Why should weed be illegal?

I am 40 and started smoking pot about 8 years ago. I have never had the desire to take anything stronger than pot- not once- and the oppourtunity is there.

I did cocaine at my bachelor party so many years ago and didn't like it, was a little pissed off for doing it and don't understand the big deal. Crack, heroin, meth... no way man- those all fuck up brain cells.

I have only driven high once or twice in all those years. Some can drive just as well high but I don't see how it's possible.

No gateway here...
The burden of conscience in the argument is on the side of those who advocate violence. Between someone lighting up and enjoying a smoke because life is kind of short and the principle of self ownership is awesome, or a bunch of costumed lunatics kicking down his door and dragging him off to a State gulag. I choose the pot smoker!

Nobody should advocate social policies they wouldn't be willing to enforce themselves. That's what's called dissociated sadism.
Yes but we're trying to come to a concensus here-a universal truth. I believe it will legal in America tomorrow or five years from now, but it's inevitable.

Either way, there's no one kicking down my door.
...it's difficult to see what good marijuana prohibition is doing.

...beyond powering a huge interdiction/enforcement/judiciary/penal/rehabilitation subculture in many Western countries that is. ;)

Research has proven that marijuana is a gateway drug.

OK, you have made this (spurious) assertion so I must ask: what research exactly, and no, I do not consider Wiki a serious scientific source - for the usual obvious reasons. Please do not bother to cite those flawed Australian & New Zealand pseudo - studies or the British meta - studies that used them as basis, though I do appreciate the political agenda behind them.

"Research" has proven that cannabis is effective at reducing inflammation and swelling of the brain after a closed - head injury, stimulates the production of hypocampal stem cells, slows the accumulation of beta amalyd plaques in Alzheimer's patients and slows the apoptosis of neurons in Parkinson's sufferers.

It also makes for a very effective anti - emetic, much appreciated by chemo and AIDS patients, among others. You should consider taking a quick glance at that US govt publication I mentioned earlier, you may then experience a bit of "satori" as well as learning a bit on this rather significant contemporary topic.

Quite frankly, beyond the economic and "moral" reasons to keep it prohibited, there is no good reason to do so that I can perceive. Considering that cannabis prohibition has been as effective as alcohol prohibition was, it seems pretty short - sighted and very expensive to keep it up.

However, a black market is a free market and there everything is "legal" and untaxed - another good reason to keep cannabis prohibited.
Yes, those are valid points as to why marijuana should be kept illegal because they are the same reasons that alcohol shouldn't have been legalized as well. So we keep making the same errors in judgment with some drugs that you think should be a legal part of the market but you know what happened when alcohol was legalized, many people were killed and caused accidents as well.

That said I believe that marijuana should be decriminalized and make possession of less than an ounce a misdemeanor punishable by fines only. But more than an ounce it would be considered selling for profit and should be treated as a criminal offense with jail time for 3rd offense.

very the drug we are keeping illegal now is 1/10,000 as harmfull as the others that are legal, it makes no sence why it is illegal.. and some of the effects of marijuana actually help people that are sick or in pain you cannot say the same for alcohol or nicotine..
Please do not bother to cite those flawed Australian & New Zealand pseudo - studies or the British meta - studies that used them as basis, though I do appreciate the political agenda behind them.

OK....so if it's not an American study, it's rubbish?

Typical ignorance!
"the land of the freeee, and the home of the... people who are taxed at an excessive amount to keep the government able to kick peoples doors in to steal potentially useful genetic research substances.:m:" I don't mind paying taxes, I just hate when a certain percentage comes to my house to lock me up. Can I opt out of paying that portion. That is what this country needs... a ballot vote for which area of government our money goes into. That way we can make sure it doesn't go up some politicians nose. I would much rather use the money to give officers better therapy, if that isn't already the reason they keep taking my plants. The statistics for alcoholism and suicide are higher in a population of police officers. It can't hurt to try. Some people in this world just have little understanding of heuristics. The idea of it being illegal failed, but instead of finding a solution we throw other peoples money at it wasting everything and acting like it is better. Saving face for the people who are ignorant of reality while wasting the money like Raskolnikov from crime and punishment. Killing for the sake of killing is what it ends up to be.

Sagan could have done so much with his life if only he hadn't been such a pothead. Same with that Kareem Abdul Jabar fellow...never will amount to anything more than Snoop Dog or John Stewart. Sad indeed.

I bet old Coleridge is simply spinning in his grave. :(

Sagan could have done so much with his life if only he hadn't been such a pothead. Same with that Kareem Abdul Jabar fellow...never will amount to anything more than Snoop Dog or John Stewart. Sad indeed.

I bet old Coleridge is simply spinning in his grave. :(

They end up as failures...like Dr. Francis Crick, Cary Mullis. . .just to name a couple..
I was watching the TV show "Jail" tonight- it's shot in the booking center where they send you after you're arrested but before you're convicted. One of the officers said "90% of the people that come in here are either drunk or high". I tend to believe that officer- this is his job- he sees it every day.

Imagine if we could cut the number of arrests cops make by half! Imagine amnesty for felons and the release of 100,000 people whose only crime was getting high!

Imagine cops who now have double the time to stop robbers and rapists!
I was watching the TV show "Jail" tonight- it's shot in the booking center where they send you after you're arrested but before you're convicted. One of the officers said "90% of the people that come in here are either drunk or high". I tend to believe that officer- this is his job- he sees it every day.

Imagine if we could cut the number of arrests cops make by half! Imagine amnesty for felons and the release of 100,000 people whose only crime was getting high!

Imagine cops who now have double the time to stop robbers and rapists!

You misunderstood. Those peole are drunk or high, yes. But they also comitted other crimes. The drunk people usually for disturbing the peace, fighting etc. and the high peoplole, depends on what they are high from. Believe it or not, my understanding is being high alone is not cause for arrest...same for drunk.
Can anyone give good evidance and reasons why it should be illegal.. :m:

there are tons of arguments out there but 99% of them fall short i just dont understand why we are filling up prisions and wasting law enforcement hours on dealing people who use marijuana

What about the 1%? Apparently those are good arguments..
...being high alone is not cause for arrest...same for drunk. ..

Sorry, but "public intoxication" is illegal in most states of the US.

...What about the 1%? Apparently those are good arguments...

Naw, it is just that - once established - "laws" based on religious/moral belief tend to be hard to get rid of, this despite overwhelming evidence of their ineffectiveness and cost.

This is not all bad though, as it instills a basic distrust of the government in a significant portion of the population and urges civil disobedience and mistrust of authority - all good things. :)
I think it's ridiculous that weed has still not been legalized.

You know what's even more ridiculous?

You can buy synthetic weed or Spice at most head shops legally all throughout the US and in Europe and over the internet for half the price and it's completely legal! People market Spice and K2 as "herbal incense not for human consumption", but most people who buy it know that these "incenses" are treated with an anaglesic chemical called JWH-018 and if you smoke it like you would with weed, you are going to get exteremely high.

JWH-018 acts on the both CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. It mimics the effects of THC almost exactly except...wait for it...

It's STRONGER because it's a full agonist, rather then being a partial agonist like THC!

So, if I can get this straight...weed or marijuana or pot or whatever you like to call your grass, provides us with a naturally occuring partial agonist, THC, that acts on the brain and gets you high...this is illegal and so ridiculously regulated that it's laughable...BUT herbal incense (usually Damiana mixed with other herbs) treated with a CHEMICAL created by a pharmaceutical company that provides the same high, if not more intense, is LEGAL, AVAILABLE to YOUR children, and can be bought easily in most states in the US (for example). And, even better then being legal, JWH-018 will not show up on a drug screen, even though it's metabolites can be detected in your urine.

About 15 or so states in the US have added this chemical to there controlled substance list or made the sale of it illegal, but I highly doubt this will spread much further.

Does anyone see the pattern here? Weed, a plant with natural psychoactive properties, is illegal because it is much harder to control seeing as anyone with a little money and know how can grow and sell it. But Spice treated with a lab created chemical, JWH-01, is legal...why? Because it is easily regulated and controlled by pharmaceutical companies and the sale and use of it pumps money back into the system.

I say legalize the weed!! Let us all be free.
Sorry, but "public intoxication" is illegal in most states of the US.

But typically does not result in being taken to jail, or necessarily arrested at all. Typically they take you down to detox to dry out for several hours, or in some cases just send you home with a friend who promises to keep an eye on you so you don't drown in your own puke.

In certain places near where I live that see a lot of drinking and partying, cops will immediately detain anyone who sits down on the ground and drag them to detox. Isla Vista is famous for this, in particular...

Also, weed should be not only legal but mandatory (unless you're the type who gets panic attacks, or whatever).
But typically does not result in being taken to jail, or necessarily arrested at all. Typically they take you down to detox to dry out for several hours, or in some cases just send you home with a friend who promises to keep an eye on you so you don't drown in your own puke.

In certain places near where I live that see a lot of drinking and partying, cops will immediately detain anyone who sits down on the ground and drag them to detox. Isla Vista is famous for this, in particular...

Yes- the basic thrust of that show was a bunch of drunks and high people coming in out of their minds, being confined to a private cell to chill out then the officer visits them later when they sobered up to finish up the paperwork, hand them a citation and set them free on the spot.

From what few episodes I have seen, this seems to be the norm. One episode had a DUI hit-and-run guy who killed an 18 year old girl and when he sobered up had no idea what he had done but apart from that, running the processing station was for the most part dealing with excesses of drugs and alcohol.
...But typically does not result in being taken to jail, or necessarily arrested at all..

Hmmmm, they sure do around here, but then maybe metro Detroit is more namby - pamby about law enforcement than other places.....
I've tried most drugs including grass, resin, speed, coke, mushrooms, LSD, crack, heroin, MDMA, amyl, chloroform and a plethora of prescription drugs. I must have probed the darkest corners of reality - and come back again reasonably unscathed. I'm one of the lucky ones, most of my friends, including my girlfriend died along the way. I was the eldest boy, and my brothers followed me into the kingdom of hell. I wouldn't wish that responsibility on anyone. Luckily they both survived reasonably intact. Well, alive anyway. Well one did, the other one's disappeared. Don't do drugs. Its bad, very very bad.