Wife's sleep apnea

Dirty Dan

And knowing is half the battle
Registered Senior Member
My wife has a serious problem with her sleep apnea. I have finally after many occasions showing my concern with her health about her sleep apnea that she has an appontment Thursday to see a specialist.

When she is sleeping, her body heaves for air 3-4 times then finally with a loud snore gasps for air. I find it hard to believe that she stays asleep for this and doesnt wake up. She mentions of being sleepy and feeling like not getting enogh sleep. Yes she is over weight and we are working on that together dieting. After many times advising her to see a sleep doctor she has made an appointment and I am relieved.

Any other people out there that have a spouse or significant other with this type of sleeping problems? :zzz:
It could be the weight of her body is closing air pathways as she relaxes. The best thing to do would be to loose weight. Both obesity and sleep apnea are associated with heart disease - not to mention if she's obese and this is caused by her weight there's a very good chance she'll have other medically related problems.

First thing to do is exercise and lose weight.
Yes I had a terrible case of sleep apnea but these days it is not that bad .
1 : try to lose weight .
2 : Not to eat anything around 3 hours before going to sleep .
3 : See a specialist and try to have a sleep test .
4 : If everything fails try CPAC . A machine that costs around $1,000 .
Good luck .
Yea we started to diet and work into excerising b/c frankly, both of us need to loose weight. She does have a CPAC and helps but its so outdated she looks like she can be Darth Vader's wife. She has an appointment with a sleep specialist Thursday and I am very thankful. She is concerned with her weight which I know is a factor.
I spent two nights in a sleep lab on two different occasions to find out exactly what the problem was . I had a terrible sleep since I was wired to a computer that record the result all night long .
obesity comes from stress and inability to handle pressure in life that pile up.
Also if someone is 6 feet and 200 lbs he / she is okay . But someone with 5' and 200 lbs is obese . Nature discriminates against short people and they have to eat less all the time......:( .
Sleep Apnea is a very serious matter and some people die from it in their sleep . Please try to consult a specialist as soon as you can .
Also if someone is 6 feet and 200 lbs he / she is okay . But someone with 5' and 200 lbs is obese . Nature discriminates against short people and they have to eat less all the time......:( .

man...like your seriously believe that? I am 6ft3in and Im 200lb, it does not make it any easier. I still feel fat.