Why I didnt' want a baby girl

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by mikenostic, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. John99 Banned Banned

    No. He was adopted though.
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  3. John99 Banned Banned

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  5. Sciencelovah Registered Senior Member

    Human vs animal seems to replace the classic catfight

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    Yes, that's T. There is your photo, too, there (in the sciforums photo album). I haven't update it for some months, lets see if I have time this weekend.

    @John: who was adopted??

    p.s.: I gtg, later.
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  7. John99 Banned Banned

    Tiassa was.
  8. Bells Staff Member

    If you wish to find out how Tiassa became a parent, I would suggest you PM him and ask, instead of speculating and being oh so stupidly wrong.

    You still just don't get it, do you?

    I guess you are too selfish to actually understand.

    My children are just as important as everyone else. That is what you don't get. As I said before, you are too selfish and self absorbed to actually understand what being a parent actually entails.

    I'm sorry, if those parents, in trying to save their children, acted like they were entitled to save their child or have the "I'm entitled attitude", you'd be an impolite arse anyway?

    Again, you are too selfish to actually understand what being a parent actually is. You obviously cannot understand that kind of devotion, where you would die to save your child or another's child or anyone they actually love. Because in your view, you are as important as they are, so you'd save your own hide first and foremost. Of course you are stating a fact. You are just stating it from the viewpoint of a selfish arse.

    Of course I am.

    Just as you have your holier than thou attitude about how you view everyone around you. You think you are entitled to your views and you are. Just as Mad and I are entitled to our views.

    I mean look at you. A thread discussing someone's feelings about having a baby girl, and you make it about you. You have this whole "me me me" thing going on.

    And spanking obviously works for everyone, right? I mean look at you? Look at how fine a specimen you are from the spanking regime

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    Don't you get it yet? Spanking works for some and not for others. If an alternative works for a child, why would you need to spank them? Unless you get your rocks off hitting a child.. if time out's work, then you stick with what works instead of hitting. Ask any parent who does spank their child.. they do it as a last resort.

    Oh, we get where you are coming from. But you can't seem to grasp that no parent is going to allow their child to die because their child is just one individual amongst the many. Go to Afghanistan or Iraq and see the anguish and suffering on the faces of families who have lost loved one's and children. You think they care that their loved one's and children are unimportant because there are 6 billion people on the planet?


    Mod Note addressed to Orleander and Mikenostic

    And I would suggest you both settle down and take your arguments and trolling of each other to PM. It's getting really old really fast.
  9. takandjive Killer Queen Registered Senior Member

    And it was a poorly said statement I corrected later, Bells. I realize Tiassa addressed heterocentric stuff re. what he should do.

    I certainly have a brother who felt a pressure to conform. I'm not without sympathy.
  10. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    You're starting to sound like Draqon.
  11. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    My ego is gratified

    Just to cover the digression quickly:

    • Born in Tacoma, Washington, 1973
    • Adopted at birth, one sibling (older, also adopted)
    Japanese-Scandinavian biological parentage (allegedly)
    • Bisexual; off the long-term market, don't officially date
    • One daughter, Emma Grace (first known blood relative)
    • That photo is from Christmas, 2003; there is also the Puyallup Fair 2004 picture with my daughter (my favorite); the pretentious tarot image from 2001, and the picture of me getting high in 2001 (aka "Smoking a Rat", "Petrified Basilisk Fewments").​

    I suppose I should get some more current pictures. Or would that just be egotism?

    If I wasn't eternally losing my phone cable, I would post the "Liverpool" photo of my daughter, taken in December at a Seattle restaurant.

    Never mind, never mind. I now return this discussion to its original subject.
  12. Varda The Bug Lady Valued Senior Member

    Therein lies the problem. What most people and humanity in general has failed to grasp is that, despite our hormonal and emotional ties to our children and wanting our children to succeed, if our children fail, life goes on. Earth keeps turning. Someone else fills in the blanks. It's no different in the business world, if you need a microcosm to experiment with. If you have some employee who appeals to you and just doesn't cut it, by firing him you open up a new avenue for someone who eventually will. (Note, not "may", but "will", given a stable environment and hiring managers who don't suck.) The focus should be on a successful society, because as we've seen for quite some time, focusing on successful singular offspring just doesn't cut it. (This may seem like an attack on all children, but various organizations have been instrumental over the years in keeping children relevant: The Boy Scouts, 4H, YMCA, local park districts, etc. Some organizations attempt to replicate these successes and fail miserably, typically geared toward inner-city children, such as the Big Brothers/Big Sisters. They're just addressing the symptoms, and that will never work.

    Most people will comment on how heartless and cold this sounds. That's fine. However, it's how it works. Nature doesn't care if your PTA meetings don't go well. It doesn't care if your kid cries over math homework. It doesn't even care if you survive through the next hurricane. You don't mean anything when measured against the whole.

    Now, as an average, individuals can change the course of events greatly. That doesn't mean that every "innocent" gangbanger and toddler in a family of 16 shot dead in a hail of gunfire, as every bleeding heart crybaby mothers' association would like you to believe, could be the next Einstein. The odds are slim, but given the relatively good odds of simultaneous invention, someone else will certainly fill in the gap.

    Go to Iraq. Go to Afghanistan. Go to Africa. Nobody cares. Nobody's heartstrings are torn when we see babies with flies on their lips. Those people will die and the world will keep moving. McD's will keep serving. The lights will stay on. Even if some "tearist" organization stars anew in one of those Stone Age armpits and sends our own weapons, paid by us, against us, we'll still be fine. The only people who will wince when their husbands touch them, thinking about the child "slaves" in India and Thailand, will be those frigid Oprah-watching chubbies who have their bills paid and nothing left to do. It's no different than the entitled trustafarian PETA /vegan/vegetarian cultists.

    Also, cock.
  13. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Children are the future in many ways. And people care about those children. And people can care about children that aren't their own.

    Inner city children? It's wrong to care about them? They're just addressing symptoms, which are troubled or disadvantaged children who maybe could use a better role model? From everything I know, the condition of poverty or low-income and broken families only feeds upon itself. I certainly hope that a mentor or role model from a different sphere or an influence from outside a closed system like a ghetto or low-income culture would be a positive step forward for an individual, rather than be seen as a failure for the larger society. Change for the better often starts at the personal, individual level.
    You can't expect major changes for a whole bunch of people if you can't even influence a few people.

    I won't beg to differ, because I DO differ. Sure people have their own individual worries and stuff, and people tend to look out for themselves and their own. But many people do make an effort to care for those less privileged or perhaps affected by something like a hurricane. People lend a hand when nothing is to be expected in return. Just to be nice.
    You can't claim to speak for the whole.
    Nature is EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and it isn't nearly as simplistic as you paint it.

    Shit! Thank GOD!!! I was beginning to worry there for a second! ALSO, COCK! Don't forget that!
  14. Giambattista sssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss Valued Senior Member

    Sounds funny. What happened there?
    Was she really gross? I suspect by the fact you called her a "tartlet".


    It happens. A guy I used to work with had a "gay" friend (his term, not mine) that had a kid, obviously because he impregnated someone (a woman I'm guessing

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    ). You don't have to be drunk or on drugs to give in to pressure to have sex with someone of the opposite gender against your will. Or even be someone who IS into the opposite gender, but have a child against your better judgement because you're expected to. Or marry someone because you had a child that was unintended.

    People have been married for years and had children only to have one of the partners run off to be with someone of their own gender.

    Human sexuality and what it does to the psyche is never a simple matter.
  15. takandjive Killer Queen Registered Senior Member

    Making mental note. I sort of fill in the blanks with details about my brother. You remind me too much of M. (I assume you are a lawyer until you prove otherwise.

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    Pictures, yes.

    And, Varda, we agree on this.
  16. mikenostic Stop pretending you're smart! Registered Senior Member


    Six billion people Bells. Sorry but your child is no more important than anyone elses. What I've said above can be made by a person with a selfish attitude, or one with a totally selfless attitude.
    If I ever have a child, I will do what a parent is supposed to do and try my best to raise and protect it the best I can. But I'll never have the holier than thou 'I'm more entitled than you' attitude that you and mad have and I'll always understand that my child is not more important than the greater good of humanity...which is something that your pea brain does not seem to get.
    CHILDREN are our future, not your individual child(or children).

    As far as making this thread about me, show me where. Please.
    Besides, the last time I checked, I started this fucking thread Bells.
  17. sniffy Banned Banned

    In relation to OP I would say raising children is challenging regardless of sex. Sweeping generalisations about both sexes abound. And, yes, you will be judged by how far from or near to the 'norm' your kids turn out, so brace yourselves everyone.

    In relation to the 'humans are better than other animals' comments that have been made I'd say:

    Just as an excercise ask yourselves these two questions:

    Can animals live without humans?
    Can humans live without animals?

    The answers might give you something to think about.

    And in relation to parenting Mike. It is hard when you are not one to imagine the array of protective feelings having a child engenders in a parent. It is in our interest as organisms to be thus afflicted. It's a drive; the desire to protect one's offspring. As is the very desire to have children in the first place. The urge to breed is hard-wired into most organisms not just humans so throwing 'choice' into the fray assumes that the human will is strong enough to overcome the desire to reproduce. Whilst we may well have the mechanisms to delay reproduction I'm not sure the majority have the corresponding mechanisms to dismiss having children entirely. There are, of course those who don't have children but for many of those choice may not have come into it....
  18. Bells Staff Member


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    You're still not getting it?

    To me, my children are more important than anything or anyone else on this planet. I mean for fucks sake, how hard is that for you to understand?

    Is it selfish? Maybe. But since it does not affect you in any way, shape or form, I really have no idea why you feel the need to lecture people like Mad and myself about our supposed sense of entitlement. We don't have it. You seem to think that all parents have that attitude. What you simply cannot grasp is that as parents, our children matter more to us than you do for example. I guess you actually can't really get it unless you attempt to think of someone else other than yourself.. ie. being a selfish arse who has a holier than thou attitude in attempting to lecture others on their supposed holier than thou attitude.

    If you are the kind of parent who would let their child die if it would serve the greater good of society, than good for you. You can high five yourself. But before you accuse anyone else of having any sense of entitlement or being holier than thou, look at your own sense of entitlement that you appear to be taking on behalf of all society, in reminding people that one child or 5 mean nothing because the earth is populated by over 6 billion people, and then swallow that stupid pill with your own holier than thou attitude about parenting and the notion that parents want to protect and keep their children healthy.

    You simply cannot know what kind of attitude you'll have when or if you ever become a parent. Do you know why? Because you have zero idea of what kind of parent you will be until you are faced with your child. Any pre-conceived notions you may have had about parenthood or what or how you would be or feel goes straight out the window and you have to start from scratch.

    Now maybe at some point, you might, just might get it through your thick skull that as parents, when faced with the safety and care of our children, that is what will come first. Not the greater good of society. In other words, we won't be sacrificing our children to the sun god because doing so might benefit the whole. You might, but that's just you. Sure, you may not view your own off-spring as being important in the grand scheme of things and prefer to serve the whole instead of doing your job by your child, but that would just make you a shitty parent.
  19. Varda The Bug Lady Valued Senior Member

    And yet you're in here making EXTREMELY relevant comments about sex again, instead of arguing in favor of the point in which we agree.
  20. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    Hmm. You seem to have changed your argument. Previously you were going on about how children (or even humans in general) were no better than animals and to dare assert that humans were in any way superior to any other species was arrogant braggadocio. Now you're saying one child in no more important than another.

    So are you then conceding that a child is more important than a pig, a crow, or a tomato plant?
    Last edited: May 14, 2009
  21. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    How could a child not be? I feed those things to my kids. (don't tell them about the crow. I call it chicken

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  22. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    Exactly, yet Mike said:
  23. Enmos Valued Senior Member

    Humans are not more important than tomato plants. It's just that humans feel that they are more important. Just like tomato plants would if they could. We are (of course) biased.

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