Will global warming be reversed by human's effort?

What does that have to do with the OP? Indirectly it does, climate change, changes everything including bacteril behaviors, usually becoming more virulent.

We know insect behavior is very much affected by atmospheric conditions, and so is bacterial behavior.
Follow the conversation...
Climate cange is only the second most dangerous threat to humanity.
Number one is the soaring scale of antibiotic resistance.
Deaths due to antibiotic resistance each year in the US: 35,000
Deaths due to cancer: 600,000
Deaths due to heart disease: 650,000

Not that it isn't a problem - but it's got a ways to go to become even the #2 killer.
Not necessarily.
An exponentially growing respiratory system contagion with no adequate medical treatment can cross the tipping point from invisible to single greatest cause of mortality in a few days. How far - that measure - this virus is from its tipping point to plague is not known, and may change at any time (mutations being frequent in these kinds of infections, while selection pressure is nearly ideal for its rapid evolution in places like the US that 1) lack key features of modern public health setups 2) have a mobile population. (The snowbirds are packing for their northern migration from the coastal States and busy southern ports even now).

As far as thread relevance - a plague virus will surely and significantly interfere with the kinds of deliberate efforts a response to AGW would require. But it may reduce CO2 output, and slow AGW down - plagues in the past seem to have delayed or reduced the effects of agriculture and other aspects of civilization on climate worldwide, simply by destroying the agriculture and those other aspects. This one would have to kill more people to bring the same benefit, but that's not impossible.
Virus have nothing to do with antibiotics.
Virus have nothing to do with antibiotics.
Well, you may get yourself better informed.
Molecular biologist Bonnie Bassler and her graduate student Justin Silpe have found that viruses can use quorum-sensing chemicals released by bacteria to determine when best to start multiplying — and murdering
The secret social lives of viruses
Scientists are listening in on the ways viruses communicate and cooperate. Decoding what the microbes are saying could be a boon to human health.
But when he and his team at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, looked into the contents of their flasks, they saw something completely unexpected: the bacteria were silent, and it was the viruses that were chattering away, passing notes to each other in a molecular language only they could understand. They were deciding together when to lie low in the host cell and when to replicate and burst out, in search of new victims.
Sorek named this viral peptide ‘arbitrium’, after the Latin word for decision. It seemed to work much like the communication system used by bacteria — quorum sensing — to share information about cell density and adjust the population accordingly. Yet it was the first time anyone had demonstrated molecular messaging of this kind in viruses. And it fitted into an emerging picture of viruses as much more sophisticated social agents than scientists had given them credit for.
The Bible says the world will be in chaos before Jesus second coming.
Everything points that the prophecy is true.

The Bible also says the world will be in chaos before a Canadian team manages to win another Stanley Cup. Everything points that the prophecy is true.
The worst not yet comes.
Humans are going to the verge of destruction.
More famine, more uncured diseases, less money to support lives, less food, less clean water.
All bad things will become worse.
And, unsaved souls will burn in the lake of burning sulfur.
The worst not yet comes.
Humans are going to the verge of destruction.
More famine, more uncured diseases, less money to support lives, less food, less clean water.
All bad things will become worse.
And, unsaved souls will burn in the lake of burning sulfur.
Any frame to work with?
I'm guessing not tomorrow

If the Earth gets passed the next 5 years can we scratch this as a prediction?

Or do you need 10?-20?-30?

Will global warming be reversed by human's effort?
Example, stop using petrol/diesel cars, use electric cars.
Don't burn coal.

Can we save the world from destruction?

No, and the world won't destroy itself. In the earth's history, co2 has even hit 3,000ppm. And 400ppm is low. If anyone thinks the earth will destroy itself, then it means it's done it before several thousands time.
The worst not yet comes.
Humans are going to the verge of destruction.
More famine, more uncured diseases, less money to support lives, less food, less clean water.
All bad things will become worse.
And, unsaved souls will burn in the lake of burning sulfur.

You sound just like a Christian.
The worst not yet comes.
Humans are going to the verge of destruction.
More famine, more uncured diseases, less money to support lives, less food, less clean water.
All bad things will become worse.
And, unsaved souls will burn in the lake of burning sulfur.
Yep. Been hearing that for 2000 years now. Perhaps find a new slogan?
The worst not yet comes.
Humans are going to the verge of destruction.
More famine, more uncured diseases, less money to support lives, less food, less clean water.
All bad things will become worse.
And, unsaved souls will burn in the lake of burning sulfur.

And the links to these predictions

Or are they
  • Crystal Ball
  • Tarot Cards
  • Sky Daddy Book
  • Pain in bunions
do tell

Like Noah time, nobody believed got flood, and suddenly flood came, and all die except Noah+his ark.
how long the virus is still active outside living body? For example, on the surface of a table.
When do you think co2 will reach 3,000ppm and what makes you think it's not allowed to?
"Allowed to?" No one - other than us - will stop it. We could utterly destroy this planet in half a dozen ways.

It's like asking if you are "allowed to" smoke, drink Sterno or cut off your own hands. Yes, you are. But it's a really bad idea.
This world population will be wiped off 25% to make its ecology system balanced back.