviving under the rubble till normal fires fired them up one-by-one is imo the ONLY plausible explanation.

Haha - what a load of bollocks. Aluminium, copper both used in buildings, tons of airplane.

Or you have a better one, smartarse scoffer?

Aluminium, copper both used in buildings, tons of airplane.

Like - all the on-the-spot professionals as witnesses were straight out liars?

No. Aluminium not steel.

All of them?


All the pics of orange hot steel girders pulled out weeks after 9-11 were Photoshop fakes?

No silly, that's not molten is it.

And likewise the vids too?

Of the orange girders? Not molten, silly.

All the recoved partially melted steel columns/girders etc. were fakes ferried to the site by a small army fanatic twoofer brigade?

They weren't partially melted they were distorted. Learn the difference.

Well? What's YOUR explanation? One consistent with the Official Conspiracy Theory? It's OK to admit you don't have any btw. And no need to translate that ending, 4-letter fine example of 'critical thinking'.

Hmmm. I'm going with aluminium mixed in with tons of burnt shite in a slurry. I'm going with trapped rubble surrounded by hot fire creating a foundry effect. What I am not going with is your cretinous claim that it was loads of "failed to ignite thermite" bollocks. Cheers for showing that 20 years on and you're still stuck in the land of woo.

Go flounce.
There is. It is not steel. But thanks for confirming you know jack-shit about it, just like the reason for the WTC7 "demolition":rolleyes:

Haha - what a load of bollocks. Aluminium, copper both used in buildings, tons of airplane.

Aluminium, copper both used in buildings, tons of airplane.

No. Aluminium not steel.


No silly, that's not molten is it.

Of the orange girders? Not molten, silly.

They weren't partially melted they were distorted. Learn the difference.

Hmmm. I'm going with aluminium mixed in with tons of burnt shite in a slurry. I'm going with trapped rubble surrounded by hot fire creating a foundry effect. What I am not going with is your cretinous claim that it was loads of "failed to ignite thermite" bollocks. Cheers for showing that 20 years on and you're still stuck in the land of woo.

Go flounce.
Love to overuse that flounce word huh. New to the shill brigade's vocab.
Well, as for your more 'serious' huffing and puffing, it's a massive bluff'n'fail.

You ARE in effect calling all those experienced firefighters (you did get to finally face up and watch that vid I kept asking you to watch - right?) outright liars.
Or would you prefer to brand each and every one utterly incompetent fantasizers/hallucinators? Because that's the implication.
As though they weren't trained to/couldn't tell the difference between bright orange flowing molten steel, and silvery aluminum.
Which would have long solidified by the first few hours at most after WTC tower collapses if your Official Story BS were at all correct.

And please, don't insult every foundry worker's intelligence by seriously suggesting 'blast furnace like conditions' could have existed even briefly under the masses of oxygen-starved rubble.
Leave at least that bit of science fiction nonsense out of your Official Conspiracy Story BS scenario.

Likewise, you want to defame and smear on-the-record, live-recorded accounts from the many other rescue workers, excavators/demolition crew and responsible company directors & chief engineers of such, FEMA & police personnel, reporters/journalists, and more.

And how about explaining the recovered melted/partially melted structural steel-not-aluminum girders/columns and such.
All of which you selectively and conveniently ignored. Hoping bluster and ridicule would somehow get you over the line.

Maybe so with your fellow dedicated anti-twoofers. Not with me.
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As if I needed to. 'Rivers' of flowing molten steel, reported by numbers of firemen on the job.
Great! Finally an actual claim! Congratulations on your decision to articulate your claims!

Those "rivers of molten steel" were rivers of molten aluminum mixed with burning trash. (They are also what people saw flowing out of the upper floors of the building.) A metallurgist could probably tell the difference; firefighters can't.

Below is a good example of molten aluminum. Note that the aluminum in the crucible is glowing orange due to the dross (waste) on its surface - but note that the stream of metal being poured is silvery.

Fused together and otherwise partially melted/sufur-eroded steel girders recovered.
This is exactly what you'd expect when a quarter billion tons of rapidly falling debris destroys girders. All that energy is transformed to heat, noise and mechanical energy; it has more than enough energy to partially melt the girders as it crushes them.

Great! Finally an actual claim! Congratulations on your decision to articulate your claims!

Those "rivers of molten steel" were rivers of molten aluminum mixed with burning trash. (They are also what people saw flowing out of the upper floors of the building.) A metallurgist could probably tell the difference; firefighters can't.
Below is a good example of molten aluminum. Note that the aluminum in the crucible is glowing orange due to the dross (waste) on its surface - but note that the stream of metal being poured is silvery.

Wrong and for the same set of reasons already delivered to Dave C. You want a thorough, rigorous debunking of the dross-covered aluminum 'theory' (too good a word, but anyway)?
Sure, glad you asked:
As per previously remarked, originally in #597, thanks to anti-First Amendment zealots tireless pressure campaigning, that now 'classic' 2006 article has many dead links. Yet still has far more than enough self-contained material within the first 19 pages. Covering all aspects of any real relevance.
This is exactly what you'd expect when a quarter billion tons of rapidly falling debris destroys girders. All that energy is transformed to heat, noise and mechanical energy; it has more than enough energy to partially melt the girders as it crushes them.
You should know much better than to try that one. Even without doing any sums, it's screaming obvious from the very many stills and vids of WTC 1 & 2 collapses, there is massive dispersal of energy going on. Not some bizarre anti-entropy concentration! Read the above linked article! If you are at all serious about respecting the whole truth, take your time over it before responding back here.
Wrong and for the same set of reasons already delivered to Dave C. You want a thorough, rigorous debunking of the dross-covered aluminum 'theory'
Sure, let's hear it!

I have demonstrated how molten aluminum can glow orange and look like molten iron. Even showed you a picture. Let's hear your claim as to how that is impossible.
You should know much better than to try that one. Even without doing any sums, it's screaming obvious from the very many stills and vids of WTC 1 & 2 collapses, there is massive dispersal of energy going on.
Exactly. E=1/2MV^2. Do the math for a quarter billion tons of material falling 1300 feet. You'll be amazed at how much energy that represents, all released in under 20 seconds. Again, more than enough to spot-melt parts of girders that were under all that wreckage.
. E=1/2MV^2. Do the math for a quarter billion tons of material falling 1300 feet. You'll be amazed at how much energy that represents, all released in under 20 seconds. Again, more than enough to spot-melt parts of girders that were under all that wreckage.

All of that mass was not that high!

It is total scientific nonsense to claim to analyze this problem without knowing the distributions of steel and concrete down the structure.
Skyscrapers must be bottom heavy.

Instead of using the potential energy equation you used the kinetic energy equation. LOL
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Seriously though psyhack, in your own words what is your alternate explanation? In your own words what physical evidence supports it?
So assume that it is centered at a point half way up the tower. Now do the math.

Since your mathematical capability is so sophisticated I will explain with blocks.

Assume 2 sets of 7 blocks each. One set is progressive in weight: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The other set of 7 is all 4 units of weight each. So they both total to 28.

Stack the linear group heaviest toward the bottom. Multiply the position by the weight to provide the degree of potential energy.

7 + 12 + 15 + 16 + 15 + 12 + 7 = 84

And for the stack with all 4s:

4 + 8 + 12 + 16 + 20 + 24 + 28 = 112

So assuming that the center of mass is at the geometric center of the structure is assuming all levels are equal. It makes for simple math that impresses morons but skyscrapers must be stronger toward the bottom. Therefore more steel. Therefore bottom heavy.

In a previous post I provided a link about the CN Tower in Toronto with center of gravity information. So math without accurate data on the building is nonsense.
So math without accurate data on the building is nonsense.

Explain using the same simple English what the hell you think happened and offer evidence. All you ever say is you don't understand something therefore it must be wrong. You do realise that it is 2021 and this crap is never going to resolve in the crazy ways conspiracy theorists want?
ie. Let it go, go find another thing to do instead of incessantly wasting other people's time. How many forums have you spammed this guff on?
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