If anything you owe me an apology for your condescending insults and belittlement that you always seem to resort to at the end of a forum just to put other people down.
If I insulted you only to put you down, then I'd owe you an apology.
If I insulted you for no reason, then I'd owe you an apology.
However, I insult you for good reason. Because you behave poorly and unethically.
You've still not apologized for being a dishonest little shit in this post:
I'm waiting.
Do you find enjoyment in this?
As a matter of fact, I do derive some enjoyment from insulting vile little worms such as yourself.
If you didn't behave as you did, then I wouldn't derive any satisfaction from pointing out your malbehavior and I would then no longer insult you.
Emotions are a goad, you know.
It serves no useful purpose, stifles learning, and demotivates those of us who are trying to pursue scientific facts and truth.
It does serve a purpose. It is a social cue for you to change your behavior to an appropriate one.
You are simply socially stunted. You never learn.
One can always hope though.
As to scientific fact and truth... there you go again.
You never learn.
Further, I never read your's or anyone elses lengthy, taken-out-of-context, dissected cut-and-post replies where you then just go on to do nothing usefull and just continue to further cut the person down line-by-line.
That just shows your learning deficit.
This is the best way to respond to a post, Valich.
In this way, we respond to specific points.
In this way the person we respond to knows exactly which point we are responding to with each point of our response.
It's called communication.
I'm sorry that you are unable to grasp it.
Of course, the reason you dislike it so much is because you often find yourself on the end of an insult and thus have misinterpreted this style of communication with insulting behavior.
This is your problem however. Perhaps someday you will learn better.
I doubt it though.
So what's the purpose in wasting your's and everybody else time by doing this?
You're not the only reader, Valich.
Just because you have poor reading skills doesn't mean that others share them.
I have laid out all the views that I could find. Some of these are even contrary to my own, which you of course you are then so eager to jump on just to insult me further.
I didn't insult you when I responded about how you posted views different than your own. I merely made the point that they are us unauthoritative as any other.
There's this little thing called intelligent discussion, Valich.
You put forward a theory then you back it up with logic.
You are incapable of this.
If you look over the first 5 or 6 pages of this forum, I think that - against all forms of criticism and some very bazaar ridiculous postings - I have authoritatively - Yes! I work in the field and consult with some highly prestigious world reknowned experts in this field, so I say "authoritatively" - established the fact that this is a:
Shared derived or shared primitive allelomimetic pack behavior (primitive means that it was present in a common ancestor: allelomimetic means that it was originally learned from watching another do it). Those that acquired this allelomimetic pack behavior were more likely to survive, breed and reproduce, hence evolution of an ancestral trait - the continuation of the trait - through a beneficial adaptation or Darwinian natural selection.
You have authoritatively stated something that was never in any doubt.
Duh. Instincts are inherited from ancestors. Duh.
Roman's view on the middle of page six was the first post to add further substance, credence and better direction. He stated: "The caribou is out there, grazing. According to the camo theory, the entire world smells like rot, death, shit and despair. And by rolling in shit or dead animals, a dog can smell like everything else in a caribou's habitat....And the characterstic of all those places? It's not the overwhelming smell of rotting carcasses. It's the smell of shit....So I can see a dog rolling in cow dung to masquerade as a cow. Or at least blend into an environment already reeking of thousands of animals worth of shit....The only case I can see for scent camo is when hunting herd animals, which hang out around a lot of their own crap."
But he discredits the notion that Canidae (wolves) do the same thing by rolling in carcasses because this gives the smell of death: "Who's left? The one with the smart genes that figured out that the smell of carcass is associated with predators." Further, "rotting meat in the wild is rare." And so is the persistent smell of a carcass rare." I am unaware of a herd of elk or caribou staying away from a pile of bones
A viewpoint which has been stated again and again... but, you don't read people's posts...
As I said.
Your loss.
Do we know for a fact that wolves roll in carcasses? Or just shit?
This forum is now much more productive and fruitful compared to the first 5 1/2 pages because we are now all looking at this behavior as a being a beneficial "pack behavior," possibly to benefit the predator's ability to catch prey.
You fucking idiot.
No one ever doubted this. This was never in question.
Christ you're fucking stupid.
See why I'm insulting you? Because you're being fucking dumb.
Although, the likelihood of this behavior benefiting the ability to capture prey is low. Social concerns are more likely.
1) A behavior to mask the Canidae's own scent from the prey.
2) Wolves do this type of behavior in order to bring information back to the pack. They roll in something so they can tell everybody what they have found. Scent-rolling is a peculiarity of canidae as a means of bringing information about the interesting scents back to conspecifics which may not have accompanied the animal to the oderiferous site. This hypothesis has merits in that it would give others in the pack information worth pursuing about a possible still existent food source, or the potential location of nearby prey.
3) Esthetics: To a wolf, a smell is a fascinating and even beautiful item; the equivalent to us of a beautiful painting or picture. The information it may contain is also important and ownership of that information confers importance upon the bearer. But the problem is that, unlike a material object such as a rotting, dead bird, they can't physically pick up a smell so how can they take it away? Simple! Roll in it. Wolves and dogs are often seen to roll specific areas of themselves in smelly stuff and it is possible that they are accentuating the scent highlights of parts of their bodies as part of their status body language - or, in this case, scent language."
4) As aa way of gaining statis in the pack to increase one's rank order by showing off and flaunting a greater variety of scents than the others. Thus proving to other pack-mates that he's the best at finding the prey?
2 and 3 seem most likely to me.
However, I also think that my argument for creation of a social pack smell has strong reasoning behind it.
1 and 4 are unlikely.
Can someone translate this last quote?
I think it's saying something about how stupid you are.
Thus, to a wolf, smells are a source of information for the predator-prey hunt, a source of important information about its own species, and a source of pleasure and fascination.
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
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