Words and dreams

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Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
Has anyone noticed how often dreams seem to be about words.
Sometimes the words are disguised, for example a dream about a person called Lisa might contain a Chinaman called Lee Saw.
Did you mention Cricket?......
Who might that be?

Surely you can't have blown your cover after only six posts.
Kremm, the FIRST post was about cricket, and despite my severe lack of knowledge about sport (although I can just about recognise a golf bat or a football) I'd guess that the word "bail" in the user name is also a cricket reference.
This thread is starting to make me feel like I'm dreaming.
What Bail??????
Did I mention a Bail? Maybe I did, then forgot about it.

Bayle, that could be a building company I'm having trouble with.
Or the fee paid to not actually be in jail until the trial.
Probably closer...

To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Isaiah lxi. 3

Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash.
Leonard Cohen
This thread is starting to make me feel like I'm dreaming.
What Bail??????
Did I mention a Bail? Maybe I did, then forgot about it.
Er, olichokesonburntbail?

The Ashes are burnt bails from some "important" cricket match aren't they?
(How the hell can a cricket match be IMPORTANT?)

Anyway, dreams.
Nope I don't dream about words very often.
Actually I'm dead more often than not in mine.
I had a dream..I was at the old Bailey,..got deported, life in the sun...ahhhh! Then I woke up in the middle of a nightmare ( Andy Murray lost).

Tis no nightmare, but a fading dream.

If you are a lover of cricket, the sport of the Gods, a bounteous Welcome.
If not, welcome anyway. (but not quite as much)
Er, olichokesonburntbail?

The Ashes are burnt bails from some "important" cricket match aren't they?
(How the hell can a cricket match be IMPORTANT?)

Anyway, dreams.
Nope I don't dream about words very often.
Actually I'm dead more often than not in mine.

Sorry, I thought it was OlichokesonburntBALL.
Seemed to fit.
(worries) Does that betray some hidden homoerotic impulse.................
or worse, a suppressed castration anxiety.
Must be more careful.
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