Will Religion or god(s) be the down fall of Humanity ?

Discussion in 'Comparative Religion' started by river, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. river

    So will the down fall of Humanity be religion based ?

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  3. arauca Banned Banned

    Humanity come from Gods commandments . Humanity will fall if we loos the fear of God
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  5. river

    I see

    So Humanities survival depends on our fear of this god ?
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  7. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Christianity is apocalyptic in nature. So is Islam. This and nuclear weapons are a dangerous combination.
  8. arauca Banned Banned

    If you have fear God you will respect humans. "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God."
  9. arauca Banned Banned

    Christian Muslim and Jews are waiting for the Yashua. Machte, Moshiach
  10. river

    How does the fear of god make anybody respect Humans more ?
  11. Robittybob1 Banned Banned

    Well it worked for me. Which path shall I take in life? Logic: if there is no God I'd become a master criminal. If there is a God I'll do what is needed to be righteous.
    So which path did I choose?
  12. Jan Ardena OM!!! Valued Senior Member

    The downfall of humanity will be part of the natural order of things imo.
    A severe lack of human intelligence in the mode of goodness, will be a necessary factor (from a human perspective).

  13. Yazata Valued Senior Member

    Possession of some sort of religious ideas has pretty much been a cultural universal, something that's observed in every culture known, throughout history.

    That doesn't necessarily imply that religion is necessary for the continued survival of humanity. (I don't believe that it is.) But it does suggest that religion is most likely consistent with it.
  14. arauca Banned Banned

    Well said . I am not much different .
  15. Yazata Valued Senior Member

    Good point.
  16. Jan Ardena OM!!! Valued Senior Member

    Why are they apocalyptic?

  17. mathman Valued Senior Member

    Lots of criminals are god fearing. Lots of atheists are good people.
  18. wellwisher Banned Banned

    The downfall of humanity will be lack of religion. If you look at the dependency aspects of American culture, these are more weighed to the side of the godless liberal. Without constant support, these would become extinct. Culture cannot progress when there are more parasites than providers. This will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. The conservatives, which are God fearing, teach self reliance and therefore are more often the provider. If government support was disrupted, they would build again and start fresh. Self reliance can survive anywhere.

    Criminals are most likely to vote democrat which means godless. Most of the worse crime cities are controlled by the Democrats, like Chicago. After the dependent parasites go extinct, due to no no nipple to feed at and no knowledge of self reliance due to liberal education, the criminals, who are more self reliant, would prey on the religious self starters. A new parasite symbiosis would form with religion still the host.
  19. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Exactly. We need more Osama bin Ladens and fewer Thomas Edisons in this world.

    I know! I mean, look at that parasite Thomas Edison. Now compare him to the upstanding Christian Anders Breivik. Who do you want in your perfect society? That godless Edison?
  20. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Liberals aren't godless, and certainly not the African American community, which votes overwhelmingly Democratic. Also, the majority conservative, the so-called red states, take more government money then the blue states. An industrial society cannot advance when conservative policies outsource jobs to the third world for short term profit, and leave people in the position to need public assistance. The prison population is also overwhelmingly religious. Although I do think that close knit communities which are cemented by a shared ideology like religion, will tend to be more self-sufficient, it's also their lack of trust in the American experiment (which is federal government) that will lead to political collapse in the first place. Also, many of the parasites are those making a killing on Wall Street. They hoard their wealth and don't pay taxes, and that leads to economic stagnation.
  21. wegs Matter and Pixie Dust Valued Senior Member

    Um, there are many ppl of faith who are lazy. :/
    I believe in God and there's good and bad in all walks of life.

    The fall of humanity will come from greed and mankind's desire for power.
    Of which no person is immune.
    Atheist or believer.
  22. dumbest man on earth Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Valued Senior Member

    True that, wegs!
  23. Saturnine Pariah Hell is other people Valued Senior Member

    Unless a radical extremist sect of a religious group obtained nuclear or biological weapons the only threat I see to the human race going into remission or possibly extinction is the threat of itself. Our rapid and inflated growth in population and consumption of resources coupled with or stupendous levels of waste and pollution had damaged our shared planet. As a species we are rapidly destroying this planet’s biosphere and the ecosystem services we all take for granted every day. Religion, Politics, Economics, these all lay out as part of the same system of a Progress Trap that humans have so elegantly designed in their unforeseen actions on the future.
    For those unfamiliar with the phrase “Progress Trap” let me give a brief summary: A progress trap is a scenario or situation in which the society, group, species, etc. makes too much progress, basically the progression is too rapid or creates a destructive end scenario from the beginning. It is progress made which in it threatens the very existence of the species that made that progress. In short I see humanity at its present status to be the architect of its own demise. I cannot take credit for creating the phrase “Progress Trap” that recognition goes to Ronald Wright.

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