Why/How do people develop allergies?

Nothing besides moderate exercise, which we've always done.
It would be interesting to study this.

I have learned not to trust people simply because they are official authority figures.
You've merely swapped one set of "authority figures" for another. And your new set has less rigour in its claims.

In fact, I've learned that people in power tend to lie and cheat just like the rest of use, the only difference being that they have better commercials.
So why do you believe Gerson? Or anyone else for that matter?

If you want evidence, I suggest you start with Weston A. Prices's research.
Link please.
You did say "I could send you mountains of evidence, studies, research, and testimony to back up any claim I've made here".
The reason I started this new diet is because my identical twin brother started it first, and he got excellent results. He didn't have allergies anymore, he didn't get sick much anymore(never for more than a day or 2 and very rarely), he got thinner(despite eating all of the stuff that mainstream health says makes you fat), got noticeably better skin, and he has more energy. Basically- the definition of good health.
But this is not a controlled experiment, so it's not science. No one is monitoring this rigorously. When people go on diets it's because they're in a mood to change their life. They usually make several other changes at the same time, not things you or anyone close to him would notice because you're not looking for them. Without a neutral observer you have no way of knowing whether his health improved because of the diet or because of something else he did that neither of you even realizes. I have spent three decades with a wife who has been on more diets than I can count, so I know whereof I speak.

This is what distinguishes science from just "fooling around and hoping it works."
First of all, mainstream cancer treatment options kill millions of people every year.
Cancer is (in the majority of cases) a fatal disease. The reason they call people who have lived for five years "survivors" is that they're not especially optimistic that they'll last another five years. So signing up for a risky treatment is just a gamble, a matter of personal choice: Sure, the treatment might kill me, but if it doesn't, I might live longer than I will otherwise.

But the risk must come with a potential benefit, or else it's stupid to take it. The treatment in question must have some evidence of potentially fighting the cancer--scientific evidence, not the kind of majestic arm-waving evidence you're talking about with your brother's diet.
There's a multi-billion dollar conglomerate of industries trying to discredit the man.
This isn't the Soviet Union. Big Business may have a lot of power, but there are always voices speaking out freely in opposition. Which respected scientists have lined up on his side?
Besides, if anybody has died while in his treatment, don't you think there was an underlying cause for it- not the treatment itself.
What a strange question to ask on a science board! We're not supposed to jump to conclusions, we're supposed to examine the evidence.

Be a proper scientist and start with Occam's Razor, one of the cornerstones of the scientific method: Test the simplest solutions first. The simplest solution to this question is that the treatment did indeed kill the patient. This does not mean that it is the correct answer, it just means that it's the quickest and easiest to test. If it's the wrong answer you'll know quickly, and then you can spend more time testing the complicated answer. But if you start with the complicated answer first, it could take years to discover that it's wrong, and you've wasted all that time.
3)Avoid most oils. Especially do not cook with most oils because many oils quickly become unhealthy. I only cook with organic cold-pressed coconut oil. Make coconut oil a part of your life- it's very healthy. It can also withstand being cooked at higher temperatures.

Coconut oil is TERRIBLE for you. It's one of the worst oils there are. It's almost all saturated fat with almost no mono/poly unsaturated fats. Ideally, you would never use coconut oil in cooking.
Evidence being the state of health in America and other "developed" countries, and the dramatic change in the state of my health due to adopting my new diet.

Statistically speaking, "developed" countries including the USA have way higher life expectancies than underdeveloped countries. Get a clue, you pseudoscientific dip. You should quit spamming your links to scam sites too. Your posts resemble infomercials.
I'm wheat intolerant, but I certainly didn't have an overly sanitized upbringing. I'm very well acquainted with muck :)
You've merely swapped one set of "authority figures" for another. And your new set has less rigour in its claims.

I trust unbiased biochemists and research first, you trust invested politicians and press releases first.

So why do you believe Gerson? Or anyone else for that matter?

I trust that the human body has great potential to heal itself(and prevent disease) when given proper nutrition, and when unburdened from toxicity. That's all that Gerson's methods do. It clears the body of debilitating toxins, and nourishes the body with nutrition, so that the body can then be fully functional to fight off the cancer. For example- If a piece of broccoli requires, lets say calcium, in order to fulfill the request of it's DNA but there's no calcium in the soil, this broccoli plant might still grow but it will not be fully functional. It's calcium deficiency might affect it's ability to withstand too much sun or something. The same is true with the human body- it requires certain things in order to function properly. That is the goal of my diet- to supply my body with those things, and to keep out the things which hinder my body's functions.

I'm constantly changing and refining my diet as I gather new info. If you have any suggestions I'd appreciate it.

Coconut oil is TERRIBLE for you. It's one of the worst oils there are. It's almost all saturated fat with almost no mono/poly unsaturated fats. Ideally, you would never use coconut oil in cooking.

That's weird. I wonder how it is that mankind has been able to withstand the harmful effects of saturated fat all these millions of years.

Here's a link I'm sure you'll read:

Statistically speaking, "developed" countries including the USA have way higher life expectancies than underdeveloped countries. Get a clue, you pseudoscientific dip. You should quit spamming your links to scam sites too. Your posts resemble infomercials.

Lets take it down a notch because I didn't come here to battle. I realize that we have a higher life expectancy than underdeveloped countries. I don't understand what that has to do with my diet though.
What site do you think is a scam?
I trust unbiased biochemists and research first, you trust invested politicians and press releases first.
Hmm, slight error there.
"Unbiased" chemists and research?
Give me an example of "invested politicians and press releases" that I trust please.

I trust that the human body has great potential to heal itself(and prevent disease) when given proper nutrition, and when unburdened from toxicity. That's all that Gerson's methods do.
Apart from killing people with his treatment, you mean?

I'll repeat this, since you appear to have ignored it:
You said:
If you want evidence, I suggest you start with Weston A. Prices's research.
Me said:
Link please.
You did say "I could send you mountains of evidence, studies, research, and testimony to back up any claim I've made here".
Or are you now backing down from your claim?
Hmm, slight error there.
"Unbiased" chemists and research?
Give me an example of "invested politicians and press releases" that I trust please.

I was making a general statement about your apparent blind trust in official authority figures. I didn't necessarily mean it literally.

I would be glad to give you a link. Is there something specific you had in mind about my diet?
I was making a general statement about your apparent blind trust in official authority figures. I didn't necessarily mean it literally.
So you were guessing? And getting it wrong.

I would be glad to give you a link. Is there something specific you had in mind about my diet?
Which bit of YOUR OWN POST did you miss?
Originally Posted by You
If you want evidence, I suggest you start with Weston A. Prices's research.
So you want me to give you information about Dr. Prices research?
That would seem to be implied in my wording "link please".

Do you want his bio?
No, I want his research.

Have you heard of Google?
I have, but I assumed that when you wrote
BTW, I could send you mountains of evidence, studies, research, and testimony to back up any claim I've made here.
you were being honest.

Ah, I see. You weren't being honest.
His book, and his site do NOT show the research (either procedures or methods), merely his conclusions.
Do wish to retract your claim?
Have you actually read his research or merely the conclusions he came to based on research that he will not let accredited institutions have access to?
You're right. Upon closer inspection, everything can be proven insufficient of evidence and proof. Weston Price could have made it all up. Maybe the fact that my allergies went away is all coincidence too. And the fact that I haven't gotten sick this year for the first time, and the fact that I don't get headaches anymore, and the fact that I no longer get acid reflux or indigestion or diarrhea(what used to be a common occurrence for me), or the fact that my bowel movements are regular and complete and a thing to behold, or that fact that I no longer get sunburned, or the fact that my skin has improved and I no longer get heat rashes on my back or elsewhere while working and sweating all day, or the fact that I no longer get those little random ingrown hair bumps on my forearms, or the fact that I have so much more energy now than I used to...

Maybe we're all lying to you, to get you to invest in coconut oil and organic farming....maybe it's all just a conspiracy.

But you have to draw the line somewhere. You keep waiting for the perfect evidence. I'll keep being healthy.
I said I "could" not that I would. I honestly didn't think you would hold me to it.
And you don't think that's at least a little dishonest? What's the point in saying you "could" if you have no intention of actually doing so? That's as useful as me claiming I could jump from here to the Moon, but I don't feel like doing it whenever anyone asks me to prove it. Would you believe me?
You're trolling.
Edit: editing your post, however quickly, didn't stop my quote showing your admission of dishonesty.

But you're right. Upon closer inspection, everything can be proven insufficient of evidence and proof.

Weston Price could have made it all up.
The fact that he will not publish his research or let others check his figures tends to lend some weight to that, doesn't it?

But you have to draw the line somewhere. You keep waiting for the perfect evidence.
And again you mistake my intent. I'm not after perfect evidence, merely reliable evidence.
That's weird. I wonder how it is that mankind has been able to withstand the harmful effects of saturated fat all these millions of years.
Excessive sat. fat intake has the same effects on people that it always has had. Recently, longer lifespans and increased inactivity exacerbated some of the results. Duh.

You're right. Upon closer inspection, everything can be proven insufficient of evidence and proof. Weston Price could have made it all up. Maybe the fact that my allergies went away is all coincidence too. And the fact that I haven't gotten sick this year for the first time, and the fact that I don't get headaches anymore, and the fact that I no longer get acid reflux or indigestion or diarrhea(what used to be a common occurrence for me), or the fact that my bowel movements are regular and complete and a thing to behold, or that fact that I no longer get sunburned, or the fact that my skin has improved and I no longer get heat rashes on my back or elsewhere while working and sweating all day, or the fact that I no longer get those little random ingrown hair bumps on my forearms, or the fact that I have so much more energy now than I used to...

I have never had allergies, haven't ran a fever in years, almost never get headaches, never have GERD, diarrhea, indigestion, irregular BMs, rashes, sunburn, or ingrown hair bumps, I weigh just 160 lbs at 6'0", and I don't subscribe to any of that idiotic nonsense you have posted. However, I am a nurse, so I know pretty well what is necessary to keep healthy. Perhaps you would benefit from some re-education.

matthew809 said:
Ok I give in. You're right. I don't have the evidence. I'll stop trolling here.

See ya fatboy.
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