The public is much more concerned about the economy and the budget deficit/debt than any of Obama and the Dems priorities. Healthcare, Cap and Trade, and Immigration Reform are all now losers.
This nbc/wsj poll on national priorities indicates that the public view the deficit and health care as very close to equal priorities:
which is fitting, since health care costs do so much to drive the deficit, in the long run.
Growth and jobs will be less of a public concern as the economy recovers. A poor economy is always a problem for incumbents, regardless of their actual responsibility for such. This could be a liability for this fall, but then again perhaps not; depends on how the job market performs before then. Probably won't affect Obama's reelection, directly.
Furthermore, Republicans are much more excited and energized right now than Democrats.
Being in the opposition tends to do that. Instead of spending your time figuring out how to govern, you get to blow off all that responsibility crap and giddily poke sticks into the other guy's spokes. But will that win an election? If it does, will the resulting government do anything but crash and burn?
the usually popular Democratic Senator from my home state of Indiana (he won his last election with 2/3 of the vote) is likely to face serious opposition ffor the first time in years.
Given how retarded a person would have to be to live in Indiana (and, yes, I have family there. They - or at least the ones who control the decision to live in Indiana - are idiots.), that all sounds about right.
I predict a Democratic bloodbath this November. Especially if they follow your advice and move even further left.
The advice was not to change political orientation, but to achieve results. Disappointment with the Democrats isn't about where they lie on the ideological scale, but about where they lie on the
effectiveness scale. They've got a majority in Congress and the White House, and yet somehow they spend all their efforts on their major centerpiece legislation tripping over themselves to gut it and sell out to an obstructionist minority. So you end up with a bill that not even supporters want passed, that they can't even get passed anyway. It's pathetic.
And as far as that goes, there are plenty of Democrats currently in Congress that I'd be only to happy to see disappear from public office, forever. The potential downside is their replacement by even worse Republicans.