Why is there money?


Registered Senior Member
Really, why is there money?

I personally hate money. I wish the wrold could do without it. Bartering would be fine. Money is much to materialistic and shallow in nature. It just makes it so people can feel better than others and have better things. Most all the hard jobs pay very little and the easy ones pay a lot. I mean the president doesn't make as much as a movie star, common whats with that. Money sucks.
hehehe joeman... ever thought of lowering the treshold? Can be handy at times ;)

Well Increan, money is a placeholder for certain amounts of value.
It will be quite hard to do trading in labour and vegetables when in a supermarket purchasing e.g. a piece of meat, don't you think?!
As to the difference in loans... hmm I have to agree, the standards are pretty much mislead.
Since you cannot beat them, why not join them????
Hi Increan :) - quick summary of my views!
The Good
Money has become something of a tool. Used by many honest citizens in day to day life to speed up routine transactions and keep us moving on our merry way.
The Bad
Like so many aspects of life, some people feel the need to use tools in a way that were not desired by the creator. E.g. The use of a knife to kill a human instead of preparing food (one of it's many purposfull uses!) Money is very similar - while it may be used in many positive ways, a certain percentage will inherintly manipulate it's uses.
So... you hate money. (im not the worlds greatest fan either!) but: IMHO, try not to hate it, use it for the right purposes, to help achieve your goals, and dont worry about the 'losers' who harm others with it - theres is coming :D

There has been an extensive debate on why we have money, what we need it for and how it was invented in the Science and Society board.

Basically we need money because it is much simpler to hand someone a dollar bill than it is to hand them a dollar's worth of apples. Assuming they want apples, because if they don't you'd have to give them more than a dollar's worth of apples to get whatever you were trading for.
Originally posted by Merlijn
hehehe joeman... ever thought of lowering the treshold? Can be handy at times ;)

Hey I just looked at your profile. You know what that means :eek: You better not let me find you or else you better have your anus dialated because it is gonna hurt quite a bit. :D

BTW, I am surprised this thread got so many real replies.

The simple answer is that bartering is incredibly more complex, subjective, and was largely unfair.

Money isn’t the real problem. The real issue is the distribution of wealth. I assume that if you had a limitless supply of money then you probably wouldn’t hate it, right?

The issue is that there is a finite amount of wealth in the world and a finite number of people. The question is how to distribute the wealth among the people.

The most successful system so far is capitalism, which essentially means that those who strive the hardest earn the most. However, the effect of supply and demand biases some activities towards either more or less wealth. For example, a hardworking artist may not earn much since there are millions of other artists doing the same thing, so here the supply exceeds demand which makes prices and earnings drop. On the other hand an actor like John Travolta is unique and earns a fortune far out of balance with the job done. If we could suddenly create a million John Travoltas then the earnings of each would come down considerably.

The trick to obtaining a larger slice of the wealth pie is to offer some service or product that has high demand and a low supply. So really it isn’t how hard you work but how smart you are in choosing the right career.

The process may at times seem very harsh and unfair but that is the best we have so far until we can develop a fairer system. Communism attempted to overcome this problem by distributing all wealth evenly, and on the face of it communism was an excellent idea, but in practice there was no motivation for individuals to strive for improvements, and such systems have tended to stagnate and result in net diminished wealth.

Sorry for the economics lesson. But I hope that helps.

Originally posted by Cris
Incream,Money isn’t the real problem. The real issue is the distribution of wealth. I assume that if you had a limitless supply of money then you probably wouldn’t hate it, right?

Yes being poor sucks but being weathy isn't that great either, its fun for a while until you have everything and become unhappy.
I'd rather be poor and happy. And for future reference it's Increan with an N not Incream. But its ok because you aren't the first to make that mistake, my comcast e-mail address was Incrain for like 3 months.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Joeman
Before I try to reply, I need to ask something. How old are you?

Wow, you're the first person ever to think someone is young who asks why something intrenched and illogical is there! You are so intelligent and insightful!

This guy is over 30h at least (I think in his sixties). Sure helped me get rid of my age bias.

Yes being poor sucks but being weathy isn't that great either, its fun for a while until you have everything and become unhappy.

It strikes me that maybe this was perhaps the subtext of your question all along...not the presence of money, but what it represents in those that take money for granted.

This is more interesting, along the lines perhaps of 'does money buy you happiness?' Increan, you suggest that 'no.' It does not.

I disagree. I cannot believe that money is a factor at all in happiness, those with lesser paying jobs that complain about misery are making excuses. Those that attribute their happiness to their money are creating delusions. Anyone can be fundamentally 'happy/content' in any circumstance.

I was brought up with towel trousers that my nan had sewn, I washed my hair in a cheap version of fairly liquid called 'star.' I am better off now, quite wealthy in fact, and I can attest that at no time has the presence of money affected my outlook on life in any way. Those who are miserable without money are generally those that would have been miserable with money.